[ New Report ]: 29% of Americans Still Live in their Hometowns

Hometown Hunt [ INFOGRAPHIC ]

70% felt like they had to leave their hometown to live the life they wanted.

37% wanted different living environments

34% followed family / significant other

30% left their hometown for a job

28%  left their hometown for school

19% left their hometown for few opportunities

61% keep in touch with friends from their hometown

48% miss their hometown

21% plan to move back to their home state

14% plan to move back to their hometown

35% who live in their home state moved away at one point

Reasons for Returning:

To be closer to family ( 57%)

Because of a job ( 33%)

Better cost of living (25%)

Missed their community (22%)

A new report study reveals people may dream of traveling far and wide from their hometown but many don’t move to locations that far away.

The median distance Americans live from their hometowns is 30 miles.

People who still live in their home state live less than an hour from their hometown…on average just 47 minutes!

The report study covers how many Americans still live in the town they were raised in and how many are venturing out to pursue school, life and careers.


The nationwide survey found that 29% of Americans still live in the town they grew up in, and 2 in 3 live less than an hour from their hometown. 

2 in 5 plan on staying in their hometown the rest of their lives.

64% live in a house, 24% in an apartment, 5% in a townhome, 4% in a mobile home, and 3% in a condo. 

For those who did leave home, 70% did so to live the life they wanted, but nearly half still miss home.

The main reason people don’t leave their hometown has to do with comfort and emotional attachment. Other causes are the financial inability to leave, jobs, and a fear of the unknown.

Take a look at the full report for insight on how many parents move to follow their kids– and how many Americans are planning on moving back home.

Hometown Haven [ INFOGRAPHIC]

1 in 4 Americans consider themselves to be a townie.

41% see themselves living in their hometown for the rest of their life.

52% are planning to move out of their hometown within the next 5 years.

30 miles the median distance Americans live from their hometowns.

47 minutes the average time people living in their home state are from their hometown.

Top Reasons for Staying in a Hometown

Comfortable, Emotional Attachment, Financial inability to leave, Job Security, and Fear of the unknown.

Who likes living in their hometown:

- Baby Boomers 79%
- Gen X 60%
- Millennials 59%
- Gen Z 38%

Did not expect to be living in their hometown at this stage of life

47% women & 38% men


In August 2023, AllStarHome.com surveyed 1,000 people about their hometowns and current living situations.

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