Double Standards Are Man Based Not Holy Based

Knowledge is power. Double standards are condemned by the same religious code you say you value yet Deuteronomy 25,13-15 states to not have double standards: ” Do not have 2 different measures – one large, one small . Do not have two different weights & measures so that you may live long in the land God has given you.”So when a man justifies mistreating a woman simply because she’s a woman …throw that at him. This includes verbal , emotional & physical abuse. No man is God & you never have to settle like you’re less than.

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The Continual Learner

When I left school, I didn’t think my learning stopped. I learned my learning just started & it’s more important than ever. Formal education is only a building block …you build on it. That’s when I started looking for what I love to do. I started asking myself what are things I always wanted to learn but never took the time to learn. I read something very empowering from Michael Fear, a writer for Under 30 CEO. Fear said you have to continue to learn. ” If you’re not getting better, you’re getting worse. If you’re not improving, someone else is. Do what you have to do to become a continual leaner!” So I am laying out my progression now not later. Starting with functional fitness for Spring health and wellness! Read my next article for tips on functional fitness.

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Wisdom You Learn In Your 20’s

1.”We need to make books cool again. If you go home with somebody and they don’t have books, don’t fuck them.” – John Waters

2. Addison Tower updates us to 2011’s version of the previous commentary:

Let’s update this for 2011, if you go home with somebody, and they have books, inquire about a few books, pick one that suits your fancy, and ask them to pick their favorite part and show it to you. If they can’t answer your questions, if they hesitate or stall, and if they are illiterate, then don’t fuck them. Run like hell.-Lots of people can have books, but it matters about the appropriate age level and if they can read without sounding out the “big words.” If they can’t, then get out or you’ll forever be a babysitter. Don’t feel like you have to save them or feel bad about leaving. The American public schools are to blame. No child left behind? My ass.


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