How To Commit To Healthy Living: Set A Routine

My birthday is only a few days away & with that I made a new commitment to myself. The past year I have been on a spiritual journey. I have been working on it. I’m not as angry as I use to be about life & I am now accepting that some things I have no control over. One thing I never had control over was saving my older brother’s life after he fell ill. Our birthdays we always shared & this will be roughly the 5th year I didn’t share it with him. The pain of losing him is still there but it’s not as painful as before. It’s like God took that pain from me…I feel like something better is in store & I’ll see my brother again in time. Life is short. But along with my spiritual commitment I am adding a physical fitness commitment to myself. I am setting a goal to workout at least 30 minutes to 1 hour everyday. I am setting my workouts right after dinners. I am keeping hydrated and adding of fibers to my diet as well. My main focus is working on my core. Since graduating college,I gained 25 pounds. What can I say? Baltimore has good food but I don’t want my weight to get out of control. So I am doing this for my health & well being. I am a firm believer that my body will take care of me if I take care of my body. Will keep you posted on my progress. – Fromgirltogirl

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God in the Eyes of Children

Recently I started a project to ask children to draw God for me. I have always been told children are the closest to God. So far, I am fascinated by the project. The pictures are anything but human. I think I might collect the pictures to see if I see any trends. So far it seems the sun is a very popular and important factor about God. Children do amazing things without realizing it. Ask children to draw God for you. It’s worth a look.

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The Power of Prayer

So one of my New Years resolutions is to pray more often. I decided I would pray at least 21 times a week. I did not want it to be prayers of need but prayers of thanks to God. I decided to do this after learning about Jesus continuously praying to God through out each day of his life. It inspired me. I am trying to grow my faith in God and myself. In the Bible it states through God all things are possible. I believe in it. For New Years Eve I sealed a wine bottle my loved ones( including my life partner)had a drink of wine. I put two leaves of my praying plant in the bottle. I put rolled up papers of everyones prayers in the bottle. I would like to think that God is listening. There is power in prayer. I am working on making it through the week. If I can make through the week, then I know I can commitment my faith. -strongBriana Booker, Founder of Fromgirltogirl via mobile./strong

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To Find Love: Learn How To Manage Your Weaknesses

By Briana Booker

Weaknesses. We all have them. If we did not, we would be perfect, but I have not met any perfect person. Shoot, I am not perfect.

With that said, weakness is nothing to be ashamed about. You can find love even with having weaknesses. You just have to learn how to manage your weaknesses the proper way so that you have control of your destiny and  can live a prosperous professional and personal life.

Acknowledging your weaknesses instead of hiding them is important. For example, I am stubborn and have a bad temper when I feel I have been wronged in a romantic relationship. My temper is the worse when I  question why I was mistreated because most of the time I try to give my all to the one I am committed to having a happy and healthy relationship.What can I say? I am a loyal and stubborn Taurus.

No relationship is perfect but if you are given bread crumbs constantly in a relationship while you are offering a luxurious feast, you should find real love. No man or woman that truly loves you would treat you bad constantly…that is not love. That is controlling and abusive.

Living life, I realized losing my temper was not the way to be happy or resolve romantic dilemmas. I realized I needed to learn to work around the flaws of my partner and promote him to do the best for our relationship.

I can not change the past. I can not erase the males I gave a chance to build a healthy and worthy relationship. It is in the past. All I can do is live in the present.

I must live for the now and treat my new partner the right way. I need to work as much as he does to make things grow into something beyond my assumption that all men cheat or lie.

Not every man is a cheater or liar. Not every  woman is a cheater or liar.

Once I stopped making assumptions and predictions about how my relationship would go with a man, that is when things started to look up. I took time to forgive the mistreat of my past to open my soul to someone I like to think is working to be worthy of me.

I can not predict the future. I can only live in the now. And right now, I am taking a leap of faith with the man present in my life. Even if he may or may not be the one, he is teaching me a great deal about myself and him. I am thankful to God for putting a man in my life driving me to grow into better not worse.

My best advice is take your time. Ask questions. Do not be quick tempered when you are confused or uncertain. Most guys, if mature, will try to resolve things with you when they have made mistakes in the relationship. Know your worth. Give him space sometimes to be himself. He will return, if he truly cares for you. You can never keep a man away from a woman he truly loves as much as he loves his life.

And if you need help, here are  a few tips from my relationshipExaminer Column ! Print it out for your partner or subscribe. Suggest the tips to him or her. Use it as a guide to build a better relationship with your partner.

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Happy Thanksgiving From Fromgirltogirl

Have a safe, stress free Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Send Fromgirltogirl your best Thanksgiving Photos, preferably food…but babies and cute old people are fine as well. 0_0

– Fromgirltogirl


For more lifestyle enrichment tips, news, community empowerment and advice, visit  our website !

Check us out on  Facebook  and Twitter !


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In the Mind of Briana Fierce: I Am Intrigued.

By Briana Booker
Just thinking about things that interest me through out my life so far! Enjoy!


For more lifestyle enrichment tips, news, community empowerment and advice, visit  our website !

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Fromgirltogirl’s Praying Plant: Let’s Pray Together!

There is power in prayer.
We love you Praying Plant.

Hello Fromgirltogirl readers,

We have missed you so very much since our transition to a more formal site. Our development will continue.

We have exciting news for our readers! We now have a Fromgirltogirl Praying Plant by courtesy of Ms.Joyce, a loving friend and co-worker to @Briana_fierce’s( Founder of Fromgirltogirl)mother.

Why is it called the Praying Plant?

Answer: It folds its leaves at night as if to Pray to God. We love it. Please post your Prayers to Fromgirltogirl’s Praying Plant on this post or on our website !

Give the names of the People and animals you want the Praying Plant to Pray for! Your Prayers can be confidential or public.

Your choice!

At Fromgirltogirl we are praying for our families, our lovers and all in the Universe! We hope you will join us.

– Fromgirltogirl

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