What are job recruiters looking for?

What are job recruiters look for? How can a recent college grad stand out? Well, here are some answers for you from real job recruiters like Eddy Nicolas :

  1. Are resumes moving on to 2 pages? The answer is no. Keep it short and to the point is best. Quantitative data never fails. Recruiters are looking for how you can make their company more successful/profitable. Also, fitting into the work culture matters. It’s like dating, you can’t give too much or too little. Only when you are doing a CV ( completely different from a resume or cover letter) should your resume go beyond 1 page. CVs are mainly requested for academia. When Mary Millerworked at a dean’s office, she got to see professors applying for positions– some of them had CVs that were almost 20 pages, listing all of their publications etc. I think they still trimmed everything down for the first resume, though, just like “selected publications”. I agree with making two different ones, so you can provide a full look at yourself when you get to the interview!  I usually bring a portfolio and I have a virtual portfolio I keep on my website / up date anytime I meet a professional goal.
  2.  If you are applying to an entry-level position and the resume goes beyond 2 pages, will your resume be thrown out?  Sedale McCall says it depends. If you’re applying to an entry/junior level finance job, anything more than 1 page gets thrown out. But if you’re in academia, or more literary fields, they have 10-15 page CVs all the time.

    Main thing is simple: Put the most important things on your resume and make yourself the best candidate for the job. If you have 2 pages worth of high-quality accomplishments/qualifications, go for it. You can go over a page as long as you have a legit reason to. 

    McCall worked at UCS for awhile doing this and  still helps people out from time to time.
  3.  Does networking matter? The answer is yes.  Befriending recruiters, I was able to improve my resume and even snagged a couple of job interviews.  When recruiters like you, they send leads & ask for leads when searching for talent.
  4. How is a CV different from a Resume?  A CV is different from a resume and only for use in academia for the sole reason of expanding on all accomplishments. A CV however differs from a cover letter for non academia. Your cover letter and resume should both be short, especially when you have less than 5 years experience. Once you have surpassed approx. 1- years experience it’s ok to go over a page. Cover letters in most industries are commonly associated with the resume. Internationally the CV is more universally adopted than the resume and  not limited in length.
  5.  Are there any tips for recent college grads related to the job interview process?  Yes.
  •  Know the company you’re interviewing for better than the interviewer .
  • Know the market that company operates in, if you bring knowledge useful for the advancement of the company in its market, this is an asset.
  • Companies want people who can do things for them, segway. Always talk about what you can give, not what the company provides its employees.
  • Appearance and basic etiquette is still everything. Dress to kill on the job interview.
  • Be prepared with examples of how you have done key bullet points in a description. Most job interviews  have evolved to behavioral questions. Demonstrate how you’ve done something similar in school.
  • Stand out – hand written thank you notes still blow people completely away.

Remember: Use key words not full descriptions of your work history. Nowadays companies just look for resumes with certain key words related to the job position. The whole resume never gets read, trust me.

Here at Fromgirltogirl.com we offer internet resume writing services for $85 for the resume and cover letter! Awesome deal as most run about $150 just for the resume and an extra $30 for the cover letter.  Let us help you create an awesome cover letter and resume today. Contact me at brianabooker@fromgirltogirl.com for more information or call at 443.474.3524.

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Self empowerment: Don’t sell your ass

By Briana Booker

If I could give any young woman advice, it would be this:


You never have to cheapen yourself to gain true happiness in life. Don’t ever let anyone or anything make you think differently.

Your most powerful tool in life is your mind. With a positive mindset, you will have positive experiences in life and meet positive people. Sell your mind, not your ass and you’ll go far. Share this advice with other women in your life. It’s time that we take a stand and empower each other.

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Chess: It’s life.

“In chess, as a purely intellectual game, where randomness is excluded- for someone to play against herself/ himself is absurd. ” – Stefan Zewig


The fact that I can’t play against myself is what I love so much about chess. It’s about making the right decisions at the right time to further my success, my life.

I only live once here on Earth. At age 25, I want every moment to count. I want to touch lives in a positive way. I want to experience life to the fullest. I want to love. I want to appreciate. It’s the little things in life that matter now.

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Keys To Success: Lessons From Javone Jones

If you’re not on Fromgirltogirl’s instagram, you’re missing out.  One of my good friends, Javone Jones ( representing New Jersey) gives sound advice everyday, especially on business and relationships.

Recently we had a natural instagram discussion on the keys to success.

The discussion originally came from an instagram post where I discussed Chris Brown getting back with his ex Karrueche. Karrueche got Chris Brown back not because she was desperate to get him back but based on him being drawn to her positive attitude. She let go and lived her life.Sometimes you have to do that so a man can grow no matter how much you love him or want him to be there when you want. If it is meant to be, it will be.

Javone chimed in that he hopes I am getting my life together because I’m too old not to not follow through. He is right. It’s about time I get my life together and use the keys to success to get it in order. I told him he just won’t give me a break.

 Javone told me he was happy for me because my career choices seem like on track for greatness. I believe it. Focused.

