God in the Eyes of Children

Recently I started a project to ask children to draw God for me. I have always been told children are the closest to God. So far, I am fascinated by the project. The pictures are anything but human. I think I might collect the pictures to see if I see any trends. So far it seems the sun is a very popular and important factor about God. Children do amazing things without realizing it. Ask children to draw God for you. It’s worth a look.

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The Power of Prayer

So one of my New Years resolutions is to pray more often. I decided I would pray at least 21 times a week. I did not want it to be prayers of need but prayers of thanks to God. I decided to do this after learning about Jesus continuously praying to God through out each day of his life. It inspired me. I am trying to grow my faith in God and myself. In the Bible it states through God all things are possible. I believe in it. For New Years Eve I sealed a wine bottle my loved ones( including my life partner)had a drink of wine. I put two leaves of my praying plant in the bottle. I put rolled up papers of everyones prayers in the bottle. I would like to think that God is listening. There is power in prayer. I am working on making it through the week. If I can make through the week, then I know I can commitment my faith. -strongBriana Booker, Founder of Fromgirltogirl via mobile./strong

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Religion Corner: Justification of War

Sometimes the text in religious books make me think. Tonight I was reading from the Bible and the Quran. There are rules to why Muslims should fight a war for Islam( defend life and defend land) and when to stop. Then in the Bible it says the same thing in Chapter 10 Matthew. To be honest the rules for war can be approved for both Christians and Muslims. Politics blended with religion. That is a mixture for disaster. In Matthew 10:34 Jesus discusses that his coming was not to bring peace to the world but a sword.

What is the purpose of war? Is war better than peace or used when peace fails to succeed to bring tolerance of each other?
What is so grand about war and violence? Why war? O_O

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Happy New Year 2012

2011 was full of ups and downs. I graduated school having no job to having a job. Went from having a cheater to having someone loving in my life. Went to White House and back. Life works in mysterious ways( will discuss my lessons from the challenges I faced in later articles). For now, I am sharing with you my bottle of blessings and prayers. I used a wine bottle my loved ones have consumed. I put piece of my praying plant in the bottle has well as blessing I have faith will come in 2012. It is uplifting to believe in better days. I hope you will join me. Happy New Year! – Briana Booker, Fromgirltogirl.com Founderbr /br /a href=https://www.fromgirltogirl.com/fromgirltogirl/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/20111231-164736.jpgimg src=https://www.fromgirltogirl.com/fromgirltogirl/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/20111231-164736.jpg alt=20111231-164736.jpg class=alignnone size-full //a

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To Find Love: Learn How To Manage Your Weaknesses

By Briana Booker

Weaknesses. We all have them. If we did not, we would be perfect, but I have not met any perfect person. Shoot, I am not perfect.

With that said, weakness is nothing to be ashamed about. You can find love even with having weaknesses. You just have to learn how to manage your weaknesses the proper way so that you have control of your destiny and  can live a prosperous professional and personal life.

Acknowledging your weaknesses instead of hiding them is important. For example, I am stubborn and have a bad temper when I feel I have been wronged in a romantic relationship. My temper is the worse when I  question why I was mistreated because most of the time I try to give my all to the one I am committed to having a happy and healthy relationship.What can I say? I am a loyal and stubborn Taurus.

No relationship is perfect but if you are given bread crumbs constantly in a relationship while you are offering a luxurious feast, you should find real love. No man or woman that truly loves you would treat you bad constantly…that is not love. That is controlling and abusive.

Living life, I realized losing my temper was not the way to be happy or resolve romantic dilemmas. I realized I needed to learn to work around the flaws of my partner and promote him to do the best for our relationship.

I can not change the past. I can not erase the males I gave a chance to build a healthy and worthy relationship. It is in the past. All I can do is live in the present.

I must live for the now and treat my new partner the right way. I need to work as much as he does to make things grow into something beyond my assumption that all men cheat or lie.

Not every man is a cheater or liar. Not every  woman is a cheater or liar.

Once I stopped making assumptions and predictions about how my relationship would go with a man, that is when things started to look up. I took time to forgive the mistreat of my past to open my soul to someone I like to think is working to be worthy of me.

I can not predict the future. I can only live in the now. And right now, I am taking a leap of faith with the man present in my life. Even if he may or may not be the one, he is teaching me a great deal about myself and him. I am thankful to God for putting a man in my life driving me to grow into better not worse.

My best advice is take your time. Ask questions. Do not be quick tempered when you are confused or uncertain. Most guys, if mature, will try to resolve things with you when they have made mistakes in the relationship. Know your worth. Give him space sometimes to be himself. He will return, if he truly cares for you. You can never keep a man away from a woman he truly loves as much as he loves his life.

And if you need help, here are  a few tips from my relationshipExaminer Column  http://www.examiner.com/dc-in-washington-dc/how-to-make-your-girl-smile ! Print it out for your partner or subscribe. Suggest the tips to him or her. Use it as a guide to build a better relationship with your partner.

For more lifestyle enrichment tips, news, community empowerment,advice, and freebies visit  our website Fromgirltogirl.com !

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Briana Fierce : Are Love & Basketball Inter-Linked?


Can Basketball help you find real love?
Can Basketball help you find real love?


By Briana Booker

I have never been one very talented at sports or pursued sports passionately in my life. I decided to become a writer. But I have been told it has potential to build great character and team work.

Two years ago, I lost faith that good men exist – Men that are respectful. Men that are honest. Men that are affectionate. Men that do not cheat on women that love them. I lost faith healthy relationships existed. But something made me pause – maybe I was following the wrong method of discovering a good man and what he is all about in life.

People often believe I am beautiful and smart. I have no problem finding  a good man. Often the males I have dated have been bright young men with very attractive bodies. But as my demands for a man to commit to building a strong and healthy relationship became more important than sex and public appearance, I started to feel more alone than when I was single.

I knew relationships were not supposed to work like that. I knew inconsistency and convenience was not supposed to be part of a healthy and loving relationship. I realized I was attracting the wrong characters. It takes more to being a man than selfishness and chasing ass all day.

Recently, a male friend told me , if you want to learn a man’s character,watch him play basketball,street basketball to be exact.

No, he does not have to be the most talented basketball player. It can be his first day on the court. You will see things revealed about his character, that could tell you how he will treat you in a romantic and committed relationship.

I never thought about it. I do not know  if it is true or not. But I plan on discovering, if the theory can add value to my romantic life. Can the game of basketball help me find the one? I mean, it helped Mrs. Obama find the one( more into that story later).

So I got out my phone. I typed: ‘Can I watch you play basketball?’ To a man I will not name at the moment. I have not sent the text yet…but the day that I do will come soon enough.


Are you ready for some Love & Basketball?


For more lifestyle enrichment tips, news, community empowerment and advice, visit  our website Fromgirltogirl.com !

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