40 million Americans expect to miss a credit card payment in 2019

get out of credit card debt tips and tricks
Do you know 40 million Americans (16 percent of adults) feel they will miss at least one credit card due date in 2019, according to a new WalletHub credit cards survey?  Consumers are feeling the strain of mounting debt and it does not seem to be getting any better. The average American household already owes a near-record $8,200 to credit card companies, a balance made even more expensive by recent Federal Reserve rate hikes.

Moreover, the January 2019 government shutdown drew attention to the delicacy of many American’s finances. Here are some key findings from WalletHub’s credit cards survey, which examined people’s experiences with late payments and their attitudes regarding the likelihood of future encounters:

  • Credit card issuers can be forgiving if you ask nicely. 9 in 10 people who have tried to get a credit card late fee waived were successful. Women are 17 percent more likely to have tried than men and are also 2 percent more likely to have been successful.
  • Payment priorities change with age. People aged 18 to 44 are most worried about missing credit card payments. The 45-59 demographic are most concerned about their mortgages, while those over 59 put tax payments as their biggest worry.
  • Men and women react differently to fees. When asked about their attitudes toward getting a late fee, women are more likely than men to feel “irresponsible,” “ashamed” or “punished.” Men are more likely than women to feel “angry” or “indifferent.”
  • Luxury can lead to lapses. People with high income are twice as likely to miss a payment due to forgetfulness as people with low income.
  • Retirees are not concerned. Retirees are five times less likely than people with full-time jobs to think they will miss a credit card payment in 2019.

Read the full report  for more information.

Expert Commentary on Consumer Finances 

“A surprising number of people have stable jobs but fluctuating incomes,” said Laura Wolff, an instructor of economics at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. “How many hours or tips or commissions they get a pay period vary, which makes it a struggle sometimes to pay bills. Shocks on the spending side are also hard to manage, and this is going to be especially difficult for lower or moderate income earners to manage than high income earners.”

Even though missing a credit card due date isn’t always the fault of the customer, it still can have a number of unpleasant consequences. Those include expensive late fees, high penalty APRs and eventual credit score damage. But customers who act quickly to fix the situation, especially on their first offense, may be able to avoid the worst of it.

“If people must miss a payment, it is a good practice to notify the lender,” said James Butkiewicz, professor and chair of the Department of Economics at the University of Delaware. “Lenders want to be repaid, and might be willing to make accommodations, or delay any action if borrowers explain their situation and make a good-faith effort to make their account current again.”

Lenders certainly can be flexible, at least when it comes to late fees. However, certain demographics succeeded more often than others. For example, people over age 59 succeeded 24 percent more often than people aged 18-29.

“I have always found credit-card lenders willing to waive fees, especially if you regularly use the card,” said James Butkiewicz. “The primary revenue source for credit card lenders is interest on balances. Fees and merchant charges are a much smaller percentage of total revenue.”

Though credit card payments are important, they are just one of many bills Americans must keep up with each month. People also balance mortgages, taxes, electricity, auto loans and even luxuries like cable.

WalletHub’s survey also found that 2.7 times more people worry most about missing a credit card payment rather than an electricity payment this winter. “Missing a credit card payment has greater consequences,” said Lola Neudecker, a professor emeritus of accounting at the University of New Mexico. “I now work for an electric utility company. The last thing we want to do is cut off a customer’s electric service. We have many programs in place … and we do not report delinquent accounts to consumer credit scoring agencies.”

Although many consumers are conscious that missed credit card payments can be more damaging than missed utility payments, people aren’t always picking and choosing when they miss payments. Sometimes, a missed payment happens purely because of absent-mindedness, and WalletHub’s survey found that is most common among the wealthy. People who earn at least $100,000 per year are twice as likely to miss a payment due to forgetfulness than people who make less than $25,000 per year, survey results show.

“People who have money are less likely to worry about money,” said Katherine L. Jackson, a professor of finance at Truman State University. “Also, most people who make $100,000 or more are older and thus tend to be more forgetful.”

