Staying fit while working from home [Best Fitness]

Woman measure her body for fitness.
Experts reveal best ways to stay fit working from home. Here are five of the best tips for staying active while working from home. Share expert advice on  how you can stay fit on any budget.
Research conducted by online fitness resource Total Shape found the best ways to keep active while working from home.  Since Covid-19 swept across the globe, many industries have shifted to fully remote or hybrid working. During COVID, 70% of the workforce was working from home (WFH) and since then, 61.9% of companies have planned to incorporate remote work, be it fully remote or hybrid.  
With more people working from the comfort of their home, a Health Impact Assessment found that working from home may be associated with more sedentary lifestyles and in turn increased risk of obesity. Most of our calories throughout the day are burned through non-exercise activity thermogenesis such as walking.

This guide from Total Shape includes some great ways to stay fit even when you are working from home.   

Standing Desk. Cost: $150 – $600Calories per hour: 60 – 90.
The standing desk has gained popularity over the last few years and have been proven to provide many positive health benefits. Standing burns more calories than sitting. Research has also shown that 66% of workers felt more productive and 87% felt more energized. Standing activates the muscles in your legs and core while stimulating circulation, which can help you to burn extra calories and build your strength. Standing desks come in a range of styles.

Desk TreadmillCost: $200 – $800Calories per hour: 170 – 240.  
Although it is a more expensive option, this is one of the most effective ways to stay fit while working at home. It essentially takes the standing desk a step further by adding the walking element. Studies have shown that walking between 1 and 2.5 mph can lead to an extra 170 – 240 calories burned per hour. Not only have people encountered the physical benefits of getting more exercise, but walking helps to oxygenate the brain by stimulating blood circulation. So, we think better and more efficiently when we walk. With most people having busy schedules outside of work, it can make getting the recommended amount of physical exercise difficult, which makes this a great way to stay fit while working from home.

Under Desk BikesCost: $50 – $200Calories per hour: 100 – 600.
A very similar concept to the desk treadmill, an under the desk bike features a small set of pedals that can slide under your desk so that you can pedal while sitting. The small machines can be altered to have more resistance which makes it harder or easier to pedal. This type of aerobic exercise is good for staying fit and can help strengthen your legs and joints. Studies estimated that peddling while seated can burn up to 10 calories per minute depending on the intensity, which means you could burn up to 600 calories an hour. However, the average gentle peddling will most likely burn 100-300 an hour. 
Resistance Bands. Calories per hour: 180 – 252. Cost: $15 – $40.
Resistance Bands are an affordable option to help train your body and get fitter. You can perform plenty of more passive resistance band workouts even when you are doing something at your desk. This means that in between typing and during brainstorming sessions, your body can keep active alongside your mind. Exercises could include bicep curls, overhead tricep extensions and shoulder raises. However, there are many variations and other exercises that can be done with resistance bands. Resistance bands can help you build muscle and burn calories while seated at your desk.

A study published in 2022 showed that resistance band training lowers body fat in people who are overweight better than other forms of training, including free weights and bodyweight exercises.  

7 Minute workout. Calories per 7 mins: 20 – 50. Cost: Free.  
Searching “seven-minute workout,” on the app store will reveal a fantastic app that will guide you through various workouts that you can do in your own home, which take just seven minutes at a time. The best thing about the seven-minute workout app is that its programs are designed especially for people who are doing the workouts at home, and who have no special equipment. While there are some in-app purchases available, you can use the app completely free – so there’s nothing stopping you from getting started.   

The 7-minute nature of these workouts allows people with busy schedules to fit in exercise and can help break up your working day which can increase productivity. Building muscle will also help you to burn more NEAT calories as well which in the long term will help you stay fit and healthy. 

Diet. Exercise and living an active lifestyle are obviously important in staying fit and healthy; however, diet is a key contributor to overall health and fitness. People with few distractions at home may find that they are more aware of hunger than they would be at the workplace which can lead to more snacking and possibly an unhealthier diet. By focusing on eating healthy foods and healthy snacks, people who work from home can ensure that they are staying fit and keeping their bodies healthy. Studies show that both the overall composition of the human diet and specific dietary components have been shown to have an impact on brain function, this means that diet isn’t only going to keep you fit, but it’s going to improve cognitive function, and thus the quality of work produced.   

A spokesperson from Total Shape commented: 
Roughly 2 in 3 people in the U.S.A are overweight and with many aspects of life becoming more sedentary, it’s important that people try to find new ways to keep fit and healthy. Life has become busy and more expensive, meaning that it’s harder to find the time and money to attend gyms or activities that help us to remain fit. This guide provides a plethora of choices for people on various budgets and with specific preferences to ensure we are keeping ourselves healthy.”     

