New music: Golden Soul – Polartropica

Ladygunn of Polartropica shows off tiger umbrella
 Happy new music Friday! We have a new music video for you from whimsical space pop/psych artist Polartropica entitled ‘Golden Soul.’ The single uses *J-Pop characteristics*, with shimmering dreamlike vocals to create an *electro-pop* anthem. The video details interior struggles and how, with compassion for one another and understanding our differences, there can be healing.  Polartropica has been profiled in media outlets such as Huffington Post, LA Weekly and LADYGUNN. Watch her music video ‘Golden Soul’ below:

About Polartropica

Polartropica is the music endeavor of Los Angeles based, whimsical space-pop artist, Ihui (eeway) Cherise Wu. She was born in Taiwan but raised in California. Wu successfully combines quirky pop melodies, futuristic synths, and classical string arrangements, to create a genre of bubblegum psychedelia.

Polartropica derived after Wu heard a song which couldn’t be defined by a genre – ‘Polartropic’ by Mark Foster. Admiring  the contrast between both ‘polar’ and ‘tropical’, Wu decided to formulate a place where things can exist where they don’t belong. Polartropica fuses elements of complete opposites together with the outcome resulting in a unique, ethereal sound that defies all sonic worlds. Using both organic and synthetic instruments, Wu conceived a visionary dream world for listeners to escape. It’s marvelous. Wu professes, “I wanted to create a healing, inspiring and empowering space with just the right amount of disco-party!”

Integrating 90’s pop, classical arrangements and intergalactic space-pop, Polartropica is guaranteed to feed your imagination, with eccentric and distinguished sound.

Are you a music artist looking to spread the word on your sound? Email us at for consideration.

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Now playing ‘Golden Soul’ by Polartropica | An opioid addiction story

New music from Polatropica is Golden Soul
Fromgirltogirl has a new single from whimsical space pop/psych artist Polartropica for you to check out entitled ‘Golden Soul.’ The track details the struggle of a friend who is now missing, after becoming addicted to opioid after being prescribed from a doctor for back pain.

About ‘Golden Soul’ by Polartropica

Polartropica (Ihui (eeway) Cherise Wu) wrote ‘Golden Soul’ watching someone close to her struggle through opioid addiction and the devastating effects it has had on the family and everyone connected.  She got a call from Ava the day Trump got elected to office, and have not seen her since.
When a trusted doctor prescribed Oxycontin for a back injury from horseback riding 10 years ago, no one would have known that it would slowly devolve into a full-on heroin addiction. Now in the news every day entire communities are destroyed by opioid addiction. On one hand, people are fighting this incredibly heartbreaking and constant internal battle, while at the same time navigating responsibilities, stigma, family, the lack of resources available for treatment, especially for those not financially able to check into a privatized comprehensive treatment facility. The relationship with an addict comes from a place of love, and morphs into a whole other form of co-dependency, and the cycle continues.  

Polartropica dedicates Golden Soul to Ava and anyone with friends or family members struggling with opioid addiction. This is a nationwide epidemic that needs to be properly addressed, both in the way we view this addiction and from the pharmaceutical and lawmaking levels. Responsibility needs to be taken upon individuals and companies who are approving, making, promoting, administering opioid painkillers, and are continuing to do so, while disregarding all of the evidence we now have showing that there is a potentially dangerous outcome when prescribed carelessly. 

About Ihui (eeway) Cherise Wu

Ihui (eeway) Cherise Wu was born in Taiwan and raised in California, Wu successfully combines quirky pop melodies, futuristic synths and classical string arrangements, creating a genre of bubblegum psychedelia that we’ve never heard before. 
Polartropica derived after Wu heard a song which couldn’t be defined by a genre – ‘Polartropic’ by Mark Foster. Admiring  the contrast between both ‘polar’ and ‘tropical’, Wu decided to formulate a place where things can exist where they don’t belong. Polartropica fuses elements of complete opposites together with the outcome resulting in a unique, ethereal sound that defies all sonic worlds. Using both organic and synthetic instruments, Wu conceived a visionary dream world for listeners to escape to.

Integrating 90’s pop, classical arrangements and intergalactic space-pop, Polartropica is guaranteed to feed your imagination, with their eccentric and distinguished sound.

Listen to Golden Soul by Polartropica

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