‘Charlyism’ | How humanity truth fights Lupus

Remember reading about our great book find “Chakoelet Dragon” by L. Charlie Despanza? Despanza has exciting new content to share in 2016 with her new website Charlyism.com coming out this year. The website will feature real knowledge, empirically derived. She is creating the website to help people search for the truth and get as close as they can to finding the real facts. Despanza found inspiration from a dance student in Saudi Arabia of the name Alex Jackson. Jackson said Despanza always tells the truth about the world and when she doesn’t know the answer, she does her research so she can come back and explain it to anyone who needs to know. This is why Jackson asked in class “What is our ‘Charlyism’ for today?” Thus came the name for the website. Watch the cool promo video of her website dedicated to making people more aware about Lupus. The website will be up by the end of January and her second book will be complete in March.

Spreading Lupus awareness with Charlyism

You may also want to watch her video Water, Air and Food which brings a call-to-action to stop subjecting the public to experimental food, drinks and other environmental hazards. Knowing where your food is grown, ready, manufactured and which preservatives get included matter. Knowledge is power. Let us know what you think of the video:

You may also want to listen to Charlie Despanza’s song ‘Loopy Lupus Day.’ She wrote the song to move people and make them feel joy even with fighting Lupus.

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Great Book Finds: Chakoelet Dragon by L. Charlie Despanza


Spring is a time where I love to buy new books to enjoy. There is something about a new book that draws me in a new world for my mind to explore. Chakoelet Dragon by L. Charlie Despanza is that book.

The book is one both children and adults can enjoy because the content amplifies the mind and awakens the imagination as you meet Charlie and you get an introduction to her life, situated between reality, spiritualism and fantasy.

I was also drawn to this captivating video about Chakoelet Dragon – I just had to read it. Watch the video below:

About Chakoelet Dragon by L. Charlie Despanza

Chakoelet Dragon was a catharsis, of Despanza’s dealing with a close relative who terrorized and bullied her throughout her childhood. As a child, Despanza created Chakoelet Dragon and several other heroic characters to deal with the adversities of her life. Now, she uses these same characters to embrace and strengthen her fight with Cerebral/Vasculitis Lupus. Without the force of the Dragon, she would have had a low, lonely existence. Despanza’s life has been rich, exciting and adventurous because of the innate powers these heroes have given her.

Place your order now for Adventures of Chakoelet Dragon (Trilogy Book 1) .

About the Author L. Charlie Despanza

L. Charlie Despanza retired from medicine on disability and she is now a visual and literary artist who paints, writes plays, biographies and books. In the past, Despanza worked in a multitude of professions all over the world. Presently, she is a freelancer through life with her talents, personality and education. She is still a happy, fun, loving globetrotter that has a zest for life with a keen interest to always learn something new. Life is a challenge, go meet it. You find yourself surprised after the introduction.

Here is what Despanza says about a journey to creating Chakoelet:

“As a child growing up in New Orleans, I experienced an elevated form of visual awareness, transforming my sense of energy to an abnormally heightened intensity perception, with the daily visual and mental stimulation of growing up surrounded by alchemy, spiritual healing and conventional religion. Open your mind and enjoy the experience and walk with me, as I embellish my past and entertain you.”

Connect with Author L. Charlie Despanza today.

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