Twitter Usage of Trump Vs. Hillary Clinton |SHSU Research

During the second presidential debate on Oct. 9, candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were asked about Twitter and, specifically, their discipline in using the social media tool. “Tweeting happens to be a modern form of communication,” Trump said. “I’m not unproud of it, to be honest with you.” Twitter as a topic of discussion in a presidential debate shows how far it has come since President Barack Obama started using social media as a way to engage with voters in his 2008 presidential campaign. Eight years later, Twitter has blown up as a powerful tool for politicians to immediately get their messages across to the public and to control, and sometimes fix, their images. But as politicians turn to Twitter resource, the effect and the messaging is still unquantified, which is why in 2012, Sam Houston State University political science associate professor Heather Evans set out to examine the effect of social media in campaigning.

Evans and one of her classes started researching Twitter involvement with the U.S. House races by following all of the candidates to examine what politicians tweeted. With the current presidential election, Evans and two students are continuing this research to see if there is any gender differences in what Clinton and Trump are tweeting. The trio have been working since June to collect tweets from Clinton and Trump and plan to continue the research until election night. After four months, Evans, junior political science major Kayla Brown and senior political science major Tiffany Wimberly have discovered that Clinton’s campaign uses Twitter in a variety of ways, including tweeting about more political issues than Trump and focusing more on her opponent than he does.

“When I sat down with all this data and ran some basic statistics, the differences automatically popped out,” Evans said. “She is tweeting more than he is. She is attacking him more than he is her; he is attacking everyone, and she is not attacking anyone else except him. They are tweeting in this completely opposite way.” Evans said she was not surprised by the negativity of Clinton’s tweets.

“Clinton’s attacking nature is explained with the ‘Out Party’ hypothesis. In a book by David Karpf called ‘The Move On Effect,’ he explained how the outside party draws to any type of new media to get a leg up on their opponent,” Evans said. “The underdog attacks more to get people’s attention.”

Evans said many women running for political office use this tactic, whether they are the incumbent or are running for the first time.  “I believe it is because they see themselves as outsiders,” Evans said. According to Evans, the most unexpected thing that she has found in her research is that neither Clinton nor Trump is tweeting about the issues more.

“I would think that Trump would be copying whatever Clinton is doing,” Evans said. “If she is talking about issues and he wants to be opposing her, he could talk about the same issue in a different way or take a different position. I was surprised by the lack of issue position on his page, compared to her.”

Evans said Trump’s tweets have focused on terrorism and immigration—and about 10 percent of his tweets involve criticizing the media—while Clinton has focused on “male” and “female” issues.

“‘Female issues’ are traditionally defined as issues that disproportionately affect women as a group more than men, issues like education, healthcare, welfare, abortion, domestic violence, and equality,” Evans said. “‘Male issues’ are traditionally economic in nature—taxes, budget—or foreign policy—war, terrorism. Gun control is also a ‘male issue.’”And despite all of the data that shows that Clinton is tweeting more, Trump tends to get more media attention.

“When I tell people that she is tweeting double what he is tweeting, they are all shocked,” Evans said. “They are only hearing about him. He is getting more air time than she is. She is not really getting any.” This could be because Clinton’s Twitter account is handled largely by a team, while Trump has a more active hand in his account.

“Research is showing that if you look at all the tweets he is sending, half of the tweets are from an iPhone and half on them are from an Android,” Evans said. “The tweets coming from the Android are him, and the Android tweets are those that we would define as ‘off-the-cuff,’ 3 a.m. tweets.  The iPhone tweets (from his staff) are professional.”

This fall, the team has incorporated an interview treatment into their Twitter research, through which Evans hopes to find out some of the reasons Trump may be acting the way he does.

“We might be able to see if the interviewers are treating him differently, which is leading to why he is being so negative,” Evans said.

Evans said the research results might be different if Trump wasn’t running.

“He is not acting like everybody else,” Evans said. “Whereas other politicians will talk about their policy stances on multiple things that are before Congress, he is very, very different. If you go and look at Marco Rubio, or if you want to go back and grab tweets from John McCain in 2008, their tweets were very different than Trump’s.”

The work may be long and tiring, but Evans said she also finds it amusing and educational for students. It’s also of interest internationally, having been highlighted several times by the London School of Economics.

“I enjoy working with students on these projects because they get to see political science in action,” Evans said. “Students begin to make connections between what we are reading and what we are seeing on Twitter.  In my research project with Tiffany and Kayla, we are pushing the discipline forward regarding the gendered use of Twitter in campaigns.

“It also is really fun research,” Evans said. “I like reading and analyzing the tweets. The students really enjoy it too.”


•   Trump and Clinton use Twitter in “completely opposite way(s)”

•   Clinton tweets more than Trump; Trump’s tweets get more attention

•   Clinton attacks Trump more; Trump attacks “everyone”

•   Trump focuses on terrorism, immigration and the media; Clinton focuses on both “male” and “female” issues

•   Clinton’s Twitter account is handled largely by her team; Trump plays a larger role in his account

•   Trump tweets with an Android; his team uses an iPhone

•   Women candidates attack their opponent more via Twitter, as explained by the “Out Party” hypothesis


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The Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Social Media Assistant – Briana Booker


Chicago Social Media Contractor / DC Social Media Contractor
For information on Briana Booker’s Social Media Contractor Services, connect on Linkedin!

Are you searching for ways to generate more profitability for your business? If yes, you have to focus on two primary factors: generating revenue and reducing business costs. Many companies rely on generating sales to boost up business profitability but cutting costs while maintaining high quality service can help your company truly succeed.

