Now playing: The World Of Pinkfiz

Musical artist PinkFiz has a new album entitled The World Of Pinkfiz, featuring four pop-punk tracks filled with her emotions and life experiences. Music lovers who enjoy the electric, powerful punk infusion can really appreciate this album.

About PinkFiz

PinkFiz is an 18 year old punk pop artist from Cambridgeshire. Having previously performed as part of other bands, she started her solo project during the coronavirus pandemic as a way to continue writing and creating while stuck in isolation. PinkFiz represents female empowerment and the songwriters pride in being an independent female artist and producer. 

The musician explains, “The World Of PinkFiz is an insight into my life and I want the listener to feel like they’re stepping into my shoes for 11 minutes.” Produced, recorded and written all by the PinkFiz, the EP is a passion project and an outlet to release her inner-frustrations and feelings. She confides, “I wrote the songs about different eras of my life so far and it’s based on a lot of bottled up anger. I felt this was the right way to release that emotion and honestly the easiest way for me to talk about things that have bothered me for a long time.” 

With the hopes to make listeners feel invincible and capable of anything, The World Of Pinkfiz will have listeners feeling like they are stomping on top of the world. Listen now to The World of PinkFiz on Spotify.

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New Music: PinkFiz – ‘Did I Ask?’ | Female Consent and Sexual Harassment Anthem

PinkFiz photoshoot

18-year-old punk-pop artist PinkFiz from Cambridgeshire has released her new single “Did I Ask?” to emphasize the importance of female consent and why we all need to do our part to end sexual harassment. The new single touches on punk/rock instrumentation, radiating a brooding bassline, fast-paced drums, and a howling lead guitar. The clashing guitars are a juxtaposition to PinkFiz’s soft, muted vocals, as she sings, “she’s not your possession.” 

PinkFiz confides, “I wrote this song about the phrase “she was asking for it” because I was really angry that day about it and I needed to get all my frustration about it into words and into a song. I am very passionate about fighting for equality and about making opportunities for everyone the same. As a female guitarist, I have been overlooked in the past and disregarded and I’ve often felt invalidated and seen as not as good as my male peers. I also recalled being robbed of opportunities in school and begging for a chance to play something more technical and difficult but the parts I would ask for were always given to an older male teacher without me having a shot at trying them.”

PinkFiz represents female empowerment and the songwriters pride in being an independent female artist and producer. With the hopes to make listeners feel invincible and capable of anything, she hopes the empowering song will help listeners feel like they stomping on top of the world.

Here at Fromgirltogirl, we enjoy the catchy chorus of ‘Did I Ask?’ and appreciate the messaging of encouraging sexual consent. Although our society needs to enforce more policies and laws to protect women against sexual abuse and violence, we know we must keep the conversation going to make a better world for not only us but our future generations. We cannot stay silent.

Listen to ‘Did I Ask?’ now:

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