Sunscreen Safety Chat with ‪Dermatologist‬, Benjamin N. Lockshin, MD, FAAD,

Sun Safety and Sunburn Prevention

Have you heard these ‪#‎sunscreen‬ myths?

“You only need sunscreen for the beach.”

“Dark skin or a base ‪#‎tan‬ is a natural ‪#‎SPF‬.”

“Sunscreens have tons of chemicals in them – they’re worse for you than getting a sunburn.”

No one wants wrinkles, ‪#‎sunburn‬ or increased risk of developing skin cancer. But with thousands of types of sunscreen and nearly as many myths about how to stay safe, questions abound.

Luckily, next week sunscreen expert and ‪#‎Dermatologist‬, Benjamin N. Lockshin, MD, FAAD, will answer your questions on sun safety just in time for the official start of summer.

Submit a question by email to or leave a comment below by end of day, Tuesday June 16th for Dr. Lockshin. Feel free to share our post with friends and family!

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