I told him I am trying as that little engine that could. He told me do say could…do.

He told me:

I feel I need to get on your level, you got yourself established while I’m still in the works. The only thing I got going for myself is the fact that I have confidence and a security in myself to do what I do. Even though I don’t have the knowledge of an elite person, I have better know than the average person in my craft.

I immediately informed him that I’m not established but I’m starting to see results. I pray to God for guidance. I told Javone his confidence and security will go a long way! Believe me, it’s the best asset a person can have in life.

Knowledge can help but street smarts and common sense are far more valuable. I told him he has all 3 ( book smarts, street smarts and common sense).

He informed me:

    That is true but do u know how much dumb shit I’ve done to get to where I’m at? Cost me at times to be a little gun shy. I pray to God that I’m doing right because I can very well fall flat on my face but I have fallen on my face so many times that I’m not scared of it anymore. From what I learn that is a key to success because I’m not timid, I’m making “sure” moves. I set results but nothing concrete. I’m just all in at this point because there is no “if’s”, it only “yes’s” because I truly wholeheartedly believe I’m destined for success and that’s why I’m as confident as I am.

    I told Javone: I’m taking that advice. You give good advice. I pray great things happen soon for you.

    dr_lovejones said”Thank you and I pray for the same for you.”

    Javone is always looking for talent in the music industry. If you’re looking for beats hit me up at jvbeatzz@gmail.com . His website letsnetwork.info is coming soon! Follow him on Twitter for advice and to keep up on his start at @Dr_LoveJones.

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    Atlanta Georgia Broadcast Internship For Anh Vu Nothing But The Truth

    Are you searching for an internship in Atlanta Georgia? If yes,  Anh Vu “Nothing But The Truth” online TV and radio show is looking for interns passionate about pursuing a broadcast career.

    Qualified candidates must be social media savvy and willing to work hard at SimcolFM .  Serious inquiries only, send your Resume´ & Bio to Anh Vu at anh@simcolfm.com. If you’re not serious, don’t waste her time.

    Like SimcolFM and Anh Vu ” Nothin’ but the Truth for more information.

    To learn about more great internship opportunities, visit Fromgirltogirl.com and Like ourFacebook Page.

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    The Power of Prayer

    Anything you want, write it down in a wish book. Look at it every day you come home to rest your head. Pray about it everyday. I started one this year to help me release negativity from my life.

    Whatever a man thinks comes to him… even negativity. I’m listening to my prayer book. I want happiness. God always provides second chances. What God puts together man can’t destroy.


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    2013 Living With A Purpose

    As 2012 comes to a close, I’ve made a commitment to live with a purpose. My professional life is going to have a purpose. I think I want to take a professional path in public relations. I don’t know where it will lead me but I’m ready to give it my all. I think it’s my passion. That & journalism. Is it a such thing as journalism for human rights? I’m not sure but that’s my aim or at least a passion I’d like to pursue in 2013.

    What else is on my mind?

    I want to be a more supportive romantic partner. I’ve always been a person focused on professional goals but this year I want more balance. I want a life worthy of living. I want to spend more time with my loved ones – family, my better half and my wonderful and loyal friends. I’ll make the time. A job is just a job but these interpersonal relationships are my life. They make living worth the adventure. Last but certainly not least, I’m going to put my trust in God and devote my life to whatever purpose God may have for me. How will I know? I’ll feel that gut feeling.

    Tomorrow, the last day of 2012, I’m taking the time to create my book of blessings. I’ve been told to ask of God what I need/want and God will provide the best for me. This is me asking. I’m ready to give 2013 all I’ve got. My game face is on. I’m ready. I claim it.

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    How Black Owed Businesses Can Make Baltimore Thrive

    In no shape or form do I want to be a radical of society. However, what I am about to say comes from the heart & I mean every word. A poverty ridden city like Baltimore could reduce crime & get homeless people off the street by establishing thriving black owed businesses. How is that possible? Well for one it will strengthen the identity of the black man and black woman. Blacks shouldn’t feel like half people because we are not half people. We have souls. We have intelligence. We have great ideas. If black owed businesses can grow from the grassroots, Baltimore can slowly but surely eradicate poverty in Baltimore. Black owed businesses could create paid work opportunities for blacks with criminal records, for homeless people & teach black students that they can someday run their own businesses. These businesses can be successful. These business can revive the unity of black families by working together to make black businesses succeed far beyond our imagination. We can even go further and create that networking bridge with Africa to connect black businesses here with black businesses in Africa and other emerging enterprises in developing countries. It’s not about one party benefiting. It’s about making all communities involved gain benefits. The black community needs to invest in emerging markets such as those in Africa, as this is vital. These are just thoughts but someday they will be actions . It starts with us. It starts now.

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    We Can Have It All

    I believe women, & this includes Black women, can have it all. ” You can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan & never let your mister forget he’s a man.” it’s not easy but it’s possible when we stop settling for less , learn to appreciate ourselves & discover what we want out of life. www.fromgirltogirl.com

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