Keep It 100: I Know What I Want In A Man (Really)

Many women say they know what they want in a man. This is the first year of my life I finally know what I want in a companion. Without hesitation here is what I want and I feel God is on my side with this revelation.  I didn’t know that I wanted until I started working on my relationship with God. Weird, right?

What Briana Booker Wants In A Soul mate 

I don’t want a boyfriend. I’m looking for someone to walk off into the sunset with,get married and have a family. And I don’t want to get exclusive with anyone until that man shows up.

Honest communication is top priority for me. A man who answers questions honestly, and volunteers information is sexy to me. I want a man who confidently asks for his wants and needs to be met. I want a man who can see the truth and tell it like it is while communicating with kindness. I want a man who can communicate without being too critical, who cares about preserving his and my dignity.

I want a man to choose me out of want rather than out of desperation. As a woman I need to be wanted and needed by my partner, but I want my partner to have  a separate identity and embrace that identity. I want a man to be active and independent. I want him to have his own  real friends and interests.

On the other hand, I treasure time spent with a loving partner.

I want a whole partner. I want a whole partner because I have created for myself a full, rewarding life for my own fulfillment.

I want a manipulation-free relationship with a man. I do not want to be required to  read my partner’s mind or try to interpret signals. I do not want to be forced to move faster in a relationship than I am ready. I do not want to be manipulated into taking all the blame for things gone wrong. I do not want to be on the receiving end of game playing.

I want a partner that can laugh at himself and he has courage and strength.

I want a man emotionally mature. Maturity does not mean lack of emotions. It does mean the ability to handle emotions responsibly.  I take responsibility for my emotional experience and expression. You take responsibility for your emotional experience and expression.

I want a man who does not have a roaming eye and who can wholeheartedly commit to the relationship. I define commitment as fidelity plus the willingness to work on the relationship — even when the going gets tough.

Great men know how to build a wonderful relationship,and they know fidelity is the main ingredient.

I want more praise, more acknowledgment of what I do right, more acknowledgment that I am a great woman that’s loved and appreciated.

The desire to love and be loved is the most basic human need. You realize how deeply God loves you,right? You are a human being who is loved by God. You are intelligent, beautiful, loved, and not alone. Take a minute to think about that . God loves you, and not because of what you do or say. God loves you for who you are and will never leave you because of anything you’ve done. Isn’t that the kind of love you’ve always dreamed about?

God was willing to allow his creation to experience an ounce of that love between the union of man and woman.

God hand-crafted originals to unite on purpose not by accident or chance. God knows each of us better than we know ourselves – God even knows how many hairs are on your heads!

It’s pretty incredible to think about love like that. The same God who created the stars and turns the colors of the leaves in Fall, created you and me. We are God’s masterpieces and God loves us.

God created me to have a relationship with a wonderful man. If that’s me.

NO, I CAN’T SETTLE FOR LESS THAN THE ABOVE. THESE ARE MY STANDARDS.  I will certainly live by my standards as well. I know what I want.

– B


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