Cory Booker For Senate: The Comeback of Do Something Politics

By Briana Booker

Cory Booker is the Mayor of Newark, New Jersey. He has been Mayor since 2006. Now in 2013, Cory Booker is taking a shot at being the Senator of New Jersey.

What are my thoughts on Cory Booker for Senate?

I think he would be a hell of a Senator.  Better yet, I think someday he would make hell of a President ( if he decided to take on that level of responsibility).

I think Cory Booker would make an excellent Senator for a variety of reasons but my main reason for believing in his capabilities comes down to two things.

1. He is a hard worker.  2. He leads with his good intentions.

I like to call him the Do Something dude.

I still remember at Cornell University’s 2013 graduation his Do Something speech. It was powerful. It was inspiring. It was humorous.

Cory Booker allows the goodness in his soul to help him lead while empowering his community.

I’m not saying he is perfect. None of us are perfect.

But the care he demonstrates for all kinds of people is a rarity in Today’s politics.

Cory Booker is one of those Do Something politicians that inspire citizens to do something too. That’s powerful to me. That’s what real leaders do.

Here’s what I like about Cory Booker and his Do Something politics:

  1.  He speaks to the youth, urban youth, to tell them of the importance of a quality education.  Cory Booker has helped raise funds to improve the quality of education for urban youth. Yes, this includes having Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, offer New Jersey city schools a $100 million matching grant. There’s something intriguing about a man not afraid to stand up for universal education. Cory wants to give every child the opportunity, the resources to excel.
  2. Cory Booker is okay running into burning buildings to save lives. How many politicians do we know run into burning buildings to save lives? Now, how many politicians can we name that would trample people to save their own lives from a burning building? I rest my case.
  3.  Cory cares about the community he serves. He shovels snow for citizens. He  asks ” What can I do to make things better?”  When Cory Booker says he is going to do something, you can count on him to do it or die trying. He simply has that political courage and authentic leadership that moves people to do better.
  4. He goes on hunger strikes and lived on food stamps for a week to get his point across that people matter. That’s humbling.
  5. Cory is a highly accessible politician. He is a real political activist and promotes the rest of us to do the same because he leads by example. I’m not even from New Jersey and I’m impressed by his leadership. He makes me want to do good when I wake up in the morning. We need more Cory Bookers in Congress.


Bottom line: Cory Booker is the missing puzzle piece Washington needs.


The Democratic primary voting is Tuesday August 13th! My soul tells me Cory Booker is the man for the job. Booker has a way of getting things done. That’s what Bookers do. I know because I’m a Booker too.

Cory is more than worthy of being New Jersey’s next U.S. Senator. Do Something and vote Cory Booker for Senator. He won’t disappoint.

To learn more about my political views, Like me on Facebook and don’t forget to visit Fromgirltogirl daily.

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