How to be Healthier in the New Year – Fitness Expert

Weight Loss Tips on how to be healthier in the new year.

Fitness experts share tips on how to kick start a healthier year.

Making healthier choices can be stressful for those who are determined to get in shape ; it is often hard to know where to begin.

Patrick Dale, a fitness expert and personal trainer at has compiled this beginner-friendly guide to get you started. 


Diets are not one size fits all. Use these steps to create a diet that works for you.

Determine your Daily Calorie Requirements 

Use a Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) calculator to find out how many calories it would take to maintain your current weight. These calculators can be found online. Use your height, weight and activity levels to calculate how many calories you need to maintain, lose and/or gain weight. 

Create a Calorie Deficit 

Take your maintenance number and subtract 500 calories from it. This is what you should be aiming for daily and one of the best ways to monitor your calories is to track your food intake by writing information down or use an app. Don’t forget to look at the portion sizes on packets and weigh your food.

Remember: You can lose more weight by drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated and eat high fiber food to keep your digestive system healthy.

Patrick Dale shares this advice for fitness health beginners: 

“A lot of people focus on cardio for weight loss, but strength training is equally important. In fact, you’ll lose weight faster and more easily if you do both. 

Beginners may be tempted to dive head-first into an intense workout plan, but that would be a mistake. Doing more exercise than you can comfortably handle is a good way to end up sore and even injured. Also, training too hard too soon could put you off exercise for good.”

Fitness health flow chart for beginners

Often Fitness Health Beginners start with a full-body plan that includes strength training three times a week on non-consecutive days with cardio in between. It is important to give your muscles time to recover after training to prevent injury. 

Patrick Dale recommends doing the following workout on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week, including 2-3 sets, 12-20 reps, and 60-90 seconds of recovery: 

           Exercise     Sets     Reps     Recovery 
    1   Goblet squat   3   12-20   60-90 seconds 
    2   Chest press machine   2   12-20   60-90 seconds 
    3   Seated rows   2   12-20   60-90 seconds 
    4   Lunge   3   12-20   60-90 seconds 
    5   Dumbbell shoulder press   2   12-20   60-90 seconds 
    6   Lat pulldown   2   12-20   60-90 seconds 
    7   Triceps pushdown   2   12-20   60-90 seconds 
    8   Dumbbell biceps curl   2   12-20   60-90 seconds 
    9   Cable crunch   3   12-20   60-90 seconds 
    10   45-degree back extension   3   12-20   60-90 seconds 

A guide to these exercises can be found at 

 A good weekly exercise plan for fitness health should look like this: 

      Mon     Tues     Wed     Thurs     Fri     Sat     Sun 
    Strength   Cardio   Strength   Cardio   Strength   Cardio   Rest 

For your cardio workouts, maintain a steady pace for around 20 – 30 minutes. This can be done at the gym by using treadmills or stationary bikes or going for a walk around the neighborhood. You are doing your cardio workouts properly if you are out of breath but still able to talk.  

It is also worth remembering NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) – this daily exercise will help to burn those calories. NEAT can include washing the dishes, playing with your kids, or anything that gets you moving more. NEAT will help you lose weight and be healthier if you stick to it for the year.

All the above information can be found on Fitness Volt’s website and is fact checked by nutritionists.

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10 Best Workouts for the New Year

Best workouts for the new year you can do right at home. Woman doing exercises in her living room.

The end of the year is always a busy, festive time. It is also a time when people stack on more weight. To help you stay healthy and fit in the new year do these full body exercises.

Expert reveals 10 best full body exercises for a busy schedule 

There is no denying that the lead up to Christmas and the New Year is a very busy time and leaves little for exercising, but that is where fitness expert Fitness Volt comes in to help those who want to live a healthy lifestyle. In a bid to help you stay fit from the comfort of your home when you have time, below are 10 exercises you can tailor to work for you.