The age correlation does show up in WalletHub’s data. People over age 59 are more likely than any other age group to miss a credit card payment because they forgot. They’re also the least likely age group to miss a credit card payment due to not having enough money.

It’s best not to miss a credit card payment. But people who do should speak with their issuer as soon as possible. Getting some leniency is easier than many people might think.

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2018’s Top 4 percent of cities with the most credit card debt

recovering credit card debt

It is the holiday season and almost the end of 2018. This is also a time of the year when Americans stack up debt. Washington, D.C. tops the 4% of cities with the most credit card debt.

The personal-finance website WalletHub released its Q3 2018 Credit Card Debt Study, which found that consumers racked up $16 billion in credit card debt from June through September, sending outstanding debt to an all-time record level in the third quarter of a year. As a result, another Federal Reserve rate hike – which has a 70% chance of happening on Dec. 19 – would now cost credit card users an extra $1.56 Billion in interest.

The debt picture is worrisome nationwide, but some areas have bigger payment problems than others according to WalletHub’s report on the Cities with the Most & Least Credit Card Debt entering 2019. WalletHub’s researchers drew upon data from TransUnion, the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Census Bureau and WalletHub’s proprietary credit card payoff calculator to determine the cost and time required to repay the median credit card balance in more than 2,500 U.S. cities.

Below, you can find a handful of highlights from these reports.

Credit Card Debt in Washington (99th Percentile = Least Sustainable)

  • 85th Percentile – Median Credit-Card Balance ($3,242)
  • 8th Percentile – Median Income ($67,321)
  • 92nd Percentile – Cost of Interest Until Payoff ($353)
  • 96th Percentile – Expected Payoff Timeframe (17 months and 5 days)

At a national level…

  • WalletHub projects that we will end 2018 with $70 billion more in credit card debt than we started with.
  • We began the year owing more than $1 trillion in credit card debt for the first time ever.
  • The best balance transfer credit cards currently offer 0% APRs for the first 15-21 months with no annual fee and balance transfer fees as low as zero. Such deals likely will not be around for too much longer.

To see where your city ranks and get more details, view the full report.

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Medical marijuana laws will make weed legal in the United States: Here’s How

medical marijuana for pharma and recreational use

One World Pharma (OWP) is the first international company to engage with the Cannabis (CBD) community rather than exploit them. Most industry competitors hire locals to work company purchased land. While OWP collaborates with locals and sponsors them for licenses to work their own land. Moreover, competitors do not have the cannabis strains OWP develops in-house for CBD and THC.

Fromgirltogirl likes that OWP plants the seeds through an ideal farming climate in Colombia for cultivation and provides a worldwide export in the form of oil or powder for pharma to use. In other words, OWP has strong partnerships in science, research and development, cultivation, and also fully licensed for cultivation to offer unmatched quality in pharmaceutical grade cannabis extracts.

Companies like OWP can help countries like the United States meet the demand for a reliable supply of high quality, legal pharmaceutical grade CBD. This is one of the reasons the U.S. government and the cannabis industry as a whole should support importing pharmaceutical grade cannabis for use in America.

The Benefits of Pharmaceutical Grade Imported Cannabis for America

For pharmaceutical grade CBD to become universally acceptable in the United States, it needs to meet standards of legality, manufacturing quality and consistency. For example, clinical trials in America need quality pharmaceutical grade products to support pre-clinical work for vitro, animal studies, as well as pharmacokinetic testing and safety. By using pharmaceutical grade products, those in the cannabis industry will meet the documentable standards as related to purity, composition, and consistency. Not only does quality cannabis ensure validity for experimental results but also helps enhance the health, welfare, and safety of both animal and human trial participants.

A lack of reliable, legal, high-quality pharmaceutical grade CBD is the current shortfall of America’s cannabis industry products, especially for clinical trials. Check out JustCBDStore.com or JustCBDStore.com/UK for your CBD fix.

Companies like OWP can benefit America’s developing cannabis industry by offering valid scientific justification and cost savings. It is in the best interests of the United States to import cannabis products for this reason.

