Tips for Getting Started as a Lifestyle Blogger

lifestyle blogger types on her laptop

Becoming a lifestyle blogger is exciting and can offer big opportunities – here are some tips to get started.

Pick A Name

When choosing a blog name, it may seem daunting and frustrating at first. Most of the blog names that you probably have in mind are already taken, but don’t worry! You’re not alone.

If you can’t think of an appropriate name and inspiration doesn’t just kick in, then you can take this process logically. Consider your tone and your blog’s theme as well as the identity that you want to build with your audience.

If creativity strikes, you may also want to consider using clever names or wordplays. This can make your blog name standout. For an in-depth process of choosing a blog name, check out the step-by-step guide.

Set Up Your Blog

Once you choose a blog name, buy the domain. The URL should be as close as possible to your blog name, making it easier for search engines and your audience to discover your blog.

You will also need to set up social media accounts using the same name as much as possible. You can use this channel to alert your followers if a new post has been made to generate more traffic to your website.

If the thought of setting up the technical aspects of your blog scares you such as hosting and design, don’t fret! These days you don’t need to learn how to code to start and set up a blog. You don’t even have to make one from scratch as there are a plethora of themes that you can choose from.

Various hosting sites allow you to quickly set up your website without all the coding knowledge needed. They are cost-effective, and the best thing about this is that these blogs are customizable so you can create one that echoes your identity and the things that you want to share with your audience.

In terms of themes, there are premium themes available for purchase, but you can also choose from the free ones that are pretty awesome as well. If you’re looking for inspiration, please check out WordPress themes.

Set A Blogging Schedule

When your website is up and running, you can start blogging. A great blog is one that has a steady stream of content regularly. While it is true that coming up with unique content can be tough, there are some ways you can work around with that.

When you’re starting a lifestyle blog, one thing that you should take into consideration is that you need to set a schedule for posting. Setting a blogging schedule avoids last-minute writing jobs, offering you ample time to think about your content and make it stand out. If you’re looking for ideas on how you can plan your posts, here’s a video that could help you out.

Remember, you don’t have to follow everything step-by-step. There are no rules as to when you need to post and how to schedule your posts, but the video serves as a guide. Always remember that your blog should be a reflection as to what’s happening in your life. If you think that a particular post is timely, you can always shuffle and post one ahead of the other.

Write With A Purpose

Again, it’s challenging to write original content. While we all know that a steady stream of content is what keeps your blog going, remember not to post just because you need to share something with your readers. Avoid fluff pieces. Whenever you’re sharing, write with a purpose. It’s okay to take a break every now and then, especially if you really don’t know what to write.

Many bloggers review products and get to try things they’re interested in for free so becoming a product blogger can be a good idea as it will help you regularly write for your blog. 

Inspiration and post ideas may strike you any time of the day, and when it strikes, make sure that you have some notes stored in your phone so you can jot down great ideas when they come to you. This will make you remember these topics and make it easier for you to plan and write your content.

Write With Your Own Voice

We have our lifestyle bloggers that we follow, but that’s not you – that’s them! You don’t have to copy their style. Develop your own. While you’re at it, make sure that you write content that’s interesting and enjoyable for your readers. This will make them come back for more. Reflect and think about your audience. Why would they read your blog? Take ideas from this analysis to help you come up with better ideas.

You may also want to interact with your audience and encourage them to leave a comment. They can ask questions, tell them what you think about your post and it also gives you a chance to understand the things that they love whenever they’re reading your blog.

Developing ideas is crucial – you need to have a structure on your blog posts, not to mention a good flowing content so that people will come back for more. While it’s true that it’s easier to just type everything out, make sure that you re-read your blog content and make revisions as much as possible to make your post clear and concise. Remember, a blog post should be easy to read.

Building Your Audience

Now that you’re familiar with how to get started with your lifestyle blog, the next thing that you need to do is to build your audience and grow your reader base. One of the easiest and best ways to get this done is through social media. Share your domain with your family and friends first, and let the word of mouth help you out with that.

Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest are some social media profiles you’d like to set up for blog promotion. While it’s tempting to sound commercial especially once you monetize your blog, it should always sound personal. Images should reflect what’s happening in your life. You’re not blogging as a professional – but instead, you’re blogging as a regular person, sharing some lifestyle events, tips, and content to your readers.

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