Why Is Telehealth important for women in 2022?

By Taryn Rose

Telehealth services are trending.

Telehealth employs technology and healthcare services to ensure people have access to healthcare become women utilize healthcare more than men. When women are not visiting the hospital for healthcare services, they can telehealth.

The Covid-19 pandemic put a strain on healthcare services as healthcare providers handle patient care. Telehealth could be the best policy for women seeking healthcare services and here are the reasons.

Telehealth Importance for Women

Going to the hospital increases the risk of infection with airborne diseases like Covid-19. Telehealth eliminates the need to travel to a hospital to consult a doctor. Women can now consult with healthcare devices in the comfort of their homes to protect themselves and their families.

Women and their families can get Special Services from Anywhere. For a long time, women have had to travel long distances to seek health care services from specialists. Now, Telehealth enables women to seek the services of specialists without going to the hospital.

Your doctor can forward your medical records to a specialist and arrange a meeting with them through electronic devices like laptops or smartphones.

Access To Healthcare Services

Many people do not have access to healthcare services because they live in remote areas. Women in remote areas are more likely to not find services for female-predominant conditions like pregnancy and breast cancer. Telehealth enables women to have access to these crucial healthcare services.

Decrease Strain on Healthcare System

Before telehealth was implemented in the healthcare system, patients had to schedule an appointment, wait for communication from the doctor or specialist and spend hours in the waiting room before seeing the doctor. Women wasted time going to the hospital and waiting for the doctor, time they could have spent doing something constructive. Telehealth
decreases the strain on the healthcare system by reducing the waiting period.

Easy Follow Up

When you visit a doctor and they schedule numerous appointments for follow-ups, you will spend too much time commuting to and from the hospital. Telehealth helps women follow up with their doctors or specialists without driving to the hospital.

Timely Care

One challenge facing female patients is access to the right healthcare provider as fast as possible. A visit to a hospital will make you take unnecessary trips to different offices before getting to the right healthcare provider. Tele health enables you to schedule an appointment
at a healthcare facility, and you will be directed to the right healthcare provider through video or phone calls.

Saves on Costs

Since women are the highest utilizers of healthcare, they spend more money paying for healthcare services. Each trip to a healthcare facility is expensive, and for those who do not have insurance, paying for each trip out of pocket can lead to financial difficulties. Tele health enables women to save money by eliminating frequent and unnecessary trips to the
healthcare facility.

Helps Patients With Limited Mobility

Senior patients with limited mobility can struggle to go to the hospital if they do not have someone to care for them. Older women living alone can benefit from telehealth services because they do not need to travel to the hospital for checkups. Doctors and specialists can monitor older women’s health using technology and visit them at their homes. Finally, Telehealth is essential in ensuring everyone has access to healthcare services, especially in the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Women face barriers to healthcare services, such as limited access to specialists, costs, and scarce healthcare facilities. Telehealth can help women overcome these barriers by making it easy to access healthcare providers through technology.

Author Bio

Dr. Lorie Poston, nurse practitioner.

Dr. Lorie Poston is a nurse practitioner with over a decade of experience in medicine. She is a dual board certified as a Family and an Adult-Gerontology Acute Care nurse practitioner and now operates Telehealth Care Florida.

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