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Looking to self-improve? There are many areas of your lifestyle you can focus on but it’s best to decide on one goal at a time. To get you started on this journey, you can check out websites to help grow your business as well as where you can find product and courses to help you improve your overall business health.

How to grow your business with the right software app and life choices

One site that is an excellent source for finding products and courses for improving your business lifestyle is This website can help you save your money because it gathers and searches within categories to compare and help you choose the best type of software app and information to grow and succeed in the business world. Check it out today and let us know how it helps you meet your business goals, improves your health, wealth and happiness. All the best.

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The Power of Prayer

Anything you want, write it down in a wish book. Look at it every day you come home to rest your head. Pray about it everyday. I started one this year to help me release negativity from my life.

Whatever a man thinks comes to him… even negativity. I’m listening to my prayer book. I want happiness. God always provides second chances. What God puts together man can’t destroy.


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How To Be An Irresistible Woman

If you have ever wondered why guys simply don’t choose to commit to just one woman, unless they believe they can’t do without her, the answer  is simple. The reason why a guy doesn’t commit to one woman is that all the women he has met thus far are completely and utterly boring to him.

I don’t mean boring as in personality ( it’s possible) but in the sense they think all women are the same kind of person.

I mean, females do the same with guys too. Sometimes guys can be really boring  in a relationship.

But you can only blame society for that boredom …society likes to make us all one dimensional people.

I’m personally not just one kind of person so I get irked when people try to put a label on me. This is why I avoid being an one dimensional woman and I expect my soul-mate to not be an one dimensional man.

In fact, men are attracted to me because of the fact my competitors are one dimensional women.

One dimensional means you’re boxed into one category and that limits you to a train of thought and with life you have to learn to be open to being truly happy.

When I was growing up I used to be  categorized as the quiet one, the kind one or the shy one.

After I stopped accepting those labels and became a confident woman, I started wearing my labels like outfits.

Some days I’m the sexy one. Sometimes I’m the quiet one. I’m daring. I’m smart. I’m elegant. I can be more than just one at any time or place.

And of course when I no longer  fit to set labels people gave me…the first remark was : ” you’ve CHANGED.”

Change is not always negative. Sometimes it can be the best thing that’s ever my case it was the best thing that ever happened to me.

I am at a place in my life I’m actually happy with myself. I’m devoted to my happiness and spreading any happiness I can to those around me. It’ s a great feeling.

I’ve gain freedom that I’ve never had.I realized that I’ll never lose that freedom because I’m finally being me.

Freedom is the heart of being a woman. It’s part of my femininity. 

I want to genuinely commit to someone for only the right reasons. It won’t ever be based on someone being a raving fan of me. I want to feel I have more freedom by being with someone than by not being with someone. When that happens, I know that I’ve have met my equal.

This confidence in myself and my mindset has allowed me now  to attract positive people in my life. I’m more than enough and I know it.

Challenge yourself to truly love you and have a positive mindset about  love. This  will bring remarkable people into your life.

Always focus on yourself and what you can do. You were born to love. You were born for greatness.

To change your emotional state to positive, you must change your physical state. You can’t fear love. You can’t fear happiness.

Don’t justify your suffering. Don’t justify why you haven’t achieved love. Do something about it.

You’re sexy enough, smart enough, beautiful enough, and special enough to be loved.

In 2012 I realized I was a ridiculously attractive and irresistible woman. I always have something new and better to bring to the table. And that’s when I stopped telling myself lies about my own capabilities and desirability. I challenge you to do the same. You deserve commitment and it will come if you never settle for crumbs.

Don’t ever lose your natural femininity and intuition. You need these features of yourself to be successful in courtship and relationships with men. Don’t be one dimensional. 

The possibility of being fulfilled by one companion is real. You can have it all.

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Failure is a Prep for Success

I don’t expect happiness to fall in my lap.I expect myself to earn it. No, I won’t use the’ I give up mentality’ as a safety net. I won’t get down on myself. I dust off and try again. I wipe failure off my knees. The road to success is in my soul. Failure just prepares me for success.

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Accepting Your Friend’s Lover

The best thing single people can do (especially Black Singles)when their friends get into steady, healthy relationships, is to simply STAY in your LANE. Stop giving advice you can’t give. You’ll find happiness in time. No, your friendship isn’t in jeopardy because your friend found love. Chillax. Couples often put YOU in situations to find real love too. Let people be happy.

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How To Make a Man Want to Commit: Be Selective

By Briana Booker

Besides having a positive attitude and a life of your own, how do you make your man want to commit to you?

