Study Shows Over 50% of Parents Take Off Work to Care for Sick Kids during Flu Season

Child with fever from the flu ( influenza)

Cold and flu season is upon us and parents are already missing work to take care of sick kids. 

A new survey of more than 1,000 parents of school-aged children revealed the top illnesses parents are concerned about during the school year and the impact those illnesses have on families and working parents. 

  • 65% of parents say it is difficult to work when a child is home sick 
  • 57% of parents have taken a full or half day off work due to a child being home sick
  • 1 in 5 parents admit to encouraging kids to still go to school even when they do not feel well
  • Nearly 47% do not have child care to rely on if their child cannot go into school
  • 46% of parents with young children say they’ve dealt with a daycare shutdown due to illness

While most families are taking precautions to avoid the winter sickness surge, 80% of parents believe their kids will still end up getting sick.

Nearly 1 in 4 parents believe their kids will get sick 3 times.

What are the top illnesses parents are concerned about this school year? 

Covid-19, the flu, the common cold and strep throat are the four illnesses top-of-mind for concerned parents. 

Children and Common Illnesses: 48% Already Sick In the 2022-2023 School Year.

Vaccinations statistics regarding the flu shot and covid-19 vaccine.
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Why Is Telehealth important for women in 2022?

By Taryn Rose

Telehealth services are trending.

Telehealth employs technology and healthcare services to ensure people have access to healthcare become women utilize healthcare more than men. When women are not visiting the hospital for healthcare services, they can telehealth.

The Covid-19 pandemic put a strain on healthcare services as healthcare providers handle patient care. Telehealth could be the best policy for women seeking healthcare services and here are the reasons.

Telehealth Importance for Women

Going to the hospital increases the risk of infection with airborne diseases like Covid-19. Telehealth eliminates the need to travel to a hospital to consult a doctor. Women can now consult with healthcare devices in the comfort of their homes to protect themselves and their families.

Women and their families can get Special Services from Anywhere. For a long time, women have had to travel long distances to seek health care services from specialists. Now, Telehealth enables women to seek the services of specialists without going to the hospital.

Your doctor can forward your medical records to a specialist and arrange a meeting with them through electronic devices like laptops or smartphones.

Access To Healthcare Services

Many people do not have access to healthcare services because they live in remote areas. Women in remote areas are more likely to not find services for female-predominant conditions like pregnancy and breast cancer. Telehealth enables women to have access to these crucial healthcare services.

Decrease Strain on Healthcare System

Before telehealth was implemented in the healthcare system, patients had to schedule an appointment, wait for communication from the doctor or specialist and spend hours in the waiting room before seeing the doctor. Women wasted time going to the hospital and waiting for the doctor, time they could have spent doing something constructive. Telehealth
decreases the strain on the healthcare system by reducing the waiting period.

Easy Follow Up

When you visit a doctor and they schedule numerous appointments for follow-ups, you will spend too much time commuting to and from the hospital. Telehealth helps women follow up with their doctors or specialists without driving to the hospital.

Timely Care

One challenge facing female patients is access to the right healthcare provider as fast as possible. A visit to a hospital will make you take unnecessary trips to different offices before getting to the right healthcare provider. Tele health enables you to schedule an appointment
at a healthcare facility, and you will be directed to the right healthcare provider through video or phone calls.

Saves on Costs

Since women are the highest utilizers of healthcare, they spend more money paying for healthcare services. Each trip to a healthcare facility is expensive, and for those who do not have insurance, paying for each trip out of pocket can lead to financial difficulties. Tele health enables women to save money by eliminating frequent and unnecessary trips to the
healthcare facility.

Helps Patients With Limited Mobility

Senior patients with limited mobility can struggle to go to the hospital if they do not have someone to care for them. Older women living alone can benefit from telehealth services because they do not need to travel to the hospital for checkups. Doctors and specialists can monitor older women’s health using technology and visit them at their homes. Finally, Telehealth is essential in ensuring everyone has access to healthcare services, especially in the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Women face barriers to healthcare services, such as limited access to specialists, costs, and scarce healthcare facilities. Telehealth can help women overcome these barriers by making it easy to access healthcare providers through technology.

Author Bio

Dr. Lorie Poston, nurse practitioner.

