How To Commit To Healthy Living: Set A Routine

My birthday is only a few days away & with that I made a new commitment to myself. The past year I have been on a spiritual journey. I have been working on it. I’m not as angry as I use to be about life & I am now accepting that some things I have no control over. One thing I never had control over was saving my older brother’s life after he fell ill. Our birthdays we always shared & this will be roughly the 5th year I didn’t share it with him. The pain of losing him is still there but it’s not as painful as before. It’s like God took that pain from me…I feel like something better is in store & I’ll see my brother again in time. Life is short. But along with my spiritual commitment I am adding a physical fitness commitment to myself. I am setting a goal to workout at least 30 minutes to 1 hour everyday. I am setting my workouts right after dinners. I am keeping hydrated and adding of fibers to my diet as well. My main focus is working on my core. Since graduating college,I gained 25 pounds. What can I say? Baltimore has good food but I don’t want my weight to get out of control. So I am doing this for my health & well being. I am a firm believer that my body will take care of me if I take care of my body. Will keep you posted on my progress. – Fromgirltogirl

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The Year of The Weight Lifter

strongBy Briana Bookerv/strong I came to the realization that I am no longer 17 years old. My body is not as fast as it use to be. My body is not as slim as it use to be. But here I stand as the best woman I have ever been thus far. I guess it is true, looks are not everything. Although I am aging, I still want to keep up my health and appearance. I will never be someone that settles for letting myself go. I love myself. With that said, I would like to push myself to be better than my previous self by dedicating a few hours weekly to weight lifting. I am working on my core, which I notice is not as fit as it use to be. The love of my life ( or I would like to think he is the love of my life) thinks my new found curves are beautiful but I want the 17 year old me to travel with the wonderful woman I am becoming now. Who knows, I might just surpass the 17 year old me. I am up for the challenge. Stay tuned.

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