How to Choose a New Career Path as a Stay-at-Home Mom

Mom working from home with her baby

As the COVID-19 pandemic sends more of the professional world into a digital reality each day, moms across the country are finding themselves ready to break back into the workforce. The ability to bring in some extra income from the comfort of your own home is an exciting opportunity, but deciding which career path best suits you can be challenging. An important first step in this decision is identifying where your skills and interests lie and matching those with compatible careers

Detail-Oriented Jobs 

Are you someone who pays razor-sharp attention to detail and enjoys routine in your career? These types of jobs require a logical mindset and are best suited for people who enjoy following a concrete procedure to complete a task. Those who excel in math and science often have great data collection and interpretation skills, which are essential for data-centered jobs and programmers. 

Detail-oriented jobs are also great if you live a very organized life. If you’re the type of person who plans out your week with an agenda or color coordinates your closet, you may do well as a bookkeeper or a paralegal. Most of these jobs do not require a ton of prior experience or education in the field, and those that do are well within reach through community college and online classes. Plus, the digital nature of most detail-oriented work allows you to advance your career from home while still being there for your kids. 

If you’re looking to maintain a sense of structure in your life, that may feel fleeting with the pressures of motherhood, you should look into career options that are similar to the following:

  • Freelance Programming
  • Editing/Proofreading
  • Bookkeeping
  • Transcribing/Translation 
  • Data Entry
  • Accountant Clerking 

Creative Jobs

Those going back to work who prefer to move at their own pace and apply their unique abilities to a career, might benefit more from heading in a creative direction. These types of jobs are typically better suited for people who are more oriented towards arts and humanities, rather than STEM-related fields. 

For example, if you have a passion for graphic design, you can work as a freelance designer and help people spruce up their websites and ad campaigns. Maybe you’re a woman who wants to write about her experiences with motherhood and share tips and suggestions with other mothers or parents. You can start your own blog and make money from revenue. For those with a crafty talent, such as sewing or crocheting, you can spend your time perfecting handmade crafts and starting a business selling them online.

If you love interacting with others in an online setting and creating digital content, just about every business and public figure nowadays needs a social media manager to help curate their feeds on social networks. 

Whether your hobbies are digital or non-digital, you can use internet resources and platforms to generate income while doing what you love and still being mother of the year at home. If you see yourself as more geared towards creative work, anything related to the following stay-at-home jobs is well worth looking into:

  • Photography
  • Graphic Design
  • Marketing
  • Blogging
  • Freelance Art
  • Crafting

Going back to work as a mother may be intimidating, but it’s incredibly rewarding and commendable. With accessible workplaces becoming more available yearly, the opportunities to turn what you love into a career are endless. For more information and tips on making the decision that’s best for you, check out the following visual guide from JobHero!

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