3 remedies to cure all digestion problems at home

large and small intestines

Digestion problems are very common problems with at least 40% of people experiencing symptoms of indigestion at a point in life. The commonly experienced digestive problems include heartburn, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD )and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). They come with symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating, gassiness, constipation, and cramping. IBS is a long-term gastro issue that affects the large intestine. There is even a more severe problem like Chron’s Disease IBD which is as common as IBS.

At least 700,000 people in the United States suffer from Chron’s Disease. What are the remedies to cure all digestive issues at home? We have listed 3 common best remedies for you.

CBD oil for indigestion

As time goes by, researchers are digging in depth about the benefits of using this natural chemical for medicinal purposes. We have had more research on the benefits of Cannabidiol oil in curing gastrointestinal problems such as IBS, IBD and Chron’s Disease.

  • A 2011 study that was carried out by the Department of Experimental pharmacology shows that CBD oil through the control of the neuroimmune axis help in reducing intestinal inflammation.


  • CBD reduces the stiffness and tightness of the intestinal muscles thus promoting appetite. The cramping of the stomach as a result of contracted intestines gets relieved by the use of CBD oil. This happens when it attaches to the cannabinoid receptors in the intestines, the cramping reduces and bowel movements become more regular.


  • There exist other types of medications that work just like CBD but with many side effects. CBD oil is a natural chemical which has zero side effects recorded so far. What you need to do is get the best quality CBD oil for perfect results.


  • Research is still ongoing on whether CBD can fully cure the digestion problems. Even if there is no solid proof that it can, there has been positive feedback on the good work of CBD experienced by many users. In addition to that, CBD is a cheaper method of sorting out your gastrointestinal issues naturally.

Spinach for stomach bloating

  • Stomach bloating occurs as a result of taking certain foodstuffs or taking fizzy drinks. You can avoid getting your belly swollen and the sharp pain caused by trapped wind by taking more of a very locally available vegetable.


  • Bloating is a very common problem that many people experience at some point in life. This is why it is advisable to eat spinach.


  • When thinking about vegetables rich in nutrients, spinach comes as the first leafy green vegetable in mind. We use it in a variety of dishes all the way from Sandwiches, pizza, lasagna, to salads.


  • Raw spinach contains high amounts of insoluble fiber known as cellulose that is very easy to digest. Cellulose exists in the walls of plants cells. Cellulose exists in high amounts in leafy greens. Let’s take an example of 2 cups of spinach serving that contains only 1.3 grams fiber, therefore the rest of the fiber cannot dissolve. Meaning that your digestive system doesn’t break it down, therefore, goes down your gut whole. In case you do not take regular amounts of dietary fiber, it can cause bloating and gas which causes tightening and stretching of the stomach.
  • It is recommended that you take 20 to 35 grams of dietary fiber a day. Some people experience difficulties digesting raw spinach, in this case, you can steam it a little bit to preserve vitamins. Light steaming softens the fibers allowing your body to digest.

Bloating is a common problem experienced by many from time to time. Lower the risk of bloating stomach by including spinach in your daily diet.

Weight Lifting

  • You might be wondering how weight lifting can help your digestive system work well. Weight training is meant to put stress on specific muscles increasing their tone and mass. In the process, the muscles become stronger and larger. When this happens, the body allows large blood flow to the muscles.


  • The digestive system also requires increased blood flow to function well. The digestive system requires increased blood flow during the process. When you go to the gym and train with the powerlifting apparel the muscles and the digestive system are usually in blood flow competition. The system that wins depends on the workload it has.


  • You really need to observe proper nutrition and eating habits during the weight training processes. If the competition happens to favor digestion, it robs off the required blood supply.


  • Do not start weight training process with an empty stomach. It is advisable you eat 60 or 90 minutes before you start your work out. According to most experts, a reasonable amount of carbohydrates should be taken before the weightlifting process starts.


  • It is also important you eat after your workout. Give yourself about 60 minutes after a workout to refuel your body. If you eat immediately, that could rob your muscles of the required blood flow. Let’s say that you can give yourself time to freshen up and you can get something to eat.


  • Ensure that you observe proper nutrition especially one that is recommended by a nutritionist to allow your digestive system, muscles, and metabolism work together for the benefit of your body.

The above 3 remedies are the most natural way you can help your body with indigestion problems. There are many other types of medication that can still help resolve digestion issues but most of them come with side effects. It is important to go the natural way and remain well and healthy. CBD oil is available in the market today but before you consider using it as a digestive problem cure, it is important you consult your doctor.

Raw spinach is locally available and you could make it part of your daily meal to boost your digestion process. Just ensure that you take the recommended grams for good results.

Exercise more often as well to boost your blood flow and improve your digestive system altogether.

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