Tossed Kale and Watermelon Recipe


Who said eating healthy couldn’t be delicious? For dinner I wanted to keep it healthy without sacrificing taste.

Tonight I made sautéed kale with watermelon and almonds. For the kale you heat up your favorite oil in your pan. I used sesame oil tonight. When the pan is hot ( make sure the heat is on medium), toss in your kale. Traditionally you add salt, black pepper and garlic. I chopped up some red onions, added crushed peppers, black pepper, a dash of salt, and diced garlic . It only takes 6 minutes to cook. You can eat that as is or add meat. I added chicken.

For topping I sprinkled feta cheese and put a scoop of sour cream on the side.

I drizzled honey over the almonds and watermelon. Very refreshing.


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