America’s favorite Halloween Candy 2022 & the worst sweets for your smile

United States of America ( USA) 2022 Favorite Halloween Candy by State

It is finally Fall and time to think about spooky season, sweet treats, and halloween.

Dentists at Byte wanted to know which Halloween candy Americans enjoy most. Byte Dentists surveyed more than 1,000 Americans about their go-to treat, and analyzed hundreds of Google search terms and phrases to determine the top candy by state.

For 2022, chocolate is not the favorite this year.

  • Nerds were the most searched for Halloween candy
  • 34% hate candy corn and 22% love it
  • 52% are not planning to give candy out this year, inflation being one of the main reasons why (24%)
  • 55% are worried about how candy affects their teeth 
America's favorite candy of 2022.

Is some candy worse for your teeth than others? According to the dentists at Byte, candies that really scare them include caramels, taffy, hard candy, coated candy and toffee. The better options for your pearly whites are chocolate and sugar free gum.

Best Candy for Your Teeth

  1. Dark Chocolate
  2. Milk Chocolate
  3. Sugar Free Gum 

Worst Candy for your Teeth

  1. Caramels
  2. Taffy
  3. Hard Candy (like Jolly Ranchers)
  4. Coated Candy (like Hot Tamales)
  5. Toffee

Take a look at our report to learn about your state’s favorite candy and advice from our dentists on the best way to protect your smile during this sweet and scary season. 

For unboxing of Halloween trick-or-treat bags, Halloween gifts, or Halloween costumes, email .


In August 2022, we surveyed 1,056 Americans about candy and their teeth. Survey respondents ranged in age from 18 to 84 with an average age of 36. 48% were male, 48% female, 3% nonbinary, and 1% transgender. 

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