The B-Stance Hip Thrusts can be done with or without weights. It requires nothing but a sturdy raised surface to build up your Glutes. Do a
lower-back friendly exercise such as the B-Stance hip thrusts daily or weekly. This exercise is suitable for all levels of exercise. Simply sit on the floor with your back against a sturdy bench/chair while keeping one leg bent and the foot flat on the floor.

The other remains straight resting the heel on the floor. Drive the flat foot into the ground and focus on the heel to push the body up and parallel with the floor, then lower bottom to the floor slowly and repeat for desired number of reps. Three sets of 12 is typical for any exercise but this can be adjusted to a person’s ability or time schedule.  

Single-leg Romanian Deadlifts work mainly the glutes and hamstrings, but also work on the hip abductors and adductors. An exercise that is easy on the lower back and knee, this exercise also improves strength, balance, and mobility, and can be done with or without weights. Standing with feet together, hinge forward at the hips and raise one leg behind you until your body is parallel with the floor. Before lowering the leg back and raising your torso back up, take care not to round the back. Repeat for as many reps as desired, then do the same for the other side.  

Shoulder and Biceps. Using bodyweight, pike push-ups are a great exercise to strengthen and build the shoulder muscle, the deltoid.  To perform this exercise, stand in down dog but with tip toes, bend your arms at the elbow while keeping the back straight. Ensure you bend your arms outwards rather than keeping the elbows tucked to your sides.

Dumbbell lateral raises are often done using weights, but can be swapped out for alternatives like water bottles. Because of the nature of the exercise heavy weights are not required; the number of reps will make the main difference. Holding your weight or alternative in each hand, extend arms out to your sides. Bracing abs and holding shoulders back, bend your arms at the elbow slightly before hinging them down at the shoulders about halfway. Lift them back up to parallel and then lower all the way down to sides. Repeat.  

Windshield Wipers are tough exercises, which target the obliques. The exercise changes in difficulty depending on the position of the legs so it can be altered according to level. Lay on your back with arms outstretched but with legs straight and facing up to focus abdominals and sides. Lower legs over to one side keeping them together and lowering them as close to the floor as possible without lifting your shoulders or back off the floor. Return legs to center and do the same on the other side. Do as many of these as you can.

Reverse crunches work the lower section of your abdomen. No weights are required for this exercise making it a great at-home ab exercise. This exercise involves laying on your back with legs bent and arms flat on the floor, lifting the hips towards the sternum using abs with little to no assistance from the arms on either side.

Squat jumps work every muscle in the legs. It is also a fat-burning and cardio exercise. It can be done with or without weights, but due to its explosive nature, it is encouraged that supportive, cushioned shoes are worn to protect the feet, ankles and knees on impact. Begin in a wide squat position then jump as high as possible with straight legs, keeping the quads and glutes contracted, and using arms for momentum. Land lightly on slightly bent knees to absorb the shock. Do as many as possible, imagining the floor is hot to make the most of the exercise. 

An effective bodyweight-only exercise, walking lunges work the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. High reps can outweigh the lack of weight. Standing with feet together, keep hands on hips while and take a large step forward. Then, do the same with one leg and the other leg. Repeat until the intended number has been reached.

Back Skydivers require no equipment at all apart from a mat. Using bodyweight, this exercise is great for posture and to counteract the effects of long periods of sitting. This exercise is most effective when the position is held for a few seconds, slowly released before going back into it again. Simply lay on your front with legs straight and palms on the floor either side of your head. Lift your legs, head, chest, and arms off the floor while sliding shoulders back and down.  Hold the position for a few seconds before lowering down slowly, and then repeat.

No space for a rowing machine at home can be countered by doing seated resistance band rows instead. A resistance band can be used to replicate most bodyweight and machine exercises. Using a resistance band looped around the feet is a great alternative to cable seated rows, and also much better for storage. Sit down and pull the band back keeping shoulders away from ears and arms tucked by your sides. Keep abs contracted, and repeat reps as required. 

 Commenting on the findings, a Fitness Volt spokesperson said:
“The great thing about these exercises is that you can stay on top of your health and fitness with little to no cost, and from any place at any time. The exercises work together to ensure a full body workout, but each can be done in isolation and amended according to the person doing them – they’re effective whether you’re a seasoned exerciser, or just starting out on a fitness journey.” 

