OPINION: Should Israeli Settlements expand in the West Bank?

Should Israeli Settlements expand in the West Bank? It’s a controversial question. As a Middle East Studies scholar, Israelis and Palestinians need a state where both parties are equally represented in politic decisions. Moreover, I think the settlements should be integrated such as America has integrated communities, work among other communities and aim to develop and support a culture of tolerance. You do not have to like everybody but respect is fundamental to any type of successful interpersonal relationship. At the end of the day, land disputes are about greed and as someone who comes from a heritage of diaspora, I understand that both groups have gone through challenges as well as defeats, but there comes a time when you cannot simply go off the past. Be present for the future and learn from the past to make way for a better tomorrow. This is that moment for Israelis and Palestinians to come together to set up healthier relationships between each other. At the end of the day, you cannot take the land with you after death but you can work together now so generations following can truly reap the benefits of the land together. Below are great videos from Vox.com. One explains the history of Israeli settlements ( Israeli settlements explained in 8 minutes) and the second gives first hand encounters from those known as Israeli settlers.

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