Cheaters never win or do they? Is it ok to take back a cheater?

Today we heard commentary that a cheater will always be a cheater? Is it true or not? Can a cheater change for the better? Can a relationship revive its self after trust is lost? Can you grow trust again?

One of our Fromgirltogirl readers Nikko Lo from Costa Rica had the following opinion on this discussion:

“Women who know what they want won’t usually put up with a cheater for the sole reason of “i don’t need that kind of crap in my life”, but there are those women too that think “well what if i can’t do better what if  this is all i can get?” There is the whole manipulation on the guys behalf but what can you say…..that’s what our society has come to,…

women accepting men cheating because of the indoctrinated lack of self respect shown on these “reality shows” – Nikko Lo
What are your thoughts on the matter? Please this is a community forum!
Check out this book on how to spot a Player…also known as a cheater. We have all been here!

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