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Fitness expert shares Top Winter Exercising Outside Safety Tips

Running in the winter. Woman exercising during the winter.

Fitness expert shares top safety tips for exercising outside during winter.

Christmas is soon and many will be focused on getting a head start on their New Year fitness resolutions as snow and ice are guaranteed for many in the United States of America ( USA) throughout December.

It is important to take safety into consideration when exercising outdoors.  Matthew Magnante, an exercise author at FitnessVolt, has compiled a list of his most important safety tips to keep in mind when exercising outdoors during the colder months.

Drink Even If You Don’t Feel Thirsty

When exercising in colder temperatures, we are at an elevated risk of dehydration. Our blood vessels constrict when it is cold to reduce the amount of heat lost through our skin, as a way of maintaining our core body temperature. During this process a hormone called plasma arginine vasopressin(AVP) that normally signals thirst, is secreted at a lower rate than when exercising in hot weather. This explains why you might find yourself craving water less when exercising in winter.

Research has found that exposure to cold weather can reduce our thirst sensation by as much as 40%. To prevent dehydration, continue to drink water as you would during summer and opt for a glass of water before heading out and continue to sip on a drink throughout and after your workout. Also, don’t forget to fuel your body with food before exercising outdoors. You typically burn more calories in cold weather to maintain your core body temperature, so it is important to prioritize nutrition if you want to maintain energy throughout your workout.  

Opt for Polyester not Cotton t-shirts 

If you find yourself prone to sweating while exercising, cotton is one of the worst materials you can wear when the temperatures drop. Cotton is highly absorbent which means that as you sweat the material tends to stay wet rather than drying out. Water conducts heat away from the body up to 25 times faster than air, which means you will lose body heat much more quickly in colder temperatures and increase your risk of developing hyperthermia. 

Moisture-wicking materials such as polyester or wool will keep you warmer because their fibres absorb less water, and dry out quickly. Polyester fibres are designed to insulate you even when wet by trapping a layer of air between the fabric and your skin, while the shape of its fibres are designed to remove water. A three-tier layering system works best, comprised of a base layer such as polyester, a main layer such as wool and a waterproof outer layer that repels rain, snow and wind. This way you create multiple layers of insulation while allowing sweat to move through the layers and evaporate into the air rather than clinging to your clothes.   

Cut your sessions in half 
Running on snow and ice engages different muscles to running on dry ground, due to the reduced friction and uneven surfaces. Consequently, you are likely to put yourself at risk of injury if you try to complete your regular running distance without first adapting to the new conditions. A good rule of thumb when running on icy routes is to halve your regular running distance until you have adapted to running on slippery or uneven surfaces. Allow yourself 4-6 weeks of regularly running on snow or icy terrain, before you start to build back up to your regular running distance.  

Reducing the distance between each step will also help to keep your feet under your centre of gravity and allow you recover more easily should you lose your balance. As you become more comfortable on these surfaces, you can gradually widen back up to your regular stride.   

Say where you are going  
Even for the most confident among us, it is important to let someone know where you are going before you head out on a walk or run during winter. 

For iPhone users, you can temporarily enable location sharing on the Find My App which will enable family, friends or your partner to track your location should you slip and injure yourself while exercising on ice or snow.

Stretch Before and After Exercise  

Stretching before you exercise is particularly important in winter, as your muscles tend to contract to conserve heat, which makes them more prone to injury.  Try to incorporate dynamic stretches before you head out for a winter run, to increase your muscles’ internal temperature and reduce the risk of injury. Body weight squats, calf raises, and good old-fashioned jumping jacks are effective dynamic stretches that get the blood flowing and increase your core body temperature, before you head outside. Post workout, you want to perform static stretches, which require you to stretch and hold a muscle group for 15-30 seconds. Static stretches also help to reduce injury but should only be used as part of a cool down routine, to help lower your heart rate and relax your muscles. Common static movements include hamstring stretches, quad stretches and calf stretches. 

