‘Blue Wave’: How the Democrats swept into local and state office


This week a  ‘Blue Wave’ swept Democrats into office at nearly every level of local and state government, including Flippable’s state legislative targets in Virginia and Washington State. Flippable broke down everything from turnout to individual candidate strategy, to margins of victory to fundraising stats. The breakdown helps paint the reality of the wins while explaining a bit of how we got here. The clearest takeaway is this: there is another way to win state-wide races and generate energy around to win local races that will have ripple effects all the way *up* the ballot. Flippable co-founder Catherine Vaughan had this to say about the results:

“[ The] massive wins were unprecedented, and they are a vital input into our plan for next year. Progressives demonstrated the power of a coordinated, down-ballot-focused movement to transform outrage into a targeted, successful electoral strategy. We’ve shown that we can rebuild democracy from the ground up, with energy for local candidates working its way up the ballot.

With a dozen seats under our belt this year, Flippable plans to scale to 100 seats in 2018, with an eye on flipping or breaking supermajorities in 15-20 chambers that we need to pass progressive policies and undo Republican gerrymandering and voter suppression efforts.”

Virginia and Washington Recaps : The Ballot for Blue

Learn more by reading the recaps below:

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