One way you can carry out business success is to hire independent contractors. My name is Briana Booker and I am an independent Social Media Contractor. I offer digital marketing services to the public as well as government entities.

As a business owner, you can hire contract workers to do essential tasks for your company to cut the costs to hire full-time employees.

Here are the main benefits of hiring Independent contractors for your digital marketing efforts:

  1. You won’t have to pay taxes related to hiring employees. Every time you hire a new employee, you have to pay payroll taxes to go towards that employee’s Social Security and Medicare. On average an employer is responsible for paying 6.2% of any employee’s salary up to $106,800 simply for Social Security. With independent  social media contractors, they are responsible for paying self-employment taxes. That means you are not required to pay for Social Security, Medicare on any withholding taxes on behalf of the independent social media contractors.
  2. Job benefits are not a need. You don’t have to offer paid vacation time, retirement plans etc to independent contractors. The social media contractors are flexible so you can cut your labor costs.
  3. You can use the flexibility of social media contractors to your advantage because you will have increased flexibility during times of fluctuating demand.  When business is slow you won’t have to waste money paying full-time employee salaries. When there’s a sudden demand, you will know you’ll have high quality work and you can affordably address business demands with your social contract work. Never again will you have to worry about being understaffed during periods of high demand or have employees that are unproductive  during slow periods ( yet you’re paying the same amount to keep those employees).

Hiring an independent social media contractor is a great way to save on labor costs. I am here to offer you high quality social media contractor services. I can help you develop a custom social media package that not only meets your service needs but also helps you save more on your digital marketing efforts. Connect with me on LinkedIn and take a look at my digital marketing portfolio to see what I can offer your business today.

I offer Social Media Contracting Services nationwide, particularly Chicago, Baltimore, DC and New York. My digital marketing services are virtual but I will travel in-person to clients or have a representative from come to your business for consulting services.


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The Kickstart Project for the People by The People


Social good project Columbia MD

Social Media can change the lives for the greater good. It changed my life and this kickstart project by Fromgirltogirl is all about changing lives for the better.

I would not be where I am today in my career or my personal life if it weren’t for social good initiatives on social media. Getting that dream job or finding your inspiration in life all starts with the company you keep. Who is your circle?

Fromgirltogirl’s kickstart project is all about helping people show and build up personal brands while empowering the community. We want to help people learn how to show their value and ability to the world.

By working in social media marketing, I was able to learn new skill sets in public relations, information technology, marketing and community relations. Sometimes you have to rebrand yourself to find your true calling, I am here to help people do that and let them enjoy delicious meals while showing the world the greatness they have within.

I am here to help people become inspired to find what they are looking for – whether that be climbing out an unemployment slump,  promoting a cause, establishing a startup  or helping you document trips around the world. The model for this kickstart is flexible – it’s for the People by the People.

Social Media is a platform that can help people remain optimistic when all hope is lost. Everyone connection you make on social media is a networking opportunity.

If you are not a believer in power of social media to make a positive difference, this kickstart project will show you what social media can do for you. Take a moment to connect with me. The project will launch early September.

This project will show you the difference between being discoverable, changing your life for the better and not being found and valued at all.

The Fromgirltogirl kickstart project is all about guiding professionals and talent cross the world on how to leverage social media for personal branding, development, online networking and giving all who want a voice, a voice noticed.

You can connect with Fromgirltogirl on Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook to keep up and take part in the Kickstart project for the People by The People this September.


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The Truth about Thigh Gap Obsessions


This week I heard about the social media trend of young girls obsessing over thigh gaps. This is an outrage. From 1 woman to the next, there is no such thing as a perfect thigh gap. A very thin young lady cannot have a thigh gap.

I urge young girls to not watch Youtube videos on how to do a thigh gap. It is really not that serious. You cannot really make an ideal thigh gap with physical exercise. Many young girls have eating disorders because they want to fit this perfect image that is not even possible to do. You can put yourself at risk of an eating disorder to do a thigh gap.

I don’t have much of a thigh gap. It is just part of becoming a woman. Trust me, guys do not mind. Whether your inner thighs touch all depends on your bone structure. You cannot change your bones. You cannot change the shape of your pelvic girdle. You cannot change your hip bones. Embrace the beauty of your figure, flaws and all.

The only thing you can manage is your body weight and you have to manage weight safely to keep up good health . The average woman’s thighs touch between the crotch and the knees.

If you see a young lady with thighs separated, there’s a sign that she is severely underweight. This could put her health in danger. In fact, the thigh gap obsession is a dangerous quest no matter a woman’s age, ethnicity or body type.

I have been a young teenage girl. I can confidently tell you better days will come beyond you teenage years. Don’t be peer pressured to think you have to fit a certain body type or be a certain way. This too shall pass.

It is time to embrace your outer and inner beauty than looking at what you think is missing. Having a thigh gap will not improve your life or make you any happier. You learn more about the dangers of the thigh gap obsession by reading  Social Media Feeding Girls’ Dangerous Thigh Gap Obsession.


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Social Media News: Instagram Gets Video

Great news! Beyond Facebook new hashtag, this Thursday June 20th Facebook announces that Instagram will have video taking capabilities! Instant videos and photo taking are pretty epic in my book!

So long to the vine video app. It has nothing on Instagram!

For more information, tune into the Facebook big event Thursday!

I think this is an excellent mobile marketing venture for Facebook.

I do have a vine to watch funny videos but I would much prefer a quality video app I could instantly take videos and submit to all my social media networks!

How amazing would that be? Pretty impressive in my book.

Are you excited for this new Instagram
feature? Leave us a message.

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