Prebiotic Daily Greens Food and Drink Recipes to support a healthy body and mind

Nourish your body and mind with Prebiotic Daily Greens. It’s an easy way to get our essential vitamins and minerals. The Laird Superfood Prebiotic Daily Greens formula is made with 3 power house blends – Prebiotic Fiber, Adaptogen, and Fruits & Vegetables. I love using the Daily Greens to make food and drink recipes at home. The dietary supplement provides an excellent source of Vitamin D and prebiotics to support and maintain a healthy gut.

Prebiotic Daily Greens supplement.

Food and Drink Recipes

Daily Greens Smoothie Bowl

Activated Acai Bowl with Prebiotic Daily Greens Recipe

Daily Greens Energy Bites

Remember your gut health is important because it plays a central role in your mind and body well being. A normal microbiota may support your overall health. When the gut microbiome is in good shape, it can positively impact digestion and energy levels.

Shop @lairdsuperfood  and learn more about Prebiotic Daily Greens .

⭐️ @fromgirltogirl may receive commission.

Use code FROMGIRLTOGIRL10 for 10% off!

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Early Welcome to Fall Gift: Superfood Creamers

When it’s back to school season, I like to shop for early welcome to fall gifts for friends, family, and people who may be living away from home or moving to a new location. Here is one of my favorite fall gifts:

Superfood Creamer® 3-Pack

This is a great superfood gift because it helps people make plenty of food and drink recipes. The Sweet and Creamy is perfect for making your morning coffee. The Mocha Creamer can help you make dark chocolate flavor from raw, cold-pressed cacao that blends perfectly with the Sweet and Creamy Superfood Creamer. Turmeric is a plant-based and dairy-free creamer… it has real turmeric spice so you can have both warm and spicy while being sweet and inviting for drinks, pasta, soup, salad recipes, and cookies.

Shop @lairdsuperfood  and try out superfood recipes.

⭐️ @fromgirltogirl may receive commission.

Use code FROMGIRLTOGIRL10 for 10% off!

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Get your Ube food and drink favorites for summer family meals and parties

Ube breakfast bowl.

When you want affordable healthy food and drinks, enjoy your filipino cuisine. That means you’re enjoying Ube, the purple yam. You can have Ube at any meal time because it can be added to plenty of food and drink recipes. Order Ube favorites from Umamicart.

Here’s $10 to spend at @umamicart :

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