Humble R & B Singer Ciara Performs New Single ‘I Bet’

I am a huge fan of R & B singer Ciara. She’s working on her 6th album called Jackie after her mother. After hearing her acoustic performance of  her single “ I Bet,” I know great things are in store for this album Jackie.

Please watch and enjoy Ciara’s black-and-white video of “ I Bet,” . I feel like every woman that’s been with Mr. Wrong can really appreciate at this song. The grass is not always greener and there is always somebody better for you and worthy for you when you separate ways with a cheater or any person that is okay physically or emotionally abusing you.

I also want you to check out this video on domestic violence which will air during the Superbowl this weekend. This was a real life situation where a woman dials 911 to report domestic violence by disguising the call as a pizza order. It takes bravery to exercise courage when you are afraid for your life, your well-being.

Let me know your thoughts about the video by liking  Fromgirltogirl on Facebook.

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