The study was conducted by Total Shape, which is a fitness resource site providing information about workouts, supplements, and fitness to help reach your goals.    

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10 Best at-home Exercises for a Full Body Workout

Winter is near and more people are spending time at home due to the festive season. Though time has been filled with Christmas shopping and wrapping presents rather than hitting the gym, there may be an opportunity to stay active at home. Fitness experts Fitness Vol revealed 10 exercises to ensure a full body workout from the comfort of your home.   

1. B-Stance Hip Thrusts for Glutes

It can be done with or without weights, and requires nothing but a sturdy raised surface. A lower-back friendly exercise, B-Stance hip thrusts are suitable for all levels of exercise. Simply sit on the floor with your back against a sturdy bench/chair while keeping one leg bent and the foot flat on the floor, while the other remains straight resting the heel on the floor.  Drive the flat foot into the ground focusing on the heel to push the body up and parallel with the floor, the lower bottom to the floor slowly and repeat for desired number of reps.  A typical number, for any exercise, is three sets of 12, but this can be adjusted to a person’s ability.   

2. Single-leg Romanian Deadlifts

Work mainly the glutes and hamstrings, but also work on the hip abductors.  This is an exercise that is easy on the lower back and knee. This is a strength, balance, and mobility exercise that can be done with or without weights.  Standing with feet together, hinge forward at the hips and raise one leg behind you until your body is parallel with the floor, before lowering the leg back and raising your torso, taking care not to round the back.  Repeat for as many reps as desired, then do the same for the other side. 

 3. Using BodyweightShoulder and Biceps

Pike push-ups are a great exercise to strengthen and build the shoulder muscle, the deltoid. Standing in down dog but with tip toes, bend your arms at the elbow while keeping the back straight. Bend your arms outwards rather than keeping the elbows tucked to your sides.  

4. Dumbbell Lateral raises

Often done using weights, but can be swapped out for alternatives like water bottles for example. Because of the nature of the exercise heavy weights aren’t required; the number of reps will make the main difference. Holding your weight or alternative in each hand, extend arms out to your sides. Bracing abs and holding shoulders back, bend your arms at the elbow slightly before hinging them down at the shoulders about halfway.  Lift them back up to parallel and then lower all the way down to the sides.  

 5. Windshield Wipers ( Abdominals and Sides )

The exercise changes in difficulty depending on the position of the legs.  Lay on your back with arms outstretched but with legs straight and facing up. Lower legs over to one side keeping them together and lowering them as close to the floor as possible without lifting your shoulders or back off the floor.  Return legs to the center and repeat on the other side.

6. Reverse Crunches

The reverse crunches will work the lower section of your abdomen. No weights are required for this exercise making it a great at-home ab exercise.  This exercise involves laying on your back with legs bent and arms flat on the floor, lifting the hips towards the sternum using abs with little to no assistance from the arms on either side.  

7. Squat jumps for the Legs

This will work every muscle in the legs. It’s also a fat-burning and cardio exercise. It can be done with or without weights. Begin a wide squat position then jump as high as possible with straight legs, keeping the quads and glutes contracted, and using arms for momentum.  

8. An effective bodyweight-only exercise, walking lunges work the quads, hamstrings, and glutes.  

High reps can outweigh the lack of weight. Standing with feet together, keep hands on hips and take a large step forward. Step forward and do the same with the other leg and repeat until the intended number has been reached. 

9. Skydivers ( Back)

Require no equipment at all apart from a mat. Using bodyweight, this exercise is great for posture and to counteract the effects of long periods of sitting. This exercise is most effective when the position is held for a few seconds, slowly released before going back into it again. Simply lay on your front with legs straight and palms on the floor either side of your head.  Lift your legs, head, chest, and arms off the floor while sliding shoulders back and down. Hold the position for a few seconds before lowering down slowly, and then repeat.  

10. No space for a rowing machine at home can be countered by doing seated resistance band rows instead.

A resistance band can be used to replicate most bodyweight and machine exercises. Using a resistance band looped around the feet is a great alternative to cable seated rows, and also much better for storage. Sit down and pull the band back keeping shoulders away from ears and arms tucked by your sides. Keep abs contracted and repeat reps as required. 

Commenting on the findings, a Fitness Volt spokesperson said:

“The great thing about these exercises is that you can stay on top of your health and fitness with little to no cost, and from any place at any time. 

The exercises work together to ensure a full body workout, but each can be done in isolation and amended according to the person doing them – they are effective whether you are a seasoned exerciser, or just starting out on a fitness journey.”  

The research was conducted by Fitness Volt which is a comprehensive online resource dedicated to Strength Sports, from healthy eating to exercise and everything in between.

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