Briana Booker gives inside look into DoD research hidden gem

Hidden Gem of DoD Research revealed
                                      Do you know how the DoDSR benefits preventive medicine? Learn here.

Currently I’m working in the field of epidemiology and military healthcare reform. This week my first government byline got published and made the front page of The article is ‘Hidden gem strengthens cutting-edge DoD research’, providing an overview of the importance of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)– the DoD Serum Repository (‪#‎DoDSR‬).  I’ve heard about the repository before on 60 minutes, but had no idea how beneficial it is to military readiness as well as progress of global health. The subject is pretty technical but I hope this overview will help you better understand the causes of diseases in service members and how epidemiologists and preventive medicine physicians use this hidden gem of medical research. Click below for the full article:

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