Trends Marketing Agencies should know

SEO blogging

With the digital space rapidly evolving like never before, the future of marketing – especially digital
marketing, remains in flux, with new platforms rising from the ground up at unprecedented speeds. A marketing agency needs to stay on top of all relevant trends, whether old, new, or even
upcoming ones. This can be an especially challenging task, as new updates and events continue to pop up all the time. Every new development will most likely shift the way agencies and brands communicate with their customers.

Here are just a few of the top trends that marketing agencies need to know to ensure that the brands they work with continue to stand out and gain new

Using short DIY videos

Video is no doubt a must-have for digital marketing. With the meteoric rise of the social
media platform TikTok, it now boasts over 1 billion active monthly users. Geared toward a
younger audience, it has remained incredibly popular to focus on short-form video sharing.

This makes it easy for content creators to edit, post and remix video content on the platform – which
can easily go viral if the circumstances are right. Other social media sites are following suit, with
Instagram launching reels and YouTube launching YouTube shorts to capitalize on short-form video
content. The great thing about short videos is the next to nothing cost, and can be made
using a smartphone – without the need for fancy camera equipment and lights. Short DIY videos are also fantastic in marketing a brand’s services and products, as more and more consumers are now used to consuming content at a fast-paced rate. It is also a great method of showcasing authenticity, to make a brand more relatable to audiences.

Launch of the metaverse

Mark Zuckerberg has officially launched the Metaverse – making it one of the top digital marketing trends to look out for in the coming years. Brands are already making investments into the Metaverse such as the business aviation industry, creating virtual reality tradeshows and exhibitions – a workaround for pandemic restrictions.

The tourism industry has also touched upon the Metaverse, by using virtual reality to ‘bring’ customers over to their hotels and resorts so they get a better feel and understanding of what services are on offer. There’s no doubt that this trend will grow in the future, with Zuckerberg seeing the Metaverse as an entirely “new digital frontier.” This emerging new technology should be enough for marketing agencies to start thinking of its potential applications, and how they can best use it.

Audio and Podcasting are rising

Podcasts have exploded in 2021, most likely as a result of quarantine restrictions. This trend is most likely to continue. According to Infinite Dial, 62% of
Americans will have listened to a podcast once in their lives. Insider Intelligence also reported that
2022 saw around 424 million podcast listeners worldwide, with the podcasting industry slated to
reach $94.88 billion by 2028. This is exciting news for marketing agencies – as not only do podcast
audiences continue to grow but podcast advertising is generally accepted by them as well.

This means that podcast ads are extremely valuable in reaching new audiences, with the US podcast ad
spending set to exceed the $2 billion mark in 2023.

Quality over quantity for content

If you remember the early days of SEO marketing, it mainly involved pumping out content at a rapid
pace without any regard for its quality or who would see it. The only thing that mattered was
how high it ranked in search results because most content was keyword stuffed and incredibly difficult to understand and read.

Search engines like Google are becoming increasingly aware of keyword stuffing, which has forced content creators to create
content that is actually consumable, educational, and valuable to whoever is seeing it. Now, content
is all about quality over quantity. If the content doesn’t provide value – either through entertaining,
educating, or inspiring, it is less likely to convert leads or build brand awareness. This is something
that a marketing agency needs to be aware of.

Inclusivity in marketing

With the world becoming more aware of differences in people, most consumers are now expecting brands to show diversity –either in their products, services or corporate policies, or to address social inequality. For example, Dove’s Real Beauty’ campaign showcases women of all skin types and body shapes, to challenge negative stereotypes that have been established when it comes to standard beauty norms. The makeup industry has also seen a rise in more inclusive products – for instance, foundation and concealer, which was only available in lighter shades. Now, brands have moved to more diverse colour options, making it easier for women to find the right foundation or concealer that matches their skin tone.

Marketers need to think more broadly when it comes to communicating a brand’s message, or how a product can cater to a variety of people with different needs.

Increase in Privacy

With recent scandals such as Meta’s data leak, and websites using cookies to track and sell data to
third parties, people want their privacy back. No longer do customers want to be commodities of
conglomerates. Even most technology lovers are now concerned with how their data is being used,
and what is being collected. When it comes to advertising, audiences are becoming increasingly
suspicious of what is being shown to them as most know that these ads are specifically targeted.
This has resulted in most websites allowing people to opt out of being tracked, meaning that
advertisers need to rely on less targeted information. Marketers, therefore, need to start preparing to rely on first-party data, which is data consumers have opted in of their own accord. Either way, agencies and brands need to build trust between themselves and customers again, as not doing so will most likely alienate and push people away.

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How to Choose a New Career Path as a Stay-at-Home Mom

Mom working from home with her baby

As the COVID-19 pandemic sends more of the professional world into a digital reality each day, moms across the country are finding themselves ready to break back into the workforce. The ability to bring in some extra income from the comfort of your own home is an exciting opportunity, but deciding which career path best suits you can be challenging. An important first step in this decision is identifying where your skills and interests lie and matching those with compatible careers

Detail-Oriented Jobs 

Are you someone who pays razor-sharp attention to detail and enjoys routine in your career? These types of jobs require a logical mindset and are best suited for people who enjoy following a concrete procedure to complete a task. Those who excel in math and science often have great data collection and interpretation skills, which are essential for data-centered jobs and programmers. 