Cut Your Sessions in Half

Running on snow and ice engages different muscles to running on dry ground, due to the reduced friction and uneven surfaces. You are likely to put yourself at risk of injury if you try to complete your regular running distance without first adapting to the new conditions. A good rule of thumb when running on icy routes is to halve your regular running distance until you have adapted to running on slippery or uneven surfaces. Allow yourself 4-6 weeks of regularly running on snow or icy terrain, before you start to build back up to your regular running distance.  Reducing the distance between each step will also help to keep your feet under your center of gravity and allow you to recover easier should you lose your balance. As you become more comfortable on these surfaces, you can gradually widen back up to your regular stride. 

Tell Where You Are Going  

Even for the most confident among us, it is important to let someone know where you are going before you head out on a walk or run during winter. For iPhone users, you can temporarily enable location sharing on the Find My App which will enable family, friends or your partner to track your location should you slip and injure yourself while exercising on ice or snow. 

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How to prepare for working out after the Christmas break

Experts reveal five tips to get back into fitness after the Christmas break and before the new year.

 After you relax with family and friends over the Christmas break, it can be hard to get back into your routine in the new year.

Research reveals that December is the quietest calendar month at the gym but it is the perfect time to plan your fitness workout routine for the new year.

Experts at Fitness Volt have highlighted five tips to ease yourself back into a workout routine after the festivities.  

Set specific times. Scheduling your workout time is a simple yet effective step. Getting back into the right frame of mind after the Christmas buzz is difficult. Without a gym schedule, it’s likely that you will make plenty of excuses to not partake in any exercise.

Consider your day-to-day schedule and choose your workout slot based on where you have the most free time. You can mentally prepare yourself to avoid any excuses that you are too busy.

Plus, a planned exercise slot will ensure that your workload won’t take over, as it’s a given that you will be getting back into a busy work routine, too. 

Don’t overexert yourself. While pushing yourself is usually encouraged in fitness, it’s sensible to not push yourself to the extreme, particularly after some time away from exercise.

Whether it’s weightlifting or cardio, doing too much exercise can lead to overuse injuries including muscle strains and tendon injuries and can make you less capable of meeting your fitness goals.

After some time off, it’s natural to not be able to lift heavy objects or run far. Don’t be discouraged. Stay consistent with your exercise.

Overdoing it can lead to a burnout in the early stages and make you dread a workout as opposed to enjoy it.

If you feel yourself giving up, commit to five minutes and finish your workout. If you don’t feel capable of doing anymore, follow the five-minute rule. It will motivate you to do more.  

Personalize your workout. Fitness lovers aren’t necessarily all gym-goers. There are plenty of ways to workout which don’t involve the gym. If you’re a nature enthusiast and wish to do more cardio exercises, go for a run – or even a walk – at your local beach, local park, or even around the block. Alternatively, if you’re into strength training but don’t enjoy the gym atmosphere, invest in equipment such as dumbbells and kettlebells to work out from the comfort of your own home.   

Partner up. Finding a friend with similar fitness goals is beneficial for many reasons, one being that it acts as motivation. For the days that you don’t feel like exercising, a fitness partner can motivate you to get ready and get it done – plus, during a workout, your partner can even push you to take it to the next level, such as lifting a slightly heavier weight or increasing the incline setting on the treadmill. Having a partner can also keep you accountable to stay on track of your fitness plan, and recognize any goals that are yet to be met. Better yet, it makes it a time to socialize so that you look forward to it more, not to mention your partner can spot you to make your workout safer.  

Set short term goals too. It’s always important to think of the long-term result; doing so allows you to plan your workout and figure out which exercises are best suited to your needs. However, having only a long-term goal can become frustrating when you aren’t seeing progress straight away, and can even result in you to give up completely – which is especially easy to do when you’re trying to get back into your routine. Therefore, it’s vital to set goals over shorter time frames that are manageable, as well as not just focusing on your appearance. For example, you may wish to become stronger, so a short-term goal for the end of a month could be to increase your squat load by 45 lbs.  

