New music:’Hidden Wings’ – Angela Predhomme

Angela Predhomme portrait
Singer/songwriter Angela Predhomme has new music out entitled ‘Hidden Wings.’ The song is about breaking free from things and people who may keep us from living our best lives or stop us from taking a leap of faith. Here at we love that ‘Hidden Wings‘ is an upbeat piano track and inspirational for those who seek motivation to freely express themselves and live life to the fullest. Predhomme is one of the few musical artists out there who still dedicates herself to creating relevant, moving lyrics. We love her bluesy vocals and positive energy throughout the song and encourage others to not only check out Hidden Wings, but also her follow-up single “Hey Mr. Sunshine” to listen to more classic vibes from Predhomme. Both singles are mesmerizing and poignantly beautiful for those who appreciate jazz.

Check out the links below to learn more about Angela Predhomme:

Fun facts about Angela Predhomme

Predhomme loves to compose, write, play, and sing music. It is her life passion to have a career in music. Listeners of Hidden Wings will hear the piano throughout the song and the piano was the first instrument Predhomme’s ever played. She also plays the acoustic guitar and heavily influenced by 1950’s R&B and other popular music of the time.

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