Increase Fertility With Key Micronutrients

Unborn baby in the womb

Eat and drinking key micronutrients plays a role in fertility. Dr. Jessica Monroe,  who provides individualized nutrition counseling to support people on their journey to parenthood, believes the right vitamins and minerals will produce healthier sperm and eggs.

Supporting your fertility so you and your partner can create the healthiest baby possible is all about eating and drinking the right nutrients in the right amounts. Recent studies show that optimal nutrition can actually improve egg quality for a greater chance of conception.

Pregnant woman holding her belly.

Five nutrients that stand out

  • Vitamins B6 and B12. This pair of B vitamins works the ovulation cycle, but they have individual benefits too. One study found that higher B12 blood levels can aid fertility in women who are undergoing treatment for infertility. B6, meanwhile, lowers the level of a certain amino acid, which correlates to higher rates of pregnancy. It also helps promote balanced levels of estrogen and progesterone.
  • Folate. You know all about the importance of folate when you are pregnant, but it is equally important during the preconception stage. Chromosomal abnormalities in the egg during maturation can be the culprit behind infertility, miscarriage, and failed IVF cycles. Supplementing with a high-quality, bio-available form of methylated folate has been linked to shorter times to pregnancy and other beneficial effects on fertility.
  • Vitamin E. It is all about protecting those eggs, particularly as they mature, and that’s where E comes in. You’ll see it in skincare products because of its impressive ability to supercharge cellular repair, and it works similar magic in eggs by fighting against oxidative damage.
  • Vitamin K2. This is another estrogen/progesterone balancer, and it’s particularly beneficial for women with PCOS. In one study, women with PCOS who supplemented with K2 had lower levels of free testosterone and DHEA, which means greater hormonal healing.

Beli Baby focuses on these vitamins and nutrients to improve egg quality resulting in a higher chance of conceiving. Learn more about Beli and how nutrition can fuel your pregnancy journey. 

A healthy baby starts from the inside. Beli Women Prenatal offers complete nutrition from conception to pregnancy.

Read The 5 Pillars of Fertility for more information.

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