Trayvon Martin vs. Black on Black Crime: What is the victimization of black communities?


Picture by MillionHoodies a movement for justice formed by Daniel Maree ( posters coming soon).

By Briana Booker

For those trying to connect the topic Black on Black violence as a reason for people to not voice their thoughts on the killing of black teen Trayvon Martin, I urge you to sit back and give thought on the reasons why black on black violence occurs and why Trayvon Martin got confronted by George Zimmerman for looking suspicious because he was a black young man. I occasionally check my Facebook feed to see discussion on social and cultural issues. Daniel Maree, political activist/human rights activist, status caught my eye. His status had the following remarks:

People love to talk about black on black crime as if it’s Trayvon Martin vs. Black on Black Crime. As if we have to pick between the two. Ok. Let’s talk about it. Let’s talk about drugs and guns in our inner cities. Let’s talk about how they got there. Let’s talk about Ronald Reagan. Let’s talk about Iran Contra. Let’s talk about poverty. Let’s talk about the victimization of black communities.

These black talking heads should be ashamed of themselves for not making that point. Let’s be honest about the crises that exist in our communities. Let’s not just use them as excuses for not finding justice for Trayvon. #GetSerious #Millionhoodies

I feel passionate about the matter as well. I thank Daniel Maree for speaking up about this matter. It’s time for ‪America‬ to have discussions on the tough topics. ‪Drugs‬ & ‪guns‬ didn’t come to ‪inner cities‬ simply from people in ‪‎poverty‬ being there. Drugs and guns come from people in ‪positions of power‬ whom profit off of the poorest of the poor. The ‪‎education system has failed to teach people why these problems exist or people have failed to listen. Perhaps it’s both.

Poverty isn’t about people ” just not trying hard enough.” Anyone that truly believes that really needs to find sources that teach them why society is the way it is. When people are willing to visit the communities that have been forgotten, that is when we can find solutions together. To empathize with those that suffer, you need the will power to ask tough questions and get out of your comfort zone. We can’t wait for people in positions of power to correct a system that wasn’t made for everyone to succeed or have a good quality of life. We need to set up real ‪family values , we need effective ‪‎business plans, and we need more ‪‎community unity. It’s time to wake up and ‪‎do something. For more of my outlooks on racial issues in America, subscribe to the blog and Like me on Facebook .

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The American Dream: A Willy Loman Tragedy

By Briana Booker

The decline of the West is inevitable because of the West’s mentality of being too big to fail. Being the product of a western ideology, I have observed in history books, current events and my own personal life that the West strives for what mankind would otherwise say is unattainable: World Peace, a world without poverty, a world without diseases and a world without hunger.

Living in a house made of glass, the West is arrogant, ruthless and power-hungry. Based on these traits, the West is walking down a path of self-demise or suicide away from its High-profile status of being a Super-power.

The decline of the West reminds me of the play The Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, where Willy Loman, a travelling Salesman, dedicates his life to achieving the American Dream of success, prosperity and happiness. Loman sold his soul in pursuit of that unattainable American Dream. The result was a tragedy.

Just as Loman, the West is striving to create a world where dreams can live, overlooking acknowledging that these dreams can never be fully achieved.

Those that believe the West is not in decline will say that the West is impacting the world in positive and influential ways such as creating vaccines to tackle epidemic disease, reproducing food faster and bigger, and speeding up the process of trade and financial transactions. Those in favor of the West state that capitalism, with its liberalized markets and promotion of individual freedoms will make for a better, safer world for all. But in reality poverty in the world is expanding, including in the West with 14.3 percent of Americans in 2009’s American Community survey conducted by Alemayehu Bishaw and Suzanne Macartney having income below their expected need for their household or personal  income threshold ( U.S Census 2010). The land known for prosperity is not living up to its name.

Citizens of Western culture are lowering their faith in Westernized governments and institutions. People strongly believe the system, its policies, leaders and laws are corrupt. The citizens have joined the world in lost faith in this once beloved Western Super-power. Growing up I have always been told the best place in the world to live is  America for its freedom and its ability to give anyone the opportunity to dream for their hearts and minds. Although I believe if a person works hard enough anything is possible, sometimes I think back to Loman who worked hard and still did not taste a drop of the American dream.

The world can see the Western system is deteriorating based on its mismanagement.  Micro-corporations are failing. The education system is inadequate. Violent crimes are escalating.

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Breaking the Chains of Poverty: 2011 GIRL EFFECT BLOGGING CAMPAIGN



By Briana Booker

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, there is a way to break from the chains of misery poverty forces on billions of people in the world. Yes, we often blame corporate world policy and conduct for why we can not put bread on the table. We often blame corrupt governments for our lack of good quality of life. But why have not we turned our fingers to point at ourselves?

When we give ourselves power, we control our own destiny. What are we waiting for? Although many of us are living in poverty, we are at a cross-road where we can change the course of our future for the better. How?

The answer is in the Girl Effect. When we educate our girls we give them, our boys, moms, dads, and entire communities the chance to escape the injustices of poverty for good. When women are educated,they obtain higher paying jobs. They obtain better health care. They obtain the ability to give their families and themselves the ability to live out dreams.

Here are some cool facts, just in case you are skeptical of the power of the Girl Effect, via a book, published by Cambridge Press, called Mothers at Work: Effects on Children’s Well-being by Lois Hoffman and Lise Youngblade, with Rebekah Coley, Allison Fuligni, and Donna Kovacs:

-Daughters of employed mothers have been found to have higher academic achievement, greater career success, more nontraditional career choices, and greater occupational commitment.

– Daughters of employed mothers have been found to be more independent, particularly in interaction with their peers in a school setting, and to score higher on socioemotional adjustment measures. This gives girls the ability to become outstanding leaders in the community.

-Daughters with employed mothers, across the different groups, show more positive assertiveness as rated by teachers (that is, they participate in class discussions, they ask questions when instructions are unclear, they are comfortable in leadership positions), and they show less acting-out behavior. They are less shy, more independent and have a higher sense of efficacy.

-Working-class boys also show more positive social adjustment when their mothers are employed, and true for both one-parent and two-parent families.

-Research results suggest that most families accommodate to the mother’s employment and in doing so provide a family environment that works well.

Read details on the study : .

Join the campaign! Write about The Girl Effect at your blog this week, October 4-11, 2011! Link up your post .

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Get Ripe. Get Bold. Get Excellence. Check out the video below. Change the course of all our futures for the better, one girl at a time!


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