President Obama Signs NDAA

strongBy/strong strongBriana/strong strongBooker/strong NDAA, the National Defense Authorization Act was passed the last day of 2011 by President Obama for the 2012 fiscal year. It means anyone seen as a terrorist suspect can be held indefinitely and without trial. I have mixed feeling about the act because I feel it is an invasion on freedom. Yes, perhaps safety might increase but who and what is a terrorist. A terrorist can come in any shape or form. If you are a terrorist suspect on American soil, you may not get a trial at all. What happens if you are not guilty at all? You can be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Anyone can go to jail. Think about it. strongUpdate/strong : President still allows American Citizens planning or in coalitions suspected of terrorism to have a trial. Everyone else, good luck. Congress wanted a harsher defense bill but President Obama signed NDAA.

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How to know if he is worth a relationship.

Here are my top 10 signs that he is worth being a relationship with or not. It is not complicated. The best things you can obtain out of life are simple actions and words of kindness. From my ups and down of relationships with males, here are my top 10 signs that he is worth it in the long-run and above all HE IS ACTUALLY INTO YOU:
1. He Calls for no Reason. 2. He Actively Seeks out your Company.
3. He Makes Time for you in his Life.4. His Friends know about You.5. He Takes the Time to get to know your Friends.6. He Maintains eye Contact.7. He Leans in when you’re Talking.8. He Listens. 9. He Regularly Touches You.10. He Takes an Interest in your Interests. A REAL MAN DOES THIS. IF NOT, DROP HIM. #FROMGIRLTOGIRL

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