Dating Tips: Do you really need to give him the Talk?

Do you really like the guy you are dating? Do you want to take the relationship to the next level? Then stop listening to your girlfriends about getting his exclusivity with you. Although you may read in several dating articles that you have to give him the big talk to commit, you do not have to pressure him into being with you.

Read How to Inspire a Man to Commit  Without The Big Talk now to learn what you really need to do. Also watch the video below to learn how to overcome commitment phobia:

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You Don’t Have To Have Sex For Him to Commit

Bottom line: you don’t have to have sex with a man for him to. Commit. A man serious about you will respect you from the get go. Also in the first couple of months he will ask to meet your parents & have you at least meet his parents. No real man is ashamed to carry you or himself with respect. It’s not a me situation; relationships are about an Us. You’re either together or you’re not. Nothing is new under the sun.

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Acid Test: Why is He Having Sex With Me?

ACID TEST: There are only 2 purposes to sex: 1. Pleasure 2. To make a baby. A man will lay down with you for his pleasure. If he doesn’t ever mention a future with you, stop having sex with him because everytime you have sex with him you take the chance of having a baby. & if he never had plans to commit to you, he won’t try just because he got you pregnant. Think about it. We call these types of men bums. Avoid at all cause. Like Fromgirltogirl on Facebook for more valuable advice :

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Why He Hasn’t Claimed You As His

Anytime a guy says he isn’t ready for a relationship or ready to claim you, it’s a cop out. He is one or all of the following: 1. He thinks since his last relationship failed this one will too. 2 . He has no idea what he wants in life, himself & seeing you is comfortable so he figures why change the present situation. 3. He wants a relationship but he doesn’t think you can complete the role. Guys are stubborn …they rather predict an outcome than make an effort to have a good outcome. IN all scenarios keep bettering who YOU ARE! If he mans up , he will return & step up as a man ready to commit. If he doesn’t, who cares…the Obama of your life is coming lol. You just have to be patient & love yourself enough to not settle for less than you want out of a relationship. !

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Where Do All The Nice Guys Hangout At?

An young lady ask me where do all the nice guys that want relationships hangout at. My answer: THEY don’t have a club where they all meet up but there are ways to spot a great man that will commit but you can’t look at just his looks or accomplishments. You have to look at the whole picture…including what kind of friends he has, how he treats women / how the friends treat women & how he interacts with his family. It’s all about character traits. Birds of a feather often flock together.

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Own Your Voice To Get What You Want

As a woman, I am starting to learn if I want power over my personal and professional success I need to own my statements. I need to give my voice power. Young girls are taught to speak in a voice tone that is favorable to anyone and everything. It makes us come off timid and prevents us from getting what we want and need in romance and in our careers. So what is the solution? You can speak up for yourself but know when it is better be silent and listen, listening gains you wisdom about the situation. It will never lessen your power. Being the loudest and most arrogant can make you lose power rather than gain it. You can not win every battle, especially when it come to romantic conflicts. Pick your battles wisely. And most of all only apologize once, if at all. You do not have to apologize for having an honest opinion. You should apologize only once at the least and most, if you stated your honest opinion in a disrespectful way. Follow the golden rule. Be assertive( powerful verbals help but like, maybe, I think this might do not work) and do not be a bitch who has to have it her way or no way at all. When you take the bitch way, I can guarantee both your romance and career success will falter. – Briana Booker

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How To Make a Man Want to Commit: Be Selective

By Briana Booker

Besides having a positive attitude and a life of your own, how do you make your man want to commit to you?

Fromgirltogirl is starting a series on what makes a guy want to commit to you. We will provide you advice on how to get him there without convincing him or playing the mind games.

Tip #1 Show Him You are Selective.

When you show a man you are selective and not every man in the world can have you but the “one”, you draw him closer to you. Men love the thrill of the chase. They love working for something worth having. Sex with a girl that he cares nothing about is like a snack before a holiday feast. It is just for now but he is really anticipating the feast, the big reward.

You can start drawing a man in by saying honestly where you stand on your attitude about relationships. Do not whine about him and what he has not offered yet. You will scare him away by appearing too needy.

Say something around the lines of the following commit reference:

“It is your right to date more than one woman at a time. I understand, but I want you to know I am looking for an exclusive relationship with the right man. I want to find out if we are on the same page before taking our dating further.”

AND NO, IF YOU HAVE BEEN DATING A GUY FOR LESS THAN A MONTH, please do not try the whole, I love you forever and a day. You have to commit to me.

These actions and words are controlling. Honestly, it takes 3 to 4 months on average for people to get out of the lust/ honeymoon stage of dating.

Notice in the statement you made no demands. Because you made no demands, you do not come off needy and unattractive. You are simply letting him know you have standards and you will stick to those standards. He NEEDS to meet those standards before YOU can decide to choose to be with him.

It is that simple. You are presenting him your needs and boundaries. Any man that truly wants you and does not want to lose you will respect that.

Trust me, the right man will ASK YOU for commitment.  And best of all he will think it was his idea the whole time and that he won your affection and passion.

If this does not happen, you know where you stand with him. He just is not that into you but that does not mean that will not change down the line.

But if he does not change( and please do not wait around for change), keep the door to your soul and effort open for someone ready to give you what you need and more. This is one of the stepping stones to forming an amazing and committed relationship.

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