FG2G joins Facebook Business Insights Panel

Facebook Business Insights Panel experts

Briana Booker, Chief Editor of Fromgirltogirl.com, is a member of the Facebook Business Insights Panel, an online community where industry experts share their direct thoughts and feedback with Facebook’s Product teams to help improve the products and services Facebook users love, and influence the development of new products and services that haven’t been released yet.

About Facebook Business Insights Panel

Booker’s commitment is only a few minutes each month providing feedback on products and services in use. In return, the Facebook Business Insights Panel provides her with insight into exciting new product releases, a summary of what they are hearing from the panel community, and ongoing news and information about the products and services that are important to users. To connect with Booker for product development services, email her at brianabooker@fromgirltogirl.com.

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