2013 Living With A Purpose

As 2012 comes to a close, I’ve made a commitment to live with a purpose. My professional life is going to have a purpose. I think I want to take a professional path in public relations. I don’t know where it will lead me but I’m ready to give it my all. I think it’s my passion. That & journalism. Is it a such thing as journalism for human rights? I’m not sure but that’s my aim or at least a passion I’d like to pursue in 2013.

What else is on my mind?

I want to be a more supportive romantic partner. I’ve always been a person focused on professional goals but this year I want more balance. I want a life worthy of living. I want to spend more time with my loved ones – family, my better half and my wonderful and loyal friends. I’ll make the time. A job is just a job but these interpersonal relationships are my life. They make living worth the adventure. Last but certainly not least, I’m going to put my trust in God and devote my life to whatever purpose God may have for me. How will I know? I’ll feel that gut feeling.

Tomorrow, the last day of 2012, I’m taking the time to create my book of blessings. I’ve been told to ask of God what I need/want and God will provide the best for me. This is me asking. I’m ready to give 2013 all I’ve got. My game face is on. I’m ready. I claim it.

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