Fromgirltogirl is starting a series on what makes a guy want to commit to you. We will provide you advice on how to get him there without convincing him or playing the mind games.

Tip #1 Show Him You are Selective.

When you show a man you are selective and not every man in the world can have you but the “one”, you draw him closer to you. Men love the thrill of the chase. They love working for something worth having. Sex with a girl that he cares nothing about is like a snack before a holiday feast. It is just for now but he is really anticipating the feast, the big reward.

You can start drawing a man in by saying honestly where you stand on your attitude about relationships. Do not whine about him and what he has not offered yet. You will scare him away by appearing too needy.

Say something around the lines of the following commit reference:

“It is your right to date more than one woman at a time. I understand, but I want you to know I am looking for an exclusive relationship with the right man. I want to find out if we are on the same page before taking our dating further.”

AND NO, IF YOU HAVE BEEN DATING A GUY FOR LESS THAN A MONTH, please do not try the whole, I love you forever and a day. You have to commit to me.

These actions and words are controlling. Honestly, it takes 3 to 4 months on average for people to get out of the lust/ honeymoon stage of dating.

Notice in the statement you made no demands. Because you made no demands, you do not come off needy and unattractive. You are simply letting him know you have standards and you will stick to those standards. He NEEDS to meet those standards before YOU can decide to choose to be with him.

It is that simple. You are presenting him your needs and boundaries. Any man that truly wants you and does not want to lose you will respect that.

Trust me, the right man will ASK YOU for commitment.  And best of all he will think it was his idea the whole time and that he won your affection and passion.

If this does not happen, you know where you stand with him. He just is not that into you but that does not mean that will not change down the line.

But if he does not change( and please do not wait around for change), keep the door to your soul and effort open for someone ready to give you what you need and more. This is one of the stepping stones to forming an amazing and committed relationship.

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To Find Love: Learn How To Manage Your Weaknesses

By Briana Booker

Weaknesses. We all have them. If we did not, we would be perfect, but I have not met any perfect person. Shoot, I am not perfect.

With that said, weakness is nothing to be ashamed about. You can find love even with having weaknesses. You just have to learn how to manage your weaknesses the proper way so that you have control of your destiny and  can live a prosperous professional and personal life.

Acknowledging your weaknesses instead of hiding them is important. For example, I am stubborn and have a bad temper when I feel I have been wronged in a romantic relationship. My temper is the worse when I  question why I was mistreated because most of the time I try to give my all to the one I am committed to having a happy and healthy relationship.What can I say? I am a loyal and stubborn Taurus.

No relationship is perfect but if you are given bread crumbs constantly in a relationship while you are offering a luxurious feast, you should find real love. No man or woman that truly loves you would treat you bad constantly…that is not love. That is controlling and abusive.

Living life, I realized losing my temper was not the way to be happy or resolve romantic dilemmas. I realized I needed to learn to work around the flaws of my partner and promote him to do the best for our relationship.

I can not change the past. I can not erase the males I gave a chance to build a healthy and worthy relationship. It is in the past. All I can do is live in the present.

I must live for the now and treat my new partner the right way. I need to work as much as he does to make things grow into something beyond my assumption that all men cheat or lie.

Not every man is a cheater or liar. Not every  woman is a cheater or liar.

Once I stopped making assumptions and predictions about how my relationship would go with a man, that is when things started to look up. I took time to forgive the mistreat of my past to open my soul to someone I like to think is working to be worthy of me.

I can not predict the future. I can only live in the now. And right now, I am taking a leap of faith with the man present in my life. Even if he may or may not be the one, he is teaching me a great deal about myself and him. I am thankful to God for putting a man in my life driving me to grow into better not worse.

My best advice is take your time. Ask questions. Do not be quick tempered when you are confused or uncertain. Most guys, if mature, will try to resolve things with you when they have made mistakes in the relationship. Know your worth. Give him space sometimes to be himself. He will return, if he truly cares for you. You can never keep a man away from a woman he truly loves as much as he loves his life.

And if you need help, here are  a few tips from my relationshipExaminer Column ! Print it out for your partner or subscribe. Suggest the tips to him or her. Use it as a guide to build a better relationship with your partner.

For more lifestyle enrichment tips, news, community empowerment,advice, and freebies visit  our website !

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The Black Women Spring

Looks like the black women spring has begun. It is about time we stop thinking we deserve less than other women. We are just as wonderful. Stop tolerating non-sense. -Briana Booker, Founder of Fromgirltogirl

 For more lifestyle enrichment tips, news, community empowerment and advice, visit  our website !

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