2022 Best Wellness States in the United States of America

new study shows the wellness industry is projected to reach $7 trillion in value by 2025. The District of Columbia is the No. 9 best place for wellness. California is the No. 1 best state and Alabama is the No. 1 worst.

Interest in ‘wellness’ used to be niche, but it has surged following the health, economic, and political crises that led to a 25% spike in anxiety and depression, and a decline in life expectancy.

Factor in remote work and more Americans are choosing to live in places with strong health and wellness communities that enhance their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This includes a rising interest in healthy eating, exercise, dietary supplements, nature, self-care, and mindfulness.

Life Extension released a study on the Best and Worst States for Wellness in 2022 using the most recent data from the CDC, Census Bureau, National Parks Service and Google Trends across three main categories: physical and mental health; access to parks and nature; and integrative health practices.

Health Is Wealth

There is a strong correlation between sunshine, nature, and well-being. Four of the five best states are known for sunshine — California, Arizona, Florida, and Hawaii. Nine of the 10 best states have an above average percentage of land used for national parks.

Remember: Spending time outdoors is inherently good for your health. Hike. Bike. Run. Exercising can improve biomarkers for physical health and mental well-being. Visiting a national park is a great way to connect with nature. Go to a park near you.

Below is a chart of top United States wellness google trends by search:

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3 Ways Spirituality Can Help You Lead A Healthier Life

An increasing number of American women are identifying as spiritual but not necessarily religious, according to stats released by Pew Research, and this new-found spirituality is impacting various aspects of their lives. While it is common knowledge that we can boost our health and well-being by eating a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity, not everyone is aware of the great impact spirituality can have on our lives.

During periods of ill health, you can find yourself benefiting greatly from engaging in various spiritual practices, such as meditation, that are known to be catalysts for good health. Not only will you feel happier and more relaxed, but your physical health can also be improved in many ways:

It can lower your blood pressure

When you experience periods of extreme stress, your body reacts by releasing a flood of hormones that helps fight off the stressors. The body also increases your blood pressure that causes your heart rate to increase significantly and your blood vessels to become narrower.  Persistent stress can lead to hypertension, which if left untreated, can lead to a stroke and even death. According to a study published in the American Journal of Hypertension, spiritual practice – and Transcendental Meditation in particular – is able to lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. It has been found that when you engage in meditation, your body and mind systematically return to a favorable state of equanimity that is conducive to healing.

It can give you peace of mind

Every year, more than 16 million Americans experience bouts of depression ranging from mild to severe. This is often preceded by a feeling of hopelessness and uncertainty of the future. While depression can be treated effectively with both medication and therapy, spiritual practices such as prayer, yoga, psychic consultation and meditation can also ease the symptoms. Whereas meditation allows you to rid your mind of negativity, yoga improves your flexibility and renders you calmer, which will reduce the symptoms of your depression as well. If the uncertainty of what tomorrow may bring adds to your depression, you may want to consider seeking out one or two affordable psychic readings that may provide you with more insight into your future. A psychic reading may also be able to help you find your purpose in life by pointing out your talents and helping you hone them into valuable skills and attributes. 

It can help you sleep better

If you are one of the nearly 70 million Americans battling with a sleeping disorder, you will know what it feels like to be tired most of the time. Although there are a number of medical conditions (and medications) that can trigger a sleeping disorder, they can also occur as a result of a severe stress response. Regardless of the cause, however, it is essential to take the necessary steps to ensure that the body’s circadian rhythms return to normal. Engaging in a range of spiritual practices such as yoga and meditation before bedtime will help your body and mind to relax, which will make it easier for you to not only fall asleep, but stay asleep as well.

Spirituality can have a great impact on our overall health and well-being. Whether you have a specific set of symptoms you want to alleviate or you just want to enjoy better health, you can benefit greatly from engaging in a range of spiritual practices.

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The Year of The Weight Lifter

strongBy Briana Bookerv/strong I came to the realization that I am no longer 17 years old. My body is not as fast as it use to be. My body is not as slim as it use to be. But here I stand as the best woman I have ever been thus far. I guess it is true, looks are not everything. Although I am aging, I still want to keep up my health and appearance. I will never be someone that settles for letting myself go. I love myself. With that said, I would like to push myself to be better than my previous self by dedicating a few hours weekly to weight lifting. I am working on my core, which I notice is not as fit as it use to be. The love of my life ( or I would like to think he is the love of my life) thinks my new found curves are beautiful but I want the 17 year old me to travel with the wonderful woman I am becoming now. Who knows, I might just surpass the 17 year old me. I am up for the challenge. Stay tuned.

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