A spokesperson from Fitness Volt has commented:

“When it comes to Christmas, the last thing that needs to be on our minds is working out – it’s a time that we wish to be spending with family and friends, and it’s important to make the most of that. However, it can be difficult to find our motivation to get back into it from some time off.   

Thankfully, there are simple steps that can increase your ambition again as well as make your workout more enjoyable to ensure that you can stick to your fitness routine in the new year and, as a result, enjoy the Christmas festivities without feeling guilty.”  

The research was conducted by Fitness Volt which is a comprehensive online resource dedicated to Strength Sports, from healthy eating to exercise and everything in between.  

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Fitness experts reveal five crucial tips to prepare for working out after a Christmas break

Getting back into your routine in the new year can be quite the challenge, specifically when it comes to working out. Research shows that December is the quietest calendar month at the gym, so it is vital to start the preparation early.

Reveal Five Tips to Get Back into Fitness After a Christmas Break  

Experts at Fitness Volt have highlighted five tips to ease yourself back into a workout routine after the festivities. Getting back into the right frame of mind after the Christmas buzz is just one of the ways you will have to readjust, and it can certainly take its toll on you.

Don’t overexert yourself

Whether it’s weightlifting or cardio, doing too much exercise can lead to overuse injuries including muscle strains and tendon injuries.

Overdoing it can lead to a burnout in the early stages and make you dread a workout as opposed to enjoy it. If you feel yourself giving up, try to commit to five minutes and finish your workout if you don’t feel capable of doing anymore; but with this five-minute rule, it will likely motivate you to do more.  

Personalize your workout

Fitness lovers aren’t necessarily all gym-goers. If you are a nature enthusiast and wish to do more cardio exercises, go for a run – or even a walk – at your local beach, local park, or even around the block. Alternatively, if you are into strength training but don’t enjoy the gym atmosphere, invest in equipment such as dumbbells and kettlebells to work out from the comfort of your own home.   

Partner up

Finding a friend with similar fitness goals is beneficial for many reasons, one being that it acts as motivation after some time away. For the days that you don’t feel like exercising, a fitness partner can motivate you to get it done.

During a workout, your partner can even push you to take it to the next level, such as lifting a slightly heavier weight or increasing the incline setting on the treadmill. Having a partner can also keep you accountable to stay on track of your fitness plan, and recognize any goals that are yet to be met.

Set short term goals too

It’s always important to think of the long-term result; doing so allows you to plan your workout and figure out which exercises are best suited to your needs.

Having only a long-term goal can become frustrating when you are not seeing progress straight away, which is especially easy to do when you are trying to get back into your routine. It is vital to set goals over shorter time frames that are manageable, as well as not just focusing on your appearance.

For example, you may wish to become stronger, so a short-term goal for the end of a month could be to increase your squat load by 45 lbs.  

A spokesperson from Fitness Volt has commented:

“When it comes to Christmas, the last thing that needs to be on our minds is working out – it’s a time that we wish to be spending with family and friends, and it’s important to make the most of that. However, it can be difficult to find our motivation to get back into it from some time off.   Thankfully, there are simple steps that can increase your ambition again as well as make your workout more enjoyable to ensure that you can stick to your fitness routine in the new year and, as a result, enjoy the Christmas festivities without feeling guilty.” 

 The research was conducted by Fitness Volt which is a comprehensive online resource dedicated to Strength Sports, from healthy eating to exercise and everything in between.  
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10 Best at-home Exercises for a Full Body Workout

Winter is near and more people are spending time at home due to the festive season. Though time has been filled with Christmas shopping and wrapping presents rather than hitting the gym, there may be an opportunity to stay active at home. Fitness experts Fitness Vol revealed 10 exercises to ensure a full body workout from the comfort of your home.   

