New tech platform ‘Mindsail’ makes mental wellness accessible

Mindsail is a platform to discover original content from top thought-leaders and experts across relationship, career, anxiety, sleep, addiction and more.

Mindsail officially launches with iOS app featuring over 800 sessions with advice to discuss stress, career, sleeplessness, relationships, happiness and more. As a mobile resource, people can use Mindsail to change their behaviors and reach a higher level of personal achievement. How does  Mindsail work? The platform discovers original programs and content from top experts across relationships, career, anxiety, sleep, addiction and more. The app offers a curated, easy-to-navigate collection of multi-step programs and single-serve Moodboosts to help people tackle whatever it is that is emotionally weighing them down.

The company is targeting millennials, who are known for many things: they’ve been dubbed the ‘me’ generation; they’re entrepreneurial and independent; technologically adept; and, having come of age in the era of the quantified self, they’re very in-tune with themselves. Millennials are also the most stressed out generation, having unprecedented levels of  work dissatisfaction and high anxiety. Knowing this information about millennials, Mindsail goal is to be the go-to destination for people to seek help and manage their emotions while cultivating new skills to navigate the challenges of everyday life.

“Mindsail aims to discuss a growing range of mental wellness issues that prevent many of us from moving forward in our lives. We want to redefine the way people approach personal growth by taking away the stigma and barriers that surround most self-help methods” said co-founder and COO Elyse Colen.

The self-help industry is a  $10B market in the U.S. alone, as most self-help options are very expensive. “Self-help is tied to an idea that you’re damaged or weak. The reality is that everyone can improve in some aspect of their life. Many people feel held back by emotions they either can’t express to friends or co-workers, or they can’t find solutions to overcome them,” said co-founder and CEO Lauren Wallack. “We want to flip the self-help industry on its head and offer a self-serve platform to feed your appetite for personal growth.”

When using the Mindsail app, users have access to dozens of mental wellness sources, choosing the content that resonates most with the user, for a fraction of the price.  And for those wanting a more personal connection with the experts, users can send questions to be answered by an expert of their choice. With Mindsail, you can take advantage of this opportunity and use their constant presence to improve your emotional well-being. The company wants to get users emotionally fit the same way fitness apps and technology have opened us up to improving our physical health and wellness.

Having seen the way technology has transformed almost every other industry from retail to media, the founders knew there had to be a better way for people to seek personal growth options. “We’ve seen so many of our friends and peers struggling with the same issues – they want to find more meaning in their jobs, they want to have better relationships or simply be happier” said Colen. “Through technology, we’re now able to offer unprecedented direct access to new perspectives and tools that can transform your life, without being mediated by a middleman.” Here are some of the many features Mindsail as has to offer:


Created exclusively for Mindsail, programs are designed to give you unique insights and tools to feed your appetite for personal growth. Users can listen to bite-sized Coaching sessions and learn new tools such as meditations, breathing exercises, visualizations and affirmations. By offering a holistic, multi-faceted approach, you will be able to reach peak mental performance and gain a deeper understanding of your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.


On a daily basis, we experience a range of emotions. Whether you’re nervous about a work meeting, having trouble sleeping, or need an extra boost of confidence before your date, our quick daily Moodboosts can help turn your negative thoughts into a positive state of mind.


Track your progress and star your favorite sessions and Moodboosts to help you stay on course of your personal growth journey. Create a daily mental wellness routine to help you form healthier habits and change behaviors.


Have your personal questions answered by our experts and see those posed by the community. Get Smooth Sailing tips to help you navigate the day. Mindsail costs $5.99 per month for unlimited access to the entire library of expert content, including videos, audio sessions, Moodboosts and Ask the Experts.

About Mindsail: Mindsail is a platform to discover original content from top thought-leaders and experts across relationship, career, anxiety, sleep, addiction and more. Their proprietary Programs and Moodboosts help users gain new perspectives and tools to change behaviors and live life in forward motion. The company is headquartered in Los Angeles, CA. For more information, visit  To download the free app, please visit the Apple App Store .

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