Dr. Lorie Poston is a nurse practitioner with over a decade of experience in medicine. She is a dual board certified as a Family and an Adult-Gerontology Acute Care nurse practitioner and now operates Telehealth Care Florida.

Contact to feature your articles or services, Email for pricing. Copy Editor – Briana Booker

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National Nutrition Month tips to fight Obesity

Fresh vegetables

March is National Nutrition Month, a time to recognize how we can live and eat better to fight against obesity. Not only does obesity triple the risk of COVID-19 related hospitalization but also reduces quality of life.

The personal-finance website WalletHub has released a report on  2022’s Most Overweight and Obese Cities in the U.S. to call community attention to weight-related health problems where they are most prevalent in the United States. WalletHub compared 100 of the most populated U.S. metro areas across 19 key metrics. The data set ranges from the share of physically inactive adults and projected obesity rates by 2030 to healthy-food access.

Most Overweight & Obese Cities
1. McAllen, TX11. Chattanooga, TN
2. Memphis, TN12. Lafayette, LA
3. Knoxville, TN13. Myrtle Beach, SC
4. Mobile, AL14. Youngstown, OH
5. Jackson, MS15. Huntsville, AL
6. Birmingham, AL16. Winston-Salem, NC
7. Little Rock, AR17. Wichita, KS
8. Shreveport, LA18. Nashville, TN
9. Augusta, GA19. New Orleans, LA
10. Baton Rouge, LA20. Fayetteville, AR

U.S. Facts on Obesity

  • McAllen, Texas, metro area has the highest share of obese adults, 44.90% , which is 2.4 times higher than in Asheville, North Carolina, the metro area with the lowest at 18.50%.
  • The McAllen, Texas, metro area has the highest share of physically inactive adults, 36.90%, which is 2.7 times higher than in Grand Rapids, Michigan, the metro area with the lowest at 13.90%.
  • El Paso, Texas, metro area has the highest share of diabetic adults, 16.00%, which is 2.6 times higher than in Reno, Nevada, the metro area with the lowest at 6.20%.
  • Jackson, Mississippi, metro area has the highest share of adults with high blood pressure, 40.60%, which is 1.8 times higher than in San Jose, California, the metro area with the lowest at 22.80%.

Over 40 percent of American adults are obese due to the availability of fast-food and grocery items that have negatively altered our diets. In fact, the extra pounds have inflated the costs of obesity-related medical treatment to approximately $190.2 billion a year and annual productivity losses due to work absenteeism to around $4.3 billion.

Being obese is bad for a person’s health in general, but it’s especially dangerous during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the CDC, as it increases the risk of serious symptoms and may even triple the risk of hospitalization.

Here are quicks tips to help you fight obesity:

What are some tips for eating healthy without breaking the bank?

Kathleen Davis

Ph.D., RDN, LD – Assistant Professor, Nutrition and Food Sciences – Texas Woman’s University

Eating healthy may feel impossible if you are on a budget, especially as the price of food has increased. But there are many healthy foods available that are relatively inexpensive:

  • Dried beans and lentils, which are rich sources of protein, fiber, and folate.
  • Canned tuna in water and store-brand peanut butter. They are affordable protein options. An alternative peanut butter option is sunflower seed spread.
  • Whole chicken. You can use chicken for severals meals, including making broth.
  • Whole grains, brown rice, oatmeal, and barley are fairly cheap and because the grains are whole (not processed), you get more fiber and phytochemicals.
  • Fruits and vegetables in season such as Clementines, other oranges, and grapefruit. It is also a good season to buy pears, greens, and sweet potatoes. For products you want year-round, buy pre-packaged bags of potatoes, apples, or pears rather than assembling a bag yourself. Do not forget that frozen, canned, and dried fruits and vegetables also have good nutritional value. If you buy frozen vegetables without added salt and frozen fruits without added sugar, you get almost all of the nutrients of fresh produce but may pay less and the food will last longer. Remember to buy store brands to save money. Even canned produce comes in lower salt and lower sugar versions and has good nutrition value. For good sources of calcium and vitamin D, you can choose fluid milk or bulk yogurt over individually packaged items. Not only do they cost less, but they are more environmentally friendly.