1. B-Stance Hip Thrusts for Glutes

It can be done with or without weights, and requires nothing but a sturdy raised surface. A lower-back friendly exercise, B-Stance hip thrusts are suitable for all levels of exercise. Simply sit on the floor with your back against a sturdy bench/chair while keeping one leg bent and the foot flat on the floor, while the other remains straight resting the heel on the floor.  Drive the flat foot into the ground focusing on the heel to push the body up and parallel with the floor, the lower bottom to the floor slowly and repeat for desired number of reps.  A typical number, for any exercise, is three sets of 12, but this can be adjusted to a person’s ability.   

2. Single-leg Romanian Deadlifts

Work mainly the glutes and hamstrings, but also work on the hip abductors.  This is an exercise that is easy on the lower back and knee. This is a strength, balance, and mobility exercise that can be done with or without weights.  Standing with feet together, hinge forward at the hips and raise one leg behind you until your body is parallel with the floor, before lowering the leg back and raising your torso, taking care not to round the back.  Repeat for as many reps as desired, then do the same for the other side. 

 3. Using BodyweightShoulder and Biceps

Pike push-ups are a great exercise to strengthen and build the shoulder muscle, the deltoid. Standing in down dog but with tip toes, bend your arms at the elbow while keeping the back straight. Bend your arms outwards rather than keeping the elbows tucked to your sides.  

4. Dumbbell Lateral raises

Often done using weights, but can be swapped out for alternatives like water bottles for example. Because of the nature of the exercise heavy weights aren’t required; the number of reps will make the main difference. Holding your weight or alternative in each hand, extend arms out to your sides. Bracing abs and holding shoulders back, bend your arms at the elbow slightly before hinging them down at the shoulders about halfway.  Lift them back up to parallel and then lower all the way down to the sides.  

 5. Windshield Wipers ( Abdominals and Sides )

The exercise changes in difficulty depending on the position of the legs.  Lay on your back with arms outstretched but with legs straight and facing up. Lower legs over to one side keeping them together and lowering them as close to the floor as possible without lifting your shoulders or back off the floor.  Return legs to the center and repeat on the other side.

6. Reverse Crunches

The reverse crunches will work the lower section of your abdomen. No weights are required for this exercise making it a great at-home ab exercise.  This exercise involves laying on your back with legs bent and arms flat on the floor, lifting the hips towards the sternum using abs with little to no assistance from the arms on either side.  

7. Squat jumps for the Legs

This will work every muscle in the legs. It’s also a fat-burning and cardio exercise. It can be done with or without weights. Begin a wide squat position then jump as high as possible with straight legs, keeping the quads and glutes contracted, and using arms for momentum.  

8. An effective bodyweight-only exercise, walking lunges work the quads, hamstrings, and glutes.  

High reps can outweigh the lack of weight. Standing with feet together, keep hands on hips and take a large step forward. Step forward and do the same with the other leg and repeat until the intended number has been reached. 

9. Skydivers ( Back)

Require no equipment at all apart from a mat. Using bodyweight, this exercise is great for posture and to counteract the effects of long periods of sitting. This exercise is most effective when the position is held for a few seconds, slowly released before going back into it again. Simply lay on your front with legs straight and palms on the floor either side of your head.  Lift your legs, head, chest, and arms off the floor while sliding shoulders back and down. Hold the position for a few seconds before lowering down slowly, and then repeat.  

10. No space for a rowing machine at home can be countered by doing seated resistance band rows instead.

A resistance band can be used to replicate most bodyweight and machine exercises. Using a resistance band looped around the feet is a great alternative to cable seated rows, and also much better for storage. Sit down and pull the band back keeping shoulders away from ears and arms tucked by your sides. Keep abs contracted and repeat reps as required. 

Commenting on the findings, a Fitness Volt spokesperson said:

“The great thing about these exercises is that you can stay on top of your health and fitness with little to no cost, and from any place at any time. 

The exercises work together to ensure a full body workout, but each can be done in isolation and amended according to the person doing them – they are effective whether you are a seasoned exerciser, or just starting out on a fitness journey.”  

The research was conducted by Fitness Volt which is a comprehensive online resource dedicated to Strength Sports, from healthy eating to exercise and everything in between.