Regardless of how the government of the United States addresses the green boom of cannabis industry, the demand for legal marijuana in America will continue to grow. Here is what a cannabis tester has to say about the cannabis revolution. As the masses normalize the use of recreational marijuana and  pharmaceutical grade or medical marijuana for health treatment for various diseases and illnesses, the United States is more likely to pass better marijuana policies.

You may also be interested in reading this overview of current marijuana policies as we are days away from the 2019 new year or a further look into why Congress has not passed a bill to fully legalize marijuana. There are about 10 senators who support the States Act to legalizing marijuana under the Trump administration. If it cannot be legalized during Trump’s presidency, Fromgirltogirl feels confident the chances are high to pass a bill to legalize marijuana when Americans get familiar with contenders seeking the Presidency in 2020.

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How to grow your business using automated data reporting

Finding ways to help a business grow is a top priority for most companies. It doesn’t matter if you manage a small business, mid-size company, or corporate, there will come times when the business will need further business development. One way to keep a business grow year by year is to use automated multi-source reports or automated data reporting.

Benefits of automated multi-source reports

To grow your business, you need to be informed about what is working and not working with your business operations and sales conversions. If you attempt to inform your organization by manually extracting data to create reports, you will find yourself wasting both time and money. Instead, automate report generation to end the need to merge data from multiple sources and crunch numbers to make standard reports.

Here are a few reasons to take advantage of automated multi-source reports

  1. Organized reports. Report automation gives you the opportunity to generate reports anytime you need to give updated reports. Not only will need fewer resources to create reports but you will cut the need to hire new analysts.
  2. Generate more reports in less time. With automated reporting, you will have more time on your hands to focus on pioneering projects and not wasting valuable time performing repetitive tasks. In short, your company will become more productive and efficient with its day-to-day operations. You will also have the ability to generate detailed, new reports quickly.
  3. Be more accurate. Anyone who has manually created a report, knows it is common to see typos as well as cut and paste errors. It is a hassle to make updates to old reports to make them more professional. By automating your reports, you cut out manual errors such as broken formulas / macros and missing values or references. Learn about report automation.

Stop wasting time and resources. Today’s technology is available to make it easy for you to deliver valuable metrics in a format you need. Report automation will make sure you have all the multiple data sources and the relevant data aspects in a comprehensive report. Learn about the key benefits of report automation, such as freeing up time, getting immediate access to report data, and focus on analyzing the data instead of pulling the data.

Recommended Saas for automated reports

Whatagraph is a Saas which simplifies Google Analytics, AdWords, LinkedIn, Facebook, Facebook Ads, Twitter, and Instagram data for businesses to create visual infographic reports. Why doe that matter?

Visual automated reports business leadership and marketing teams save time and money by presenting data analytics in a way business teams and clients can easily understand what is working and what can be done better.

By using Whatagraph you can:

  • Track and understand your data better by using visual reports that show the ins and outs of your website, e-commerce site, and even your digital campaigns performance.
  • Set up automated report delivery to make sure anyone who needs the latest data is up-to-date
  • Create custom reports to show your most valuable metrics while still presenting a well branded report. Yes, you can add your own logo and change the color scheme for brand consistency
  • Generate automated reports within seconds and easily download to PDF

Learn more about Whatagraph and join now to simplify your process of sharing data analytics with your departments and clients. These infographic reports are more engaging and helpful than manually reports. See for yourself and let us know how it benefits your business.

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How to benefit from Nationwide Debt Reduction Services

picture of united states currency

Are you feeling frustrated about your financial situation? Are you overwhelmed by your debt? Don’t worry. There are ways to take back control of your financial situation by learning how to get rid of your debt by enrolling in a debt negotiation program.

What is a debt negotiation program?

A Debt negotiation program is a debut reduction program to help you settle your debt and do it for less than you owe. This type of debt relief program is valuable to people who owe unsecured debt like credit cards, personal loans, and medical bills. If you are experiencing financial hardship such as the loss of your job, reduction in income, or even medical debt, a debt negotiation program could do you good now or in the future. The goal of the program is to help you become debt free as soon as possible. Learn more about how debt negotiation works.

