Is food printing the future of the food industry? New book has answers.

Shannon Theobald releases ebook Printing Your Dinner

Shannon Theobald, after nearly a year of hard work, has released her book  Printing Your Dinner: Personalization in the Future of Foodin paperback and e-book. The book is the first exploration of how bioprinting can change our food system and our lives for the better. Theobald wrote the book because she knows how important and how impactful food innovation can be. She is a lifelong vegetarian and reluctant veteran of too many diets. Theobald believes our food system is broken, and we need to fix it.

Inside Printing Your Dinner: Personalization in the Future of Foodin

Inside the book you will learn about the intrigue and potential raised by the advance of printing food, including:
  • What the suspicious death of investigative journalist Dorothy Kilgallen teaches us about the struggle between government control and technological advances
  • How the provocative ancient slaughter ritual of a small town in Spain may be extended to production of meat that was never alive
  • Why the isolation of a single cell may feed millions
Food industry-savvy readers and supporters of food printing will gain a leg up as first adopters. Nutrition-conscious go-getters will be the first to discover the future’s answer to society’s current food problem. Printing Your Dinner is a can’t-miss for people who not only want to feel their best now, but for the rest of their lives — and for future generations to feel the same.

About Shannon Theobald

Shannon Theobald is a proud former ‘fat kid,’ a chocoholic, and now a founder of Edible, a ‘future of food’ consulting group. She found her start in the food world out of necessity —as a decades-long vegetarian for whom creative and healthful cooking was a must. Theobald fell in love with the creativity, authenticity, and universality of the food industry. Theobald has a background in business psychology, as well as international and regional experience in the business of food, having consulted with organizations from the multinational Gruppo Illy to local nonprofits. Her areas of expertise include strategic development, marketing, branding, and design thinking.

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