William J. McCarthy

Adjunct Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management, Fielding School of Public Health – University of California, Los Angeles

To offset the increased low-grade inflammation associated with COVID-19 infection, people should choose foods that are anti-inflammatory, such as fatty fish (e.g., salmon), minimally processed fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and non-tropical nuts (e.g. walnuts, pecans), and seeds (e.g., flaxseed) rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially omega-3 fatty acids.

Sherry Pagoto

Ph.D. – Professor in the Department of Allied Health Sciences; Director, UConn Center for mHealth & Social Media – University of Connecticut

Eat apples, carrots, kale, tofu, bell peppers, squash, lentils, oatmeal, barley, and sweet potatoes. Some of the healthiest foods are pretty inexpensive. If you are not sure how to cook with any of these foods, put the “food” word into a Pinterest search, and tons of delicious recipes will appear.

The biggest mistakes people make when trying to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle: they focus too much on what to eat and not enough on why they are eating the way they eat. Losing weight is largely about changing habits. This means most of the effort involves understanding the steps to create new habits which includes an understanding of how current unhealthy habits are formed and what makes them so hard to break.

Put attention towards habit-building strategies. If you are truly on the road to a healthier lifestyle you should be actively addressing why you eat the way you eat. If you do not know why, then getting the answer to this question is the work you have ahead of you.

Preventive services like lifestyle interventions should be accessible and free to all. Public schools should provide healthy lunches and many opportunities for physical activity throughout the day. Pushing back the start time for high schools could also have an impact on obesity now that we know how much adequate sleep affects body weight. Generally, we have too few obesity prevention policies, so we end up paying for that with high rates of chronic disease.

Casey Colin

DCN, RDN, LD/N, CNSC, ACSM-CPT, FAND – Assistant Professor, Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, Brooks College of Health – University of North Florida

Preparing more meals at home can be a great way to improve the nutrient content of meals while also saving money.

Explore creative ways to add vegetables to meals such as soups, casseroles, salads, and burrito bowls. Increasing vegetable content will increase the nutrient content and the number of servings from that meal. Canned, frozen, and fresh vegetables are all great options, so choose whichever makes the most sense for your budget and lifestyle.

Opt for more plant-centered meals, as animal proteins tend to be some of the most expensive parts of our grocery bill. Some examples of protein-rich plant foods are lentils, beans, nuts, seeds, nut butter, and peas. Canned fish such as salmon, tuna, and sardines are also nutrient-rich sources of protein and healthy fats.

The healthiest lifestyle is the one that incorporates sustainable changes and enjoyable. If we start an exercise routine we hate, we are unlikely to sustain it, much like most of us will not “give up sugar” forever. Find ways to merge healthy living with responsible indulgences for a more balanced approach.

Julie Garden-Robinson

Ph.D., R.D., L.R.D. – Professor and Food and Nutrition Specialist – North Dakota State University Extension

These are some strategies to help meet current recommendations and can save money as grocery prices rise.

  • Stock up your cupboards and refrigerators with ingredients that you regularly use. Some people opt to choose convenience foods or foods that are ready to assemble at home. These can save time and may cost less than restaurant foods. However, they may cost more than home-prepared foods.
  • Plan meals. Planning takes a little time but can have major cost-saving and nutritional benefits. For example, if you do not have a plan in place, you might be enticed to stop at the drive-through on the way home.
  • Make a grocery list and be sure to organize it according to the store layout. Buy fresh fruits and vegetables in season and use canned and/or frozen during months they are not in season. Look for canned vegetables with less sodium and canned fruit packed in juice.
  • Look up and down the store shelves at the store. The middle shelf often has higher-priced items.
  • Consider store brands and generic brands. These may be less expensive than brand-name products.
  • Use coupons to purchase food you were intending to buy. Many people enjoy cost-saving coupons, but coupons may entice you to buy items you do not normally eat.
  • Take a mental note of the costs of groceries as you shop. Watch the scanning process to be sure the sale items show the correct price. Be sure to check your receipt after your purchase to be sure you received the sale price. For more information about healthful eating, see this and click on “Food Preparation” then “Cooking 101” or “Pinching Pennies in the Kitchen” for more details.

