Don’t Let the Past Hold You Back: Entrepreneurial Recovery After Setbacks

Starting your own business takes dedication, being business savvy, and above all, nerve. But when you have experienced a failed business attempt, it can be hard to try again. Many people put business ownership behind them after a serious setback because they convince themselves that it simply is not right for them.  Although that thought may be true for some, it is not for all.

Many successful business owners have faced a business failure before experiencing success. Setbacks are part of the entrepreneur journey. If you are determined to run your own business, these tips from Fromgirltogirl will help you recover from business setbacks and make your next attempt more likely to succeed.

Boost Your Skill Set 

Sometimes business ideas don’t work out because the individual or group is not prepared to take on the work of running a company. If this is the case for you, there are ways you can boost your skill set and become better down the line. For example, you can look into earning a business degree online to learn and engage with valuable connections that can help you push your business aspirations forward. 

Remember, a business degree is just one educational path that can help you run a company. You can also look into earning an associate’s degree in a field relevant to the work you would like to do. Technical skills are often overlooked, but they can be incredibly empowering for hopeful entrepreneurs because the skills help people re-enter the business world equipped with unique skills that can set their company apart from competitors.

Refine Your Dream 

Another important step to take when making a second (or third) attempt at business ownership is to refine your goals. This starts with taking a look at what you hope to accomplish after learning from previous business mistakes and identifying what went wrong. This can be a painful process, but it’s incredibly important to reflect so you can make better choices in the future.

Say your first business attempt was to offer IT consultancy services online. Looking back, you may notice you enjoyed the consultancy work but did not put enough time into marketing and gaining new clients. Therefore, you would need to focus on more networking time or hire a second employee dedicated to marketing and client acquisition. Go through previous attempts with a fine-toothed comb to identify what did and did not work. Another tangible element of refining your dream has to do with trimming expenses. For instance, if your lease is running out, find a more affordable place to free up money and invest elsewhere.

Research the Competition 

Finally, take some time to research how others in your industry function and thrive. Researching your competition is not only about trying to better or “beat” them in the market. You may have an easier time doing your research if you reach out to businesses in a different location or market than your own. Business owners who don’t see you as a threat may be interested in talking one-on-one about what has worked for them. 

If it sounds little intimidating, you may want to hire an expert for support. The marketing consultant hourly rate is a reasonable investment because it can provide insider information and be useful when it comes to crafting a good business plan. After all, when looking at your own attempts, you only have trial and error to go off of. Business owners who have reached stability can share proven tools, techniques, and resources. This kind of networking can help connect you with potential employees, mentors, and more

Remember, many business owners face setbacks before they find success. Failure does not have to be the end of the road – it might be a signal to reassess and try again. We hope this article inspires you to give business ownership another try and make your dreams a reality. 

Fromgirltogirl (FG2G) is a healthy lifestyle consultant and trusted news source for audiences of all ages. Explore the website, to discover informative content and insightful life perspectives from all over the world. FG2G supports a worldwide social good community designed to encourage self-empowerment and give the tools for members to empower their communities.

Photo Credit: Pexels

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How to start a consulting business in less than 60 days

consultant shares tips on starting a consulting business

Are you an industry expert looking for more work flexibility? It may be time to start a consulting business. If you are worried you won’t be able to get by, think again. There are ways to become a highly paid consultant for any given industry. Don’t doubt self. If you excel in your industry and can train people, you can become a highly paid consultant, even in less than 60 days.

What does it take? You need to land your first high paying client to keep you afloat for the months you need to build up your consulting business. It is no secret that high-paying jobs are harder and harder to come by. If you take advantage of the gig economy, you can brand yourself as a well sought out consultant within your industry to fill in the skills gap employers are experiencing with full-time employees.

The consulting industry is extremely lucrative if you have the right industry niche. It doesn’t require being a pushy salesperson either. Here is a story on how a man started his own consulting business, making it grow to $20 million in revenue within four years.

You can be successful at consulting by mastering how to engage business representatives through expert advice, but it has to be with people working in specific fields. Jot down this equation: Expert advice + Specific field = consulting business success.  Why is this the equation for success in consulting? When you help specific groups of people solve problems, they are willing to pay for solutions. We all want problems solved. This is why it is important your target field pays you well to solve problems that would otherwise take years or months to resolve. Remember, you are selling knowledge and expertise that your clients lack access to.

All you need to get started is a laptop and phone. Yes, really. Best of all, you don’t have to chase down clients to collect payment. You will get it upfront for your services. This is how it works: stick to the data and do the following:

  1. Offer a service that provides added value
  2. Get in a niche that is in demand and well populated
  3. Provide repeatable services to continue to attract clients
  4. Be positive

Success in the consulting business is all about creating value time and time again. Devote your entire career to the type of consulting you want to offer and you will never doubt your ability to excel in the consulting world.

Get started by evaluating your skills, the industry you want to consult within, and understand the markets needs and wants. State how you can help, the type of result you can offer by providing a specified service. Here are more tips you should know about starting a profitable consulting business.

Ready to become a highly paid consultant? Get help by enrolling in profitable consulting business training programs to learn about the tools and resources you need to get your dream and business off the ground today.

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