Keep in mind, once you are enrolled in a debt negotiation program, you will be advised to not use your credit to find resolutions for your debts and authorize the settlement. After your debt settlement is agreed to, it is important to make payment towards the settlement. You will only pay a fee associated with your personal debt.

The reality: getting out of debt is challenging but you can overcome that challenge by having a professional plan developed and implemented to get out of debt. This may include one low monthly payment or other debt consolidation services. And you can expect a lower interest rate.

Additionally, repaying your debt through the debt negotiation program will not impact your credit score. Note: if you settle for less than your original debt amount, there will likely be a negative reflection on your credit score. The good thing: your debt score or credit score doesn’t say much about your financial well-being nor how well you manage money. So don’t worry about the credit score, worry about becoming debt free. Learn more truths about debt reduction today.

You can check out Nationwide Debt Reduction Services near you to begin a debt relief plan that works for your lifestyle and overall financial goals.

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How to win a high insurance settlement by hiring a personal injury attorney

personal injury attorney Tampa tips on winning a high insurance settlement

Have you experienced a personal injury? If yes, it is important to hire a personal injury attorney. Before you ask whether it is worth hiring a lawyer for a personal injury you feel you’ll win, learn about the advantages of hiring an experienced attorney. Here are the top reasons you should hire a personal injury attorney:

A personal injury attorney will know how much your claim is worth.

The average person lacks the knowledge about how much money his or her personal injury claim is worth. Even with tools like a personal injury calculator, you cannot get an accurate estimate of the final settlement value. Why? The calculator tool does cannot comprehend the subtleties of the specific personal injury case. Your injury would need to be analyzed, including the pain and suffering. You will also need to understand how insurance companies work and negotiate accident settlements. By guessing the worth of your claim, it could cost you thousands of dollars. By hiring a personal injury attorney, you will have the opportunity to leverage his or her experiences and tools to make sure you have a high insurance settlement.

Your attorney will understand the ins and outs of the legal process.

It doesn’t matter if you have a good idea what your personal injury might be worth, you won’t be well versed about the legal procedures involved with litigating or mediating your personal injury claim. This will included the type of legal documents you will need to file, how to properly complete those forms, and even the applicable statute of limitations. When you don’t have the knowledge, it is easier for insurance companies win based on a legal technicality.

Hiring a personal injury attorney will improve your odds of winning a high insurance settlement.

It doesn’t matter how well you prepare, the insurance company will have more knowledge and bargaining power than you will have on your own. Remember, you are not the only person making a claim against them. By being unfamiliar with the legal process, the insurance company will use your lack of knowledge to protect their best interests. To protect yourself, it is important to hire an experienced personal injury attorney to guide you through the process and win a high insurance settlement.

The personal injury attorney is here to help you win a high insurance settlement.

Yes, you heard right. Your personal injury attorney is here to protect your best interests because he or she will work on a contingency basis. In other words, the attorney will only get paid if you win your insurance settlement. This is why it is importance to hire an experienced personal injury attorney. Moreover, this will motivate the lawyer to settle your claim quickly and most personal injury attorneys choose cases they think they can win.

Your personal injury attorney can help you take your case to trial.

On average, most personal injury cases do not go to trial because the cases are settled. But if you want to go to trial, there’s a good chance the jury will rule against the insurance companies. If you have a personal injury attorney representing you, it will signal to the insurance companies you are well prepared to go to trial and make them try for a more equitable settlement offer than you would have on your own.

Speak with a personal injury attorney Tampa representative to help you find whether you have a good injury case and can claim a high insurance settlement. This will help you protect your rights and take the right steps for an otherwise costly and complicated experience.

