New Music: Cole Caminiti Mixed Feelings

Music artist, Cole Caminiti, has released his new album Mixed Feelings, which runs listeners through a year and a half of Caminiti’s life, including heartbreak and finding his soulmate. Throughout the album, listeners will hear Caminiti testing out different music genres to tell his story.

Cole Caminiti is a 23 year old from Richmond, VA covering hip hop and r&b styles. The album Mixed Feelings was created to share his work and give his friends ( and those they know) a few song to add their playlists.

Listen now to Berry by Cole Caminiti from the album Mixed Feelings.

To listen to more songs or buy the album visit:

Follow Cole Caminiti on Instagram today.

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High Day Care Helps Teen Moms Graduate

I applaud what Richmond VA is doing for teen moms. A day care within school is a great idea. It helps teen moms who would otherwise become high school dropouts to graduate. Also research has proven teen moms participating in the program are more likely to wait longer to have another child because they learn what it takes to be a parent & make a better life for their children. Perhaps Baltimore can have programs like this as well.

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