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Top 10 Foods to Eat to Make Your Butt Bigger

Tomatoes are the foods that will give you a bigger behind or a bigger butt.

Expert reveal tomatoes, eggs, and nut butter are the foods that will give you a bigger behind or a bigger butt.

While exercise is essential for gaining glute size, it does not work in isolation. Like all other muscles in our bodies, the glutes need a balance of nutrition, training, and rest to grow bigger and stronger.

Nutrition expert Vidur Saini from Fitness Volt has revealed a guide on everything you need to know about the top 10 foods that can help you get a bigger and more toned butt.  

 1. Tomatoes

Research has shown that tomatoes can prevent age-associated muscle strength decline, making them a great addition to your diet to keep your butt toned. Tomatoes have anti-inflammatory properties that can help you recover faster between workouts and are mostly water, which will keep you feeling full for longer.

2. Eggs.

Eggs are arguably one of the most popular, convenient, and affordable protein sources. While egg whites are packed with protein, yolks are a great source of healthy fat. Eggs contain leucine, an amino acid that stimulates muscle synthesis and reduces muscle protein breakdown. Leucine combined with a high-quality protein dose can definitely kickstart your butt gains. 

3. Nut Butter.

Nut butter is often the spread of choice for many fitness enthusiasts, with almond and peanut butter being the most popular. Nut butter is rich in fats which can help power your workouts and keep your bones and heart healthy. Plus, they pack a solid punch of muscle-building protein.

4. Salmon

Salmon is packed with booty-building nutrients. Most notably, salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce inflammation, which can quicken muscle recovery and growth and are also great for maintaining brain and joint health. 

5. Avocados

Avocados are one of the healthiest and most nutrient-dense sources of fats, which can help you gain mass on your butt and reduce bad cholesterol levels in your body. Magnesium in avocados can help improve muscle contraction and reduce inflammation after exercise, therefore reducing exercise-induced damage.

6. Tofu

Tofu is produced from condensed soy milk and is high in protein, containing all the essential amino acids your body needs. Studies have revealed that soy protein can be more effective than casein protein and is more effective at increasing muscle volume in people with low physical activity.  

7. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are easily one of the most underrated foods when it comes to building your glutes. The balanced source of protein and carbs in mushrooms is a great food source to build muscle mass, especially for vegetarians and vegans. 

8. Spinach

Green leafy vegetables are a must in any diet program. They are loaded with nutrients and antioxidants and can improve eye health, help prevent cancer, reduce oxidative stress, and reduce blood pressure levels. Spinach also contains anti-inflammatory minerals that can help you recover faster between workouts and help improve your endurance, allowing you to train harder and longer.  

9. Tuna.

Similar to salmon, tuna is packed with butt-building nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and is a fantastic budget-friendly option. Research shows that omega-3 fatty acids can help prevent muscle mass loss and muscle wasting in older adults during periods of inactivity, meaning you will be able to hold your booty gains for longer.

10. Sweet potatoes.

Sweet potatoes are a go-to carb source for many bodybuilders and athletes. They are nutritious, satiating, rich in fiber, and, most importantly, delicious. Like their sibling potatoes, they are a convenient food source packed with carbs, which can help you build a bigger behind.   

Building a bigger butt requires the perfect mix of a balanced diet and efficient training. You will gain weight and size by staying in a calorie surplus, but a personalized training plan will help ignite muscle growth in the target muscle group. You could add these foods to your existing diet or design a new diet program from scratch, and you will be on your way to building a thick and strong rear. 

Full list of 20 foods that Make your Butt Bigger

  • Tomatoes
  • Eggs 
  • Nut Butter   
  • Salmon
  • Avocados
  • Tofu
  • Mushrooms 
  • Spinach
  • Tuna   
  • Sweet potatoes 
  • Chicken Breast 
  • Milk 
  • Tilapia
  • Nuts     
  • Greek Yogurt   
  • Quinoa     
  • Brown Rice   
  • Legumes     
  • Cottage Cheese   
  • Flaxseed  

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