44% Americans work a side hustle to make ends meet

Cartoon female working at home
Inflation is putting pressure on Americans’ bank accounts. With the prices of necessities on the rise, many Americans are taking up an extra gig to help pay the bills. A nationwide survey finds that the majority of full- and part-time working Americans currently have at least one side hustle. More than 44% of Americans are currently considering starting or taking up another gig due to inflation.

In May 2022, Insuranks surveyed 1,006 full-time and part-time Americans workers about their side hustles and income. Respondents were 49% female, 49% male, and 2% transgender/non-binary. The age range was 18 to 84, with an average age of 37 years old.

Average monthly income from side hustles: $483. Most common side gigs: taking online surveys, selling items online, and freelance work. Average hours spent per week on side hustle: 13 Technology has made it easier than ever to earn some extra cash. DoorDash, Uber, and Etsy are some of the apps that are growing in popularity. While 32% say they enjoy their side job, 44% say they do it out of necessity to make ends meet. Take a look at the full report here for more information.

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