Detail-oriented jobs are also great if you live a very organized life. If you’re the type of person who plans out your week with an agenda or color coordinates your closet, you may do well as a bookkeeper or a paralegal. Most of these jobs do not require a ton of prior experience or education in the field, and those that do are well within reach through community college and online classes. Plus, the digital nature of most detail-oriented work allows you to advance your career from home while still being there for your kids. 

If you’re looking to maintain a sense of structure in your life, that may feel fleeting with the pressures of motherhood, you should look into career options that are similar to the following:

  • Freelance Programming
  • Editing/Proofreading
  • Bookkeeping
  • Transcribing/Translation 
  • Data Entry
  • Accountant Clerking 

Creative Jobs

Those going back to work who prefer to move at their own pace and apply their unique abilities to a career, might benefit more from heading in a creative direction. These types of jobs are typically better suited for people who are more oriented towards arts and humanities, rather than STEM-related fields. 

For example, if you have a passion for graphic design, you can work as a freelance designer and help people spruce up their websites and ad campaigns. Maybe you’re a woman who wants to write about her experiences with motherhood and share tips and suggestions with other mothers or parents. You can start your own blog and make money from revenue. For those with a crafty talent, such as sewing or crocheting, you can spend your time perfecting handmade crafts and starting a business selling them online.

If you love interacting with others in an online setting and creating digital content, just about every business and public figure nowadays needs a social media manager to help curate their feeds on social networks. 

Whether your hobbies are digital or non-digital, you can use internet resources and platforms to generate income while doing what you love and still being mother of the year at home. If you see yourself as more geared towards creative work, anything related to the following stay-at-home jobs is well worth looking into:

  • Photography
  • Graphic Design
  • Marketing
  • Blogging
  • Freelance Art
  • Crafting

Going back to work as a mother may be intimidating, but it’s incredibly rewarding and commendable. With accessible workplaces becoming more available yearly, the opportunities to turn what you love into a career are endless. For more information and tips on making the decision that’s best for you, check out the following visual guide from JobHero!

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Modern-day music marketing for the emerging artist

Photography by Matthew Kane of woman guitarist

Did you know there are now more than 30 million musicians in the USA competing for the attention and loyalty of a nation of discerning music lovers? The music industry is often labeled as relentless and even more so for female artists with the USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative reporting that 2017 marked a six-year low for female artists as they accounted for a mere 16.8% of chart-topping artists. While raw talent and tenacity play a big part in overall success, something as seemingly insignificant as effectively marketing your own music often has the ability to make or break even the most talented of emerging female artists.

You play state-of-art instruments like a pro, have killer songs and have thought about going on tour with your band. You are ready to take your music to the next level, empower other up-and-coming artists and become famous, but you have no idea how to reach your fans. If you want to become a successful musician and sell your music to countless people, it is imperative that you create a significant amount of heat on the street. While word-of-mouth marketing is still seen as one of the most powerful means of promoting your music, the internet, and social media

While word-of-mouth marketing is still seen as one of the most powerful means of promoting your music, the internet, and social media, in particular, has opened up endless doors in terms of effective music marketing. Creating an emotional reaction over the internet that can see you gain life-long, money-spending fans and be relatively easy if you follow a few basic guidelines.

Don’t ditch social media

Just when we thought social media couldn’t get any bigger, it did.  Despite some recent negative hype surrounding Facebook and its ever-changing algorithms, it remains the fastest-growing social media platform, with the average Facebook user accessing the platform as many as 8 times a day.  As powerful as social-media marketing may be, it isn’t a straight-forward marketing tool and often acts as more of a catalyst for conversation and improved word-of-mouth marketing. Fan engagements are of vital importance, regardless of platform.

Artists and bands should aim to post fresh, interesting content on a regular basis, taking the time to ‘like, comment and reply’ on fan posts. There are a few brilliant social media marketing strategies that can be employed and that work particularly well if all your accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.) are linked. Posting short teasers to your new tracks is a great way to create hype around your music.

Going live on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram during a live gig is great, although hosting a Q&A session is even better in terms of engagement. There are many artists who put a significant amount of effort into their social media presence. Selena Gomez, for instance, has perfected fan-interaction on social media and has even linked her accounts to her website, maximizing her exposure across all platforms.

Get in on the blogs

Promoting your music entails reaching out to new audiences and interacting with your current fans.  Music-related blogs carry huge potential in terms of music marketing as bloggers are constantly on the look-out for new content.  Even emerging artists are able to approach blogs with a cleverly worded, personal pitch that will sell their appeal to the blog’s followers.

Blogs generally have an established audience that could turn into fans for the artist or band if the blogger is sufficiently impressed. Generic album reviews may not cut it where some of the more hip blogs are concerned so aim to give interesting content of new songs, tours and charity initiatives. Podcast blogs, social media blogs and, website blogs should all be considered – your chances of being featured are greater if you approach as many reputable blogs as possible instead of only a select few.

The time and effort invested into the effectual marketing of your music will never go unrewarded. It is important to remember that even though internet marketing may form the basis of your campaign, traditional promotional methods such as print media and live music should never be discarded. The most successful marketing strategy will be one that embraces age-old proven methods as well as more modern-day approaches, combining them into a seamless, striking effort that will see you not only win over the hearts of new fans but succeed in keeping your current ones well appeased, too.

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Lucero Campo shares effective ways to generate online income

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