The Dreamer Who Claimed It

Starting this week, anything I dream to do with my life I’m going say out loud everyday to myself. I’m going to claim it. I have a feeling it will keep me motivates. The last thing I want to become is a Dreamer who stopped dreaming and stopped believing I could be better.

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The Liberation Of Bree

I always try to tackle things I’ve never had to before. In fact, every part of my life brings it’s very own challenge. Years before I asked myself why I befriend the strangest people but now I know the answer. It was simple. The strangest people are a lot more fun & more freeing than the ordinary ones. It’s why I always have a story about my life. After I realized that, I realized why I went to college. That answer was simple too. To accumulate wealth so I could become powerful enough to come up with as many fun premises as I could. Limitless wealth would mean we could have the resources to go anywhere and do anything. It also meant liberation. The only limit would be when I stopped dreaming. My mind is a strange place.

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Teaching Women To Fish: Self Empowerment

It has been a busy 2012 so far this year. It has been challenging and uplifting all at the same time. Life isn’t meant to be perfect. It is just meant to be lived. I am starting to learn my calling for my life…I think it is about uplifting and helping people learn that happiness is in our own hands.

I would like to share with you an article I wrote for Slantress Magazine, a Black women empowerment magazine. I wrote this article: from the soul. My soul is telling me it is time I learn to fish. I want to learn to fish for prosperity so that I can teach other people to do the same.

Deborah Billips , Founder of Slantress Publication, is teach me how to fish. She is very positive and kind.  An article I wrote will be featured in an upcoming issue of Slantress Magazine this spring. Please subscribe to Slantress magazine here  and visit the website at!

Give a woman a fish and you feed her for a day. Teach a woman to fish and you feed her for a lifetime.

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Having My Peace.

Peaceful. No hoochies. No clowns. Just working on getting my life together striving to be the best person I can be. I do not know where the road ahead of me will lead but I feel I am more than ready for the adventure. – Briana Fierce


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