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Top 10 best cities for Hispanic entrepreneurs

Hispanic entrepreneur working on her fitness

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With National Small Business Week approaching and the U.S. census projecting Hispanics to be over 25% of the population by 2050, the personal-finance website WalletHub has released its report on 2018’s Best Cities for Hispanic Entrepreneurs. To help Hispanic entrepreneurs find the best citis to start their enterprises, WalletHub compared more than 180 U.S. cities across 23 key metrics. The data set ranges from Hispanic entrepreneurship rate to Hispanic income growth to share of Hispanic-owned businesses. Here are the top 20 cities in America for Hispanic entrepreneurs:

Top 20 Cities for Hispanic Entrepreneurs


1 Laredo, TX 11 Miami, FL
2 South Burlington, VT 12 Tulsa, OK
3 Charleston, WV 13 Grand Prairie, TX
4 Corpus Christi, TX 14 Sioux Falls, SD
5 Oklahoma City, OK 15 Cheyenne, WY
6 Pembroke Pines, FL 16 Tampa, FL
7 Amarillo, TX 17 Irving, TX
8 San Antonio, TX 18 Fort Worth, TX
9 Bismarck, ND 19 El Paso, TX
10 Casper, WY 20 Austin, TX

Best vs. Worst cities for Hispanic entrepreneurs

  • Hialeah, Fla., has the highest share of Hispanic residents, 96.26 percent, which is 72.9 times higher than in Jackson, Miss., the city with the lowest at 1.32 percent.
  • Fargo, N.D., has one of the lowest Hispanic unemployment rate, 0.90 percent, which is 18.8 times lower than in Rochester, N.Y., the city with the highest at 16.90 percent.
  • Pittsburgh has the highest share of Hispanics with at least a bachelor’s degree, 46.90 percent, which is 10.7 times higher than in Detroit, the city with the lowest at 4.40 percent.
  • Charleston, W.V., has the highest entrepreneurship rate among the Hispanic population, 3.15 percent, which is 28.6 times higher than in Toledo, Ohio, the city with the lowest at 0.11 percent.

View full report and your city’s rank now:

More from WalletHub


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How investing in the member experience pays off: Ashley Madison’s story


In  2017, the President of Ashley Madison, the world’s leading married dating website, led efforts in massive growth for the website while making discretion and user-security top priorities. Now the company has released a new report by Ernst & Young that validates their user numbers, daily sign-ups, male-to-female ratio, and more. In 2017, AshleyMadison.com had more than 15,000 new member accounts daily. For every active paid male account, there were 1.13  active female accounts created in 2017 and the site nearly doubled the number of member accounts joining daily from 10,715 in April to 20,518 per day by October.

Ashley Madison spent the greater part of 2017 focusing the company on its original married dating roots – a space it invented and continues to lead. This report comes as the company is continuing its efforts to create a better Ashley Madison for its members, through platform enhancements and a renewed passion for improving the member experience. Last year alone, this focus on its members and commitment to the married dating space translated to 5,673,024 new accounts on the site.

“At Ashley Madison, our members’ experience is paramount,” said Ruben Buell, President and CTO, ruby Life Inc. (parent company of AshleyMadison.com). “That experience starts with trust; trust that we have built a community of like-minded individuals, trust that you will be able to find and connect with other members in this community, and trust that your experience will remain discreet.”

The company anticipates continuing improvements to the website to make it easier for people to join, find, and connect with one another in more than 50 countries and in 19 languages.

View the full report today.

Ashley Madison numbers at a glance

  • 5,673,024 new accounts were registered on Ashleymadison.com in 2017
  • There was an average of 15,542 new member accounts opened each day in 2017
  • For accounts created in 2017, the ratio of active paid male accounts to active female accounts in 2017 was 1 to 1.13
  • On average there were 472,752 new monthly sign ups in 2017
  • The low and high months for registrations, in 2017, were April (321,460) and October (636,073) respectively


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2018 Tax season research – released by WalletHub

 tax cloud for tax season
With Tax Day looming large and sweeping tax reform passed in recent months, our friends at WalletHub shared with us their 2018 Taxpayer Survey and yearly Tax Rates by State report to help taxpayers better understand taxes during this confusing time of the year.