Some people think that skipping breakfast is a way to skip calories. However, researchers have shown that breakfast skippers more than make up for the calories they did not eat for breakfast. Eat breakfast every day, and include some protein and fiber, such as eggs and whole-grain toast or cereal.

Others may skip lunch and eat a large dinner. Be sure to maintain your energy throughout the day with regular meals and snacks. That will keep your energy levels high and help you avoid overeating later in the evenings.

Other people may think of “snacks” as bad, but snacks can help fill nutrition gaps. Keep healthful snacks, such as whole-grain popcorn and nuts, on hand for occasional snacks. Have apples, carrot sticks, and other veggies in containers or plastic bags in your refrigerator ready to grab.

Remember that 100 extra calories per day can add up to a 10-pound weight gain in a year.

Maintaining our nutritional status is very important. Consume your veggies and fruits, adequate protein, whole grains, dairy, or other calcium sources to keep your body nourished. Most adults need a total of at least 4 1/2 cups of fruits and vegetables daily. Fruits and vegetables are naturally rich in vitamins A and C, and a variety of natural disease-fighting antioxidants. Antioxidants include beta-carotene (in deep orange and gold vegetables), lutein in green leafy vegetables (such as kale and spinach), and lycopene (in tomatoes and watermelon).

Although the results are not conclusive, vitamin D status may have an impact on our body’s ability to fight viruses. Researchers have found vitamin D helps promote a healthy immune system, so be sure you are having milk and other vitamin D-fortified foods and beverages, and oily fish such as tuna and salmon. Consider a vitamin D supplement especially if you live in areas with a long winter season that prevents being outdoors. In sunny months, a short stroll outside in the summer sun also helps your body make vitamin D.

What policies should federal and/or state governments pursue to combat obesity and lower the cost of healthcare?

Combating the ongoing issues associated with childhood and adult obesity is complex but extremely important. Obesity rates have doubled since 1980, with one-third of U.S. adults considered obese. Obesity is associated with the development of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, some types of cancer, joint issues, and other health issues. All of these potential outcomes of obesity carry great costs in healthcare and quality of life. Public health practitioners promote the implementation of policy, system, and environmental (PSE) changes to support healthy behavior among adults and youth.

Federal, state, and local regulations and policies can play a role in combating obesity. For example, nutrition labeling is required on most packaged or processed foods according to the Food and Drug Administration. The newest labels show calories in the largest font. Serving sizes and other nutrition recommendations were updated to be consistent with recent research; however, labels alone probably will not reduce obesity. Many restaurants currently provide nutrition information on menus. Education and promotional strategies that promote the understanding of nutritional information could help in combating obesity.

Other entities have promoted placing taxes on less-healthy foods such as sweetened beverages. The taxation practice has been used for cigarettes but requires more study on the application in foods.

In the effort to reduce childhood obesity, federally funded school foodservice programs and childcare food programs have been revamped through the years according to current nutrition standards. To promote physical activity, states and school districts can implement school policies related to physical education.

As another potential policy, private insurance companies could cover the costs of nutrition counseling. This counseling may help people get the education and support needed to make dietary changes that promote health.

Some communities are taking steps to create built environments that promote physical activity. When a community is more “walkable” and safety measures are in place on walking paths, the level of fitness of the residents may increase.

Policymakers must weigh the pros and cons of cost savings in one area vs. increased costs in other areas as they study changes in policies. Promoting change in the level of obesity among adults and children requires a multifaceted, ongoing approach.

According to the CDC, obesity worsens the outcomes from COVID-19. What measures can individuals take to prevent severe complications in the event they contract COVID-19?

Like most acute and chronic conditions, prevention is key. Maintaining regular physical activity and a nutrient-rich eating style can help to manage weight while also strengthening the immune system.

What policies should federal and/or state governments pursue to combat obesity and lower the cost of healthcare?

As a registered dietitian nutritionist, one of the biggest ways to combat obesity and reduce healthcare costs would be for federal and/or state governments to expand reimbursement of medical nutrition therapy services from a registered dietitian nutritionist for obesity and other chronic conditions. Increasing reimbursement can significantly impact the affordability and accessibility of nutrition care for those most in need, especially for communities of color. The Medical Nutrition Therapy Act was introduced to Congress in 2021 to expand coverage for medical nutrition therapy; more information can be found here.

