Best Gift Basket Snacks for Vegans: 7th Heaven Chocolate

Bret Jr. grand mother. My mom should be retiring this year so I can finally see my son.
Bret Jr. grand mother. My mom should be retiring this year so I can finally see my son.

My husband and kids love to help me make gift baskets throughout the year. It warms my heart to make them together. I’m a mom, so I have to add in some delicious but healthy treats to help my kids learn to naturally eat healthy snacks.

7th Heaven Chocolate is ethically sourced plant-based and dairy free candy.

 In 2013, vegan couple Daniel Bareket and Elya Adi missed milk chocolate so much they decided to create a new version of it – free of animal products. After two years of research and a whole lot of taste tests, incredible chocolate bars are good to eat for brunch dessert, lunch snacks, corporate gifting, evening dessert, and movie night.

The coconut and soy-based chocolate treats taste just as awesome as any dairy milk chocolate because the dairy chocolate treats are more sustainable.

Peanut Butter Cream

The 7th Heaven Creamy chocolate treat with peanut butter cream is a perfectly balanced salty-sweet treat that will make you love peanuts even more. Try the 7th Heaven Peanut Butter Cream.

The 7th Heaven creamy chocolate treat with peanut butter cream is dairy free and made from fair trade cocoa.

7th Heaven Try Me Kit

When people don’t know what chocolates they want to eat regularly, use the 7th Heaven Try Me Kit as a sample. The Try Me Kit is good for making quick assorted gift baskets. The 7th Heaven Try Me Kit is:

  • 100% Dairy-Free
  • Kosher
  • 100% lactose-free
  • Sustainable – making the chocolate snacks and bars requires only a third of the greenhouse gasses as dairy products

Includes: 1 Classic bar, 1 Peanut Butter Cream bar, 1 Hazelnut Cream & Rice Crisps snack, and 1 Caramelized Coconut snack.

The 7th Heaven Try Me Kit

Elya on Being a Woman in Business

“Running a growing business can be tough no matter who you are, but the challenges are often compounded as a woman, especially when you work with your husband.

I’m so proud of our product and the way we made it happen. We’ve reached so many people with our vegan chocolate and still have so many to reach in the future!

It really feels almost like our firstborn child.”- Elya Adi

Read more: Elya on Being a Woman in Business

Message to Elya & Daniel

Fromgirltogirl hope you are all well. Thank you for being good to my husband and son. Hope we can spread the chocolate and humanity soon. Chocolate travels. I am still figuring out what is my son’s new favorite chocolate flavor.

I still love this chocolate because it helped me before and after I was pregnant with my son. Thank you Elya & Daniel for being good to my husband,son, and me. Hope we can spread the chocolate and good of humanity soon together. Chocolate travels. I am still figuring out what is my son’s new favorite chocolate flavor. But I hope our next party I host, my son will know why this 7th Heaven chocolate means so much to me. You’ll finally have a little sister or brother to experience life with.

Thank you for sharing my story Elya & Daniel.

Love my husband and son always. I’ll add my next set of pregnant hands to this website when I am pregnant again just to make sure the Capitol didn’t do anything but end racism in America because Jr. was born.

– Jr.’s Mom.

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