About the Taxpayer Survey

WalletHub’s Taxpayer Survey features a wide range of fun facts about people’s opinions on tax prep, the IRS and more. The tax rate report also compares the cost of the average person’s various obligations in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The survey found that states with no income tax are not always the cheapest overall, as they tend to have higher sales and property taxes.

Find more highlights from both below, followed by the full list of WalletHub’s 2018 taxpayer resources:

2018 Taxpayer Survey

  • Fewer than 4 in 10 people are happy with President Trump’s tax reforms. 69% of people think the reforms are better for corporations than consumers, and 67% think they benefit the rich more than the middle class.
  • 90% of people think the government does not spend well their tax dollars wisely.
  • 30% of people fear making a math mistake for Tax Day , edging out not having enough money (29%) atop the list.
  • 37% of people would move to a different country for a tax-free future. 24% would get an “IRS” tattoo, 22% would switch political parties, and 15% would take a vow of celibacy.
  • 29% of people like their in-laws more than the IRS, 13% prefer cold showers, and 9% would take a traffic jam.


States with Lowest Tax Rates States with Highest Tax Rates
1 Alaska 42 Michigan
2 Delaware 43 New Jersey
3 Montana 44 Iowa
4 Nevada 45 Ohio
5 Wyoming 46 Wisconsin
6 Tennessee 47 Rhode Island
7 Idaho 48 New York
8 California 49 Nebraska
9 Florida 50 Connecticut
10 South Carolina 51 Illinois

WalletHub’s 2018 Taxpayer Resources

  1. What To Do If You Can’t Pay
  2. Pros & Cons Of Paying With Credit
  3. Tax Scams & Tips for Avoiding Them
  4. Last-Minute Tax Tips
  5. Property Taxes by State


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The best and worst states to raise a family in 2018

best and worst cites to raise a family according to a WalletHub 2018 report. Picture shows a family of four smiling at each other in bed.

Starting a family or have a growing family? The new year is a good time to find how much it will cost to keep your family healthy and happy. In a new report by the personal-finance website WalletHub, 2018’s Best & Worst States to Raise a Family. People are optimistic about growth in hiring and single-family home starts.

Best and worst states to raise a family

To compose the list of best states to put down family roots, WalletHub compared the 50 states across 42 key indicators of family friendliness. In the report, the data set ranges from median family salary to housing affordability to unemployment. See below:

Best States for Families Worst States for Families
1 Massachusetts 41 Nevada
2 Minnesota 42 Georgia
3 New Hampshire 43 Arkansas
4 North Dakota 44 South Carolina
5 Vermont 45 Oklahoma
6 Wisconsin 46 Louisiana
7 New York 47 West Virginia
8 Iowa 48 Alabama
9 Nebraska 49 Mississippi
10 California 50 New Mexico

Highlights from the report

  • Minnesota has the highest median family annual income (adjusted for cost of living), $80,399, which is 1.8 times higher than in Hawaii, where it is lowest at $44,295.
  • Utah has the lowest divorce rate, 16.18 percent, which is 1.6 times lower than in Nevada, where it is highest at 26.57 percent.
  • New Hampshire has the lowest share of families living below the poverty level, 5.3 percent, which is 3.3 times lower than in Mississippi, where it is highest at 17.4 percent.
  • Mississippi has the lowest average annual cost of early childcare (adjusted for median family income), 6.15 percent, which is 2.3 times lower than in the New York, where it is highest at 14.12 percent.
  • New Hampshire has the lowest infant-mortality rate, 4.18 percent, which is 2.2 times lower than in Mississippi, where it is highest at 9.27 percent.
  • Maine has the fewest violent crimes (per 1,000 residents), 1.24, which is 6.5 times fewer than in Alaska, the state with the most at 8.04.

View the full report and your state’s rank now for more information, including:

  • Most affordable housing
  • Lowest childcare costs
  • Most families with young kids
  • Most violent crimes per capita
  • Lowest percent of families in poverty
  • Lowest divorce rate


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