The one scent that drives a man crazy

“Mrs. Robinson, you’re trying to seduce me. Aren’t you?” It is an infamous line from the movie The Graduate (1967). When it comes to a man, a woman cannot resist wanting to seduce the man of her dreams. But how does she seduce him?

If you want to seduce a man, you need to make him feel a little funny. In other words, he needs to feel a little out of his comfort zone and grabbing the perfume bottle will not do. Instead of using that expensive bottle of perfume, use your natural scent to seduce him. Unlike retail perfume which has little to no affect on how attractive a man is to a woman, a woman’s natural scent can unconsciously trigger a man’s testosterone levels and make him feel attraction for a woman. This is true especially when a woman is at the peak of her fertility. In fact, it is common for a man to enjoy the every day natural scent of a woman because everyone woman gives off a pleasant smell that’s intoxicating to a man interested in her. Remember, a man’s testosterone levels relate to his sexual interest and a little flirtatious behavior by a woman can drive up the attraction in addition to the attract her natural scent gives off.

Scent is so powerful for men that pleasant smells from women can drive mating behavior in men. You can read the study and research report at Women’s Natural Scent More Seductive Than Perfume. Mating is a natural instinct of men and seek out women at the peak of fertility. In other words, the scent of a woman is the Achilles Heel for better or worse of a man, a natural high high for men. It unconsciously gives them an adrenaline and sometimes they need to regain composure after smelling the natural scent of a woman. This all happens because the pheromones are intoxicating. The study reveals the scent of a woman can inspire a man to caress and stimulate a woman for foreplay and sex. Her scent can inspire him to purse her and admire her every day beauty.

From a biological standpoint a woman’s scent is a signal to a man that she is fertile enough to bear healthy children, it’s the opening of sexual attraction not store bought perfume. If she has a pretty face, nice smell and sultry voice, she’s one more step to having him hooked.This helps a man bond with a woman. It’s not creepy; it’s biology. So the next time he is deeply breathing in your scent, enjoy it and love him for it. It’s a loving gesture and the perfect way to bond with him.

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