How To Make a Man Want to Commit: Be Selective

By Briana Booker

Besides having a positive attitude and a life of your own, how do you make your man want to commit to you?

Fromgirltogirl is starting a series on what makes a guy want to commit to you. We will provide you advice on how to get him there without convincing him or playing the mind games.

Tip #1 Show Him You are Selective.

When you show a man you are selective and not every man in the world can have you but the “one”, you draw him closer to you. Men love the thrill of the chase. They love working for something worth having. Sex with a girl that he cares nothing about is like a snack before a holiday feast. It is just for now but he is really anticipating the feast, the big reward.

You can start drawing a man in by saying honestly where you stand on your attitude about relationships. Do not whine about him and what he has not offered yet. You will scare him away by appearing too needy.

Say something around the lines of the following commit reference:

“It is your right to date more than one woman at a time. I understand, but I want you to know I am looking for an exclusive relationship with the right man. I want to find out if we are on the same page before taking our dating further.”

AND NO, IF YOU HAVE BEEN DATING A GUY FOR LESS THAN A MONTH, please do not try the whole, I love you forever and a day. You have to commit to me.

These actions and words are controlling. Honestly, it takes 3 to 4 months on average for people to get out of the lust/ honeymoon stage of dating.

Notice in the statement you made no demands. Because you made no demands, you do not come off needy and unattractive. You are simply letting him know you have standards and you will stick to those standards. He NEEDS to meet those standards before YOU can decide to choose to be with him.

It is that simple. You are presenting him your needs and boundaries. Any man that truly wants you and does not want to lose you will respect that.

Trust me, the right man will ASK YOU for commitment.  And best of all he will think it was his idea the whole time and that he won your affection and passion.

If this does not happen, you know where you stand with him. He just is not that into you but that does not mean that will not change down the line.

But if he does not change( and please do not wait around for change), keep the door to your soul and effort open for someone ready to give you what you need and more. This is one of the stepping stones to forming an amazing and committed relationship.

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Not on Our Campus: Students Combat Racial Discrimination at Elon University

Not on Our Campus!


By Briana Booker

Are you familiar with Elon University?  Whether yes or no, you should get familiar with two incidents involving racial slurs directed at students in the past week!

One incident, Brenna Humphries, a black student at Elon University, was walking on campus when a gray BMW convertible drove by and the driver, suspected to be a white student named JJ Minor, shouted the racial slur “Nigger” at her.  Minor said he was not the one involved in the incident but he does have a gray BMW convertible on campus. Read about the other racial slur incident here.

Watch this video to hear what Brenna Humphries recalls about the racial incident she experienced:

Brenna Humphries is racially discriminated.

Elon University President, Leo Lambert made an address on Tuesday, September 13,2011. President Lambert was pleased to see many Elon students coming together to combat against racism and discrimination on campus. Elon University has stated it encourages students to report incidents which regard discrimination, as well as take a stand against discrimination. Here is President Lambert’s address:

President Lambert addresses the Elon University community.


Since the two incidents, Elon University’s students, faculty and staff are wearing stickers that read “Not on our campus” to demonstrate racism and discrimination will not be tolerated at Elon University. Campus security is investigating the incidents.

Fromgirltogirl will keep you posted on the investigation.

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