Beat the Summer Heat with Mojitos

If you’re looking for an alcohol beverage that won’t dehydrate you but will help cool you down, then you need to serve yourself a few real mojitos! Mojitos are able to help you cool down because the mint leaves in the drink have menthol that helps your body feel cool and the hint of spice helps your body sweat properly flow. Combined menthol and spice can help your body relax while keeping you cool. Mojitos are cold and refreshing drinks you should drink slowly during hot summer days. They are also the most popular summer cocktails. All you will need to make a real mojito drink is white rum, club soda, lime juice and mint leaves. Add 1/3 of a glass of white rum and 2/3 of club soda to a cup. Squeeze in your lime juice and put in a few ice cubes. You’re good to go!



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