The Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Social Media Assistant – Briana Booker


Chicago Social Media Contractor / DC Social Media Contractor
For information on Briana Booker’s Social Media Contractor Services, connect on Linkedin!

Are you searching for ways to generate more profitability for your business? If yes, you have to focus on two primary factors: generating revenue and reducing business costs. Many companies rely on generating sales to boost up business profitability but cutting costs while maintaining high quality service can help your company truly succeed.

One way you can carry out business success is to hire independent contractors. My name is Briana Booker and I am an independent Social Media Contractor. I offer digital marketing services to the public as well as government entities.

As a business owner, you can hire contract workers to do essential tasks for your company to cut the costs to hire full-time employees.

Here are the main benefits of hiring Independent contractors for your digital marketing efforts:

  1. You won’t have to pay taxes related to hiring employees. Every time you hire a new employee, you have to pay payroll taxes to go towards that employee’s Social Security and Medicare. On average an employer is responsible for paying 6.2% of any employee’s salary up to $106,800 simply for Social Security. With independent  social media contractors, they are responsible for paying self-employment taxes. That means you are not required to pay for Social Security, Medicare on any withholding taxes on behalf of the independent social media contractors.
  2. Job benefits are not a need. You don’t have to offer paid vacation time, retirement plans etc to independent contractors. The social media contractors are flexible so you can cut your labor costs.
  3. You can use the flexibility of social media contractors to your advantage because you will have increased flexibility during times of fluctuating demand.  When business is slow you won’t have to waste money paying full-time employee salaries. When there’s a sudden demand, you will know you’ll have high quality work and you can affordably address business demands with your social contract work. Never again will you have to worry about being understaffed during periods of high demand or have employees that are unproductive  during slow periods ( yet you’re paying the same amount to keep those employees).

Hiring an independent social media contractor is a great way to save on labor costs. I am here to offer you high quality social media contractor services. I can help you develop a custom social media package that not only meets your service needs but also helps you save more on your digital marketing efforts. Connect with me on LinkedIn and take a look at my digital marketing portfolio to see what I can offer your business today.

I offer Social Media Contracting Services nationwide, particularly Chicago, Baltimore, DC and New York. My digital marketing services are virtual but I will travel in-person to clients or have a representative from come to your business for consulting services.


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