We very little control over how our own bodies respond to COVID-19. You may be very healthy and have a response that is much worse than expected. You may not be very healthy and have a much easier time than expected. Because studies show that those with obesity and diabetes or pre-diabetes tend to be more likely to have worse outcomes, you can try to improve the quality of your lifestyle now. If you are not active, find ways to become more active, aiming for at least 30 minutes of moderate activity like walking most days of the week. If you eat lots of processed food, think of whether you could start cooking at home 2-3 days a week or if you might set a goal of eating 2 fruits and 3 vegetables every day. These small changes will not make you immune to COVID-19, but they will make you healthier and may help you stay healthier if you get COVID.

To read the full report and your city’s rank, please visit:

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4 Ways the COVID-19 Pandemic Has Changed Your Life

Photo by Tai's Captures

When you look back on your life before the COVID-19 pandemic, you may feel like everything has changed. Whether you’ve chosen these changes or they’ve been out of your control, it can be difficult to process because your routines might be different than were several months ago. Fromgirltogirl (FG2G) outlines a few changes you may be experiencing as a result of the pandemic, the aftermath, and the unexpected benefits.

Finding a New Job

The pandemic has had a negative impact on countless businesses, and if you’ve had to find a new job, you’re in good company. Landing a new position during such a turbulent time is not easy. But if you have managed to find work, you’ll have opportunities to learn new skills, network, and boost your savings while possibly spending more time at home. Over time, you’ll grow into your new role.

The pandemic has also caused some to think about going back to school to beef up their employable and transferable skills. Thinking ahead, getting a degree can be just the ticket to career advancement or finding a new, better-paying vocation. Opting for online coursework to round out your education is beneficial in many ways, including the convenience of being able to study and take tests remotely, at your own pace and at your own place. And the choice of degree is myriad; Phoenix University, for example, offers 34 bachelor’s programs. 

Working From Home

The pandemic caused many companies to instruct their employees to work from home until further notice, and it appears that working remotely may be here to stay for many workers. 

To adapt to this new arrangement, Vault recommends creating a schedule for everybody in your household, including your kids, so that you and your partner can delegate different responsibilities. You may also want to get some work done before your kids wake up or after they go to bed. 

If you’ve noticed rising family tensions as a result of being cooped up, it might be time to declutter and deep clean your home to create a more positive environment. Opening the windows for fresh air during the day helps. With enough time, you’ll be able to appreciate the perks of remote work, like ditching your commute and spending more time with your loved ones.

It’s also important to reduce stress by taking steps like staying comfortable. This is especially true for work-from-home moms who are expecting a child soon. If you are that mom, do yourself a favor and invest in comfy and functional clothes like labor and delivery gowns that can also be fashionable.

Staying Safe

Throughout the pandemic and post-pandemic era, you’ve had to adopt new habits to protect yourself and your family from the virus. This may feel inconvenient at times, especially when you’re out running errands. But keeping yourself and your loved ones safe is well worth the extra effort. 

Wearing a mask to the grocery store, keeping hand sanitizer in your home and car, and staying home if you feel under the weather helpsto keep other people healthy. If you’re strict about social distancing, ordering groceries and other items for delivery to your home instead of going out shopping, this routine can save you time and protect you from COVID-19 and its variants.

Getting Fit

Were you an avid gym-goer before the pandemic? If so, you might have had to revamp your fitness routine. If you choose not to return to the gym, you won’t have access to the same machines when you work out at home, but you’ll save plenty of money, and you’ll have an excuse to turn an unused space into a home gym or yoga studio. Furthermore, you may want to change up your diet to include more immune-boosting foods — recommends sunflower seeds, almonds, sweet potatoes, and carrots. 

If you feel like the pandemic turned your life upside down or you feel overwhelmed by all of the changes, take time to adjust to these constantly changing circumstances. With a positive attitude, you can find a way to navigate this trying time with grace, and you’ll come out the other side stronger. 

Fromgirltogirl (FG2G) is a healthy lifestyle consultant and trusted news source for audiences of all ages. Explore the website, to discover informative content and insightful life perspectives from all